- Chapter 20 -

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"Jax, what is that." I ask him again, no way he's getting away with his.

He looks pissed, like really pissed. "I was told to keep it a secret. I don't know if I can tell you."

"Jax, tell me." I demand, stepping back from him. As much as he doesn't want me too I do, I'm not going back to him until he tells me.

He pulls out a small box out of his pocket and opens it. "Matt told me to hide it. He wants to propose to Celia."

"Are you kidding!" I actually jump out of excitement. "She's going to be so happy."

"Do you think she'll like it?"

"She'll definitely like the ring for sure, it's so pretty." I hold the box in my hands admiring it, the ring is stunning. "When are where's he doing it." I ask him, taking my eyes off the ring for a minute.

"I don't know, he wants it to be in the moment. Which is why I'm hiding it." 

Obviously, I don't know a lot about Matt. But I know that Celia, is heads over heels for him.

"Don't let Matt know I told you, he'll kill me." He laughs, taking the box back and putting it on the dresser behind me.

"I like your hair, it different." He bring me in for a hug and he presses his lips to my forehead.

"Thank you, baby." I smile and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck.


Now we're at the game, I don't know where Celia is. She said she'd be here by now, which is worrying since I can't actually get in if she's not here.

"When was she supposed to get here?"

"Literally 15 minutes ago."

Guess who's shown up, Matt. Celia? Nope.

"Matt, where's Celia! I can't get in without her, she's got my ticket." I ask him desperately.

He looks at me, "She's sick, did she not tell you?" I shake my head at him, now I'm stressing out.

"You two go in, I'll call her." I tell them and get my phone out.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't want to leave you out here alone." Jax says.

"Don't you have to go anyway?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, "No, not for another 5 minutes."

I smile at him, "Okay, thank you."

I find Celia on my contact list and start calling her, it goes straight to voicemail. Jax looks at me, almost to ask if I heard anything from her. So I shake my head and run my hand through my hair.

"Here, come with me. I'll see what I can do." He takes my hand in his and we start walking towards the doors of the arena.

He opens the door for me and let's me walk ahead of him, before returning to my side almost immediately. He's quite possessive, especially around other hockey players.

Since he has his hockey bag on his shoulder they let him straight through, the arena staff were hesitant to let me through. But they let me through, somehow.

"See we're fine." 

"But what happens now? I can't sit in my seat."

"Come to the bench, I'm sure they'll let you stay there." He offers, I'm skeptical to agree honestly. Because why would they let me sit there, it's not like I have anything to do with the team. The only thing I have to do with the team is that i'm at the rink when they want to train.

"Are you sure? Will they even let me stay there."

"Your not disruptive, they have no reason not to. Plus your a fan of the team, look at you."

I may have a jersey, not by choice. I mean I could've refused the gift sure but when your hockey boyfriend gets you a jersey with his name and number on it. It's kinda hard to say no.

Or should I say, my number.

"I'm a fan of you." He smirks at my response and bring me over to the bench.

"Wait here, I'm going to talk to my coach." I nod at him and he disappears into the tunnel.

I pull my phone out while I'm waiting to scroll on Instagram, to actually check on Celia originally but then I got distracted.

Her post immediately catches my attention though, she's very clearly sick right now. I can tell in her face. But she is sat in bed with that massive rock on her hand that I saw literally earlier today.

When he said Matt would do it in the moment he definitely meant it.

When I think about Celia and Matt, it does make me think about me and Jax. 

I'd love to marry him again, I really would. If he proposed to me would I say yes? Probably.

"Desi, come here." I'm rudely interrupted from my train of thought when Jax comes back out the tunnel with his coach. He opens the gate on the side for me to come into the area where the bench is.

"You can sit here, but he has some rules." Jax says, while rolling his eyes.

"Okay, since we know you. You can sit here, I do have some guidelines though." I nod at the coach before he continues, "I need you to not distract the players, especially Jax. I also need you to not start drama amongst the players." 

"I know you can, because there has been a clear rift between Jax and the captain. I can't have this, especially if Jax is looking at another season with us."

I know he isn't, Jax doesn't want to stay here. I know how badly he wants to move. preferably for an NHL team. This is why this game is so important to him.

"No worries." I tell him, smiling at Jax quickly before looking back his coach.

"Alright, go get changed Hardy." His coach pats his back and he kisses my forehead before heading back towards the dressing rooms.

"Sit wherever, they will be coming out soon to warm up anyways." I nod at him, and sit on the bench. In the right spot so I can see the ice and can watch whatever is going on. Which right now is nothing.


The game is going so well, Matt is making some unreal saves. If the scouts aren't impressed I'll be confused. If he gets a shutout, which is looking likely they must be impressed. Especially because the other team aren't playing terribly.

Then there's Jax, he's on the way to a hat-trick. One goal away, he's really happy and proud of himself. So he should be, multiple times on the way here he's said if he can do an impressive trick and score then he'll be a scout favourite for sure.

If I had to pick on impressive one, I'd say the Michigan now that, is an impressive goal.

"I need some motivation right now." He says, he's absolutely exhausted. I know that.

"Score for me." I say, giving him a kiss before he needs to take his shift.

"Each goal was for you Desi, every single one." 


3 chapters today, wow.

I've been slacking on updates recently so I owed you all a few more chapters.

Hope these are okay! I want to update 1 more time today, if not I want to start writing it today.

Again I'm sorry they aren't long chapters! I want to write long chapters but I loose motivation real quick. Plus I can get all my thoughts into a chapter if they are shorter.

Which keeps it interesting for me and hopefully interesting for you too!

-Cami <3

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