- Chapter 27 -

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I'll admit Amber was a little bit petty after we broke up. She's stubborn, not like me and Desi aren't either. But like, she's extra.

I love Amber, I really do. But she can't think someone else is right, she's always right. In this case, Desi's wrong and I was right for leaving. I'm trying to make sense of it, but I just can't. I don't think she ever heard her out, Amber listened to me, but she never let me get into details.

Sure, she's my sister and she's supposed to be on my side. But I was very, very clearly wrong.

Honestly, I don't know how their relationship went down hill like it did. But now, Desi is frantically running around the house making sure everything is clean. It's not like she's my mother.

She's now in our room cleaning? I don't know why, she's not going to inspect our room for a singular speck of dust.

"Desi, you need to calm down. It's Amber, not a health inspector." I grab her waist, pulling her towards me. "Exactly, it's Amber. Trust me if it was Lydia, I would be baking or something." She rolls her eyes at me and tries to walk back over to whatever she was cleaning.

"She's not going to come in here, y'know." I tell her, making sure to not let her go. She looks at me deeply, who knows why. "I don't know, I'm just a little overwhelmed." She sighs, finally giving up.

"What happened between you two, Desi?" I sigh, finally asking her. She doesn't want to answer, I can see it on her face. "She'll be here soon." She responds, turning to look out the window.

I tilt my head to look at her properly, "Please, don't avoid the question."

"Jax. Please, I don't wanna talk about it." She says, looking down in defeat. I try to lift her head up with my fingers but she refuses to make eye contact. "Why? I'm trying to understand here."

"I know, I'm sorry." She rests against my chest for a moment, she wants to try. So badly, I want her too. She needs to let it out every now and then, but she won't. That's just who Desi is. "Don't apologise, Desi." I whisper.

"Can we talk about it, when she leaves? I don't want you to be annoyed at her while she's here, your supposed to enjoy this." She smiles at me, her eyes are pooling. It hurts to see her like that. "Okay."


"Little brother!" Amber squeals, yes my sister who is 25 squeals. Sorry, is that a bad thing to say?

"Hey!" I respond, letting her hug me. Maybe not the way she wants me to, because when she steps back she looks hurt. She looks pissed when she looks to my left, where Desi is standing. "Desirae." She says flatly, not showing her any emotion at all.

Desi does look a bit hurt, but she quickly brushes it off. "Hi, Amber." She says, a lot more politely.

"Where am I staying." Amber smiles at me, similarly to how she did when we were younger. "Follow me. Do you need help with anything?" I ask her, waiting for a response. Knowing her she will.

"Yes! Your an angel thank you." She smiles again, stepping to the slide. Letting me pick her bags up, yes, bags plural. There's 4 and I've got all of them. "Do you need help, baby?" Desi asks me, she did catch me by surprise I wasn't expecting it.

Before I can talk I'm interrupted, "No, no. He doesn't need your help. Plus I wouldn't want you touching up all my stuff." Now she's hurt and so am I.

"Amber? Unnecessary." I scold her, she just rolls her eyes and scoffs. "She's unnecessary." She tells me quietly, making sure Desi didn't hear her.

"Amber, shut up." I tell her, I genuinely don't know why she's acting like this. She was never like this before, "Let's talk, alone." She says, I look over to Desirae. She looks so hurt right now, I knew this wouldn't go well the moment she wouldn't tell me what happened. Clearly it's a lot worse then I thought.

I walk up to Desirae quickly, "I'll be right back baby, I promise." I whisper to her, kissing her softly on her forehead. Before following Amber up the stairs.

I overtake her, making sure she's following me to the right room. Desi would kill me if I took her to ours, not like I would. She'd go in there herself and claim it as her room.

"This is your room." I sigh finally letting all the luggage drop to the floor. What the fuck did she bring, an assault rifle? Probably.

"Hm." She scans the room quickly before turning to face me, "We need to talk about her." She puts on an attitude when she says her.

"What, about Desi?"

"She's not good for you, little brother." She says, walking up to me closely. She puts her hands on my shoulders. "I know what's good for you, it's not her."

"You don't know anything, you really don't."

She looks at me in disgust, "She's a fucking whore! Who goes back to an ex."

"No, no. You don't get to talk about her like that. Do you wanna talk about how many guys you've been with?" I won't stand for this, I couldn't give a shit if she's my sister.

"That's not fair. I've not once got back with an ex."

"You need to grow up, Amber! I'm not your boyfriend, your too attached! Just look at how your touching me." I push her hands off me.

She starts tearing up, a few years ago if she would have looked at me like that I would apologise immediately. But when Desi is downstairs crying, I don't have any shits to give her anymore.

"J, you don't want this." She's crying now, they way she's talking makes me think she's faking it. Like her ass. Sorry.

"I don't give a shit, my fiancee is literally downstairs crying and you expect me to care? I don't." I turn to exit the room but she starts talking again.

She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Your picking her over me?"

"I'd pick her over you any day, I made a mistake picking something over her before. I wont do it again." I'm not facing her, I would mainly to flip her off. But I'm more mature then her.

"I'm going back home." She tells me.

"I'm not fazed, I'm really not. I'm more pissed I carried your shit up here. I'm going back to my fiancee."

"Where have I heard that before, oh yeah. That dirty fucking slut." My blood is fucking boiling, I wanna smack the living shit out of her. I can't do that right? Trust me I want to.

"I never, ever want to see you again. Get the fuck out of my house." I slam the door behind me, there she is. She heard every single word.

"Desirae." I whisper.


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