- Chapter 13 -

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Last night? As much as I hated the beginning of it the end of it was everything I've ever wanted. I love Jax so much. I wouldn't have imagined him sticking up for me like that, especially in front of my mother.

Waking up next to him after expressing that I love him again, well not again. I've always loved him. Honestly feels so right, I feel safe. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him, he's obviously not sleeping he's clearly only just waking up though.

He returns the favour and wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck, "Morning." I say, giggling slightly.

"Morning, Desi." His morning voice, oh my, kill me now. "We've got to get up, it's 12."

"No, five more minutes." 

"Okay." I smile to myself and let him have an extra 10 minutes.


Jax has his last away game before off-season, I always liked off-season. We used to go on vacation somewhere warm, like one year we went to Hawaii. It was beautiful I'd die to go back there.

But I really want to go to the Maldives or Bora Bora. But that's besides the point. I can't go with him today, I'd like too. I like watching hockey but I have skating today. Trust me he didn't like it either.

He's honestly like a child at time, I swear. Like the other day, I refused to go shopping with him. I had two reasons, 1; he was going to buy me stupid shit I didn't need and 2; I didn't want to.

I'm reasonable at times but when he wants to spend 100's of dollars on me after buying me an expensive ass bracelet, no thank you.

"I'm going now. Are you sure you can't come, the ride there is going to be so boring." I roll my eyes at him, "You have friends on the team, you can talk to them." 

"There not you, they are boring." He scoffs and I just laugh at him, "I doubt everyone on the team is boring. Anyways, you know I have stuff to do today."

"Whatever, see you later." He kisses me and leaves, I did wish he wouldn't leave and just stay with me all day. But it's just unrealistic.

I mean, if and when he gets into the NHL I'll probably never see him, and that kills me. But I know he has high expectations of himself and that's what he wants to do and I'll support him. But I couldn't deal with it if he was to leave again.

I've also nearly saved up for a car, I am actually so excited to have my own car again, I love having long drives with Jax whenever we can but having your own car is something else.

So as I don't have a car, I've ordered an uber. I didn't want to but since I don't know anyone around here it was my last resort. 


I'm close to the rink now and honestly, I'm dreading it. I have major leg pain, you know why. Plus, doing large jumps on new skates that I'm still not solid on is, awkward.

When I arrived I was hesitant to go to inside, but Elle is waiting for me.

"Is that you, Desirae?" Elle shouts, I'm not late I am on time but she is already on the ice.

"Yes, I didn't know you would be here already." I put my stuff down on a near by bench and change into my skates. "You're late."

"I am? I thought I was on time." I honestly did think I was on time.

"No, I emailed you. Do you not check your emails?"

"No, I haven't in a while." I haven't I'm locked out of my email, why? I left it at the apartment, I haven't got it back nor am I asking for it.

"Whatever, come on we need to start."

"Okay, let me put my stuff in a locker." I walk over to the locker rooms and lock my stuff away.

When I got on the ice, I actually didn't slip. That honestly fills me with confidence mainly because my legs are aching so bad and I need to take my mind off it.

"Let's start, I've worked out a fresh routine. Which is similar in ways to the other one but also has its differences." I nod at her, I'm happy she actually took my ideas into consideration. She had chosen a good song too so I'll enjoy this. Hopefully.


I have never wanted a massage so bad, not only are my legs hurting even more then they were before. My back is killing me, I couldn't land a specific jump every time. And I kept landing on the same place, the lowest part of my back. It's so painful so I'll probably end up watching the game in bed.

I might order food, I can't be bothered to cook now. I want pizza too, so i'll definitely order in.

It's currently 5:27, the game starts at 5:45, so I have a little while. I ordered a large pizza and a soda. That'll do me and I'll have leftovers for breakfast.

Having pizza for breakfast may sound gross for some of you, but I've been living on a collage students budget for 2 years so it's perfectly normal for me now.

Once it turned 5:43 I turned on the tv, I put it on the channel the game is on. It's only showing the start of the game. Y'know the players being announced and the national anthem etc.

I hate not being there, I love being at hockey. It makes me really happy, I love the atmosphere, the rink, the fans everything. I love going no matter what team I'm supporting, but it has to have him on it. 

Once the game started, I noticed that Jax is on the starting line and stuck to the first line all night. Which is odd especially since no one is out with injuries and he is normally on the second line.

Maybe they finally noticed him and recognised he deserves to be on the first line.

I'm just a big fan girl, honestly if I was 13 again and someone told me this is where I would have been I would have never believed you. I would have actually squealed if you told me I was dating who I'm dating.

I've told Jax this before and he just finds it funny, but it's true a lot of girls at that age around where we lived wanted this exact thing and I got it.

And I couldn't be happier. 

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