- Chapter 18 -

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I can't begin to explain how excited I am to be here. It may not be exciting for the others when we get here, because I am not going to any parties. Let me make that point now. I actually refuse.

I doubt anyone would make me, Jax and Celia aren't like that. But if his team wins? There will. be one, the team will want to go out. I won't want to go, especially since you know who is there. And he definitely knows about us, according to Jax he's been getting less ice time.

I haven't noticed, I don't notice that stuff though. I only notice when he does things, y'know. Like assists, goals, checking people. Now the last one is so fun to watch, he gets too pissed when he's concentrating. Quite frankly I am surprised he hasn't fought anyone since he's signed here.

I know Jax has a lot riding on this game, scouts are here. He knows that it's definitely been getting to him. I know he wants to develop, if he preforms well this will definitely be it for him.

I really do want the best for him, his happiness is really important to me. But, if he was to sign somewhere. Like New York or something, would he leave again. Would he want me to stay? Because I don't, I wouldn't want to stay.

Anyways, Jax has been working his ass off recently. Like he's been at the gym and out for runs constantly. As much as I know he wants this, I don't want him to burn out. If he puts too much pressure on himself, like he is. He will, he will burn out.

"Where should we sit?" Celia asks, we haven't booked seats yet. We were definitely going to go, that wasn't even a question. But we thought we'd see the rink first before booking seats, preferably we'd sit near or in front of the glass or at the back so we can stand up.

"Is there any seats at the glass, like behind it."

"Yeah, in block 6. Is that okay?" I nod at her, I'll send her the money for my ticket later.

"So what are we doing today?" Jax and Matt, Celia's boyfriend. Are at training, honestly, I thought they would have done all their training before they flew everyone out here. But I am excited to start our vacation after this is all over.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I'm not sure, I don't know whats around here."

"Me neither, I lowkey wanna dye my hair. Just a thought." I say, I guess it was an impulsive thought. But now I've said it, I really want to.

"I think we should go to a salon then, cause now I want to." She laughs, and starts googling nearby salons. "Here, look at this one."

It's a really pretty salon, and its a 5 star place. I probably will have to but it on my credit card and pay it off later. But whatever, I want nice hair for the vacation.

Luckily, Jax rented us two cars. Originally I didn't know why, but now I understand. 

I actually haven't ever dyed my hair before, so I've had the same dark brown hair forever. I don't know what I want, maybe I'll get a blonde balayage. I don't know, I want to look different.

Celia's hair is dyed, she's blonde. Naturally she's more of a dirty blonde, she's almost platinum right now.

"What are you doing with your hair?" 

"A balayage maybe? I don't know, I'm going to look on Pinterest." I get out my phone, we're not in the car. We're walking towards the salon. Don't worry, I'm not on my phone while driving.

 "What about you? You didn't dye it that long ago." I ask her.

"I might do a fun colour, like a light or soft pink. I've wanted to do something like that for a while." She says, honestly, if you ask me I think it would really suit her. It matches her personality quite well, so I'm surprised she hasn't done something similar before.

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