- Chapter 23 -

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——— 2 months later ———

So two months have gone by, nothing much has happened honestly. Expect that Matt and Celia eloped. Yeah none of us expected that.

Oh and Jax got an offer, he's being flown out to Boston to meet up with the team at the Bruins. That's exciting I think? I mean I don't know if he wants it, he didn't seem to happy but it's the only offer he's had so far.

And in his own words, an offer is better then no offer. Which in other words, the offer is shit but it doesn't look like I'm getting another offer.

So, we could be moving to Boston. I'm not disappointed, but I'm not thrilled y'know? Plus who knows he could get another offer. He's not confident, but I am.

I've been meeting up with Celia as much as I can because honestly I don't know how much I'm going to be seeing her now. Especially if we do move hours away. As far as I know Matt hasn't had any serious offers.

I guess it's harder for a Net minder to get signed, Jax is a lot easier to sign since there is always a need for another forward.

"Still nothing?" I ask her, Celia just wants Matt to be happy. Which at the moment he's in the same boat as Jax, just floating around waiting for something to pull them in.

I guess it doesn't work like that though.

"Nope, he's starting to loose hope. When we last talked about it he was starting to mention staying on the team another season." She sighs, she doesn't want to stay here. She wants to move, but I know it's killing her that Matt isn't doing as well as he hoped.

"What about Jax, how's he doing?" I don't want to tell her, I really don't. It just seems unnecessary.

"He got an offer, he doesn't want to take it but he's keeping his options open." His options being that one offer, but like I said who knows there could be another. At this point I'm probably just lying to myself.

"What team?"

"Boston." I respond flatly, trust me I have nothing against the Bruins I really don't but I know Jax was hoping for something else.

"Lucky Jax." Celia scoffs, returning to her coffee.

"He doesn't even fully have it yet though, he's going to a meeting tonight. He's just left to go to the airport."

I feel awful sending Jax to Boston on his own but I needed to see Celia, especially if the offer goes through. I'll probably only see her a few times during the season. Especially if we travel again during the summer.

We'd actually never see each other, plus I can't loose her. Jax means everything to me that's why I'm going with him. Plus I've started looking at jobs there. But Celia is my best friend, I'll miss not seeing her every weekend at games.

Plus who knows how often me and Jax would see each other too, because he'll be travelling all the time. I'd be lying if I said that doesn't worry me.

"I've gotta run, but promise we'll catch up soon?" Celia asks, getting up from the table.

"Promise." I tell her, we hug and she leaves. Depressing I know, but she has a job now and she needs to work. Especially since it's off season and technically neither Matt or Jax are getting paid.

Jax has loads of money from his family we're fine but I do feel bad for Celia. They do have a house together and she's trying to hold it together but I know she's breaking down on the inside.

Although Jax doesn't have an offer yet, he has been looking at listing the house. It does upset me a little, but we can't hold onto it forever.

Jax landed an hour ago, he's been texting me non stop since then. He's anxious I know that but surely it doesn't help.

"I'm really stressing out over here." He tells me, now we're on a FaceTime call. It's not like I have a lot going on right now anyways.

"I know, baby. You have to just be yourself." I'm trying to get ready, to go no where honestly. That's a lie. I'm going to my hairdresser because I need to dye my hair again.

"I wish you were here." He says, I wish I was there too I really do, "I do too, but I wouldn't be able to help you right now."

"Should I just say no? I mean I'll be benched all season, who knows how much ice time I'll get. It just seems like a waste of time."

"Jax, no. They flew you out there for a reason. You need to give them a proper interview at least." I sigh.

"Can we talk about something else? This isn't helping." He complains.

"What do you want to talk about? Wedding planning? Cause that's a shit show too." I tell him, it's going horribly. Mainly because I don't have a fucking clue where I'll be living in a few months time. So I can't set a venue or a date.

I haven't even tried on a dress yet, I've done nothing except come up with a colour scheme.

"What's going wrong now?" He asks, surprisingly he's a lot more interested this time.

"Everything, all the nice venues in this area are booked and all the dress fittings I can actually go to are all booked."

"At this rate we'll end up pulling a Matt and Celia." In other words we're going to get eloped, as pain free and cheap as that is, I've always wanted a nice wedding.

Not like they didn't enjoy themselves because they did, they loved every second of their day.

It's not what I want. Also Jax will not want something quite, especially if he gets into the NHL he'll want something elaborate. Something to post all over Instagram.

I'd be lying if I said that's not exactly why I want a big wedding. I mean it wouldn't even be a big wedding because only one persons family would be there.

Our post about the engagement went over well though, with Jax's family at least. My mom hasn't had the courage to say anything to me. Mainly because she knows I won't change my mind.

"We both know that wouldn't happen." I laugh, I'm trying to make something out of a bad situation, I know eventually we'll settle and find somewhere.

"Yeah it probably won't." He agrees, I can tell he's calming down a little. That's all I want for him. Just to be a little bit more calm going into this.

"I got to go baby, I'll speak to you after your interview?" I ask him, while putting make-up back into its bag and into the drawer.

"Yeah, speak to you later Desi." He hangs up before me and I'm actually late my my appointment which is annoying but whatever.

This is 100% a filler chapter, I had no clue what to write but this will do fine! I promise the next chapter will be more interesting.

-Cami <3

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