- Chapter 22 -

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Now he must have been fucking reading my mind the other day, when I said I'd say yes to marrying him again. I'll admit, it's sudden. 6 months isn't a long relationship, never mind long enough to get married.


I look at the ring he has in his hands, it's stunning. It really is, and in this moment it's too perfect. This is soon, it really is. But like he said, I'm his person and he is mine.

"Yes, I will marry you Jax." I help him back up to his feet and hug him, I'm trying to not knock us over. Hugging on ice isn't fun, especially when one of us end up on our asses.

He's happy, so am I. He's literally giving me the biggest smile ever. He slides the ring on my finger, this time, everything feels right. I'm not second guessing everything. I'm not taking a minute to think or even regretting it.

"I love you, baby." I telling him, resting my head in the crook of his neck. I could stay here forever, happily. "I love you too, Desi."

We stay like that for a few minutes, I want to feel safe and I do. In the place I feel happiest.

"Come on, let's get off the ice. Unless you want to stay here longer." He offers.

"Can we stay? I want to just soak all this in for a while." I tell him, I skate around him after he lets me go.

Then I skate away from him, and he skates toward me. Every time he gets close I move away again.

"Hey, you were complaining about me being fast."

"Hm? I'm not fast, your just being slow now." I tell him, resting my back on the glass on the side of the rink.

He skates over to me and stands in front of me, putting his hands on either side of me. "You can't go anywhere now." He says.

"Is that a threat?" I ask him, jokingly.

"Hm, no."

"Watch me." I try to skate away, but he actually blocks me.

He laughs at my attempt to move, still not moving his hands, "That's cute."


"Yeah." He says, literally trying not to burst out with laughter. Again. He kisses me, he moves his hand to hold my chin. Normally I'd skate away now he's moved but I'm happy right now, I don't want to ruin this.


So, did we go out last night, to meet Celia and Matt. Nope.

We'll have to explain that to them later, but I don't want to think about other people right now. That sounds bad, but I love Jax. I love this, although we haven't been at our best lately. I really couldn't be happier to be with him right now.

"Sorry Desi, did I wake you up?" Jax asks me, he just came out of the shower. He looks so good with wet hair, I'm not going to lie.

"No you're fine." I smile at him, I was on Instagram. Celia posted some cute photos of her and Matt last night.

As much as I'd like some nice photos to post to announce my engagement, I don't want my family to find out right now. That has nothing to do with Jax, because I have no second thoughts about this. It's perfect, it really is. It's them, they will non-stop email me so I won't hear anything important for months.

That's why I've been contemplating starting a new instagram, mainly so I can post about my life without my family commenting on everything I do.

"You okay? Your thinking really deeply there." He says, looking at me through the reflection of the mirror.

"No, I'm okay. Honestly."

"Are you having second thoughts?" He asks, he has a look of hurt across his face. I hate that he feels that way. I don't want him thinking like that.

"Baby, no. Absolutely not." I tell him, trying to reassure him.

He breathes deeply, before looking back at me.

"It's just I'm worried about my family. I already know what they're going to say." I run my hand through my hair and rest my head on the back of the bed.

"Hey, it'll be okay. Honestly, you really shouldn't care about what they think. They clearly don't have your best interests in mind."

I smile at him, "It still hurts, y'know? They are supposed to support me, like what happens when we get married? Do they just not show up."

"Desi, don't get yourself upset please. It's really not worth it." He says, he's now sat in front of me. He's resting his hand on top of mine.

I breathe in and out slowly, trying to calm myself down. "There you go." He smiles at me, trying to reassure me. It does work, I do feel a lot more calm.

"Don't work yourself up over it, I love you. I promise I'll try my best so one day they will believe that."

"Okay, I love you too." I lean over and kiss him. He then stands up to finish getting ready.

I do actually need to start getting ready too.


The award ceremonies are always so well done, they always pick the nicest venues.

I do have high hopes for Jax to win something tonight, so does he. He may not be players choice since they normally pick someone who has been at the team since the beginning of the season. Which sucks but he knows that going into it.

So why am I here? Well the players were allowed to bring a plus one, I don't know why it's not like it's a wedding or something.

I'm only here to support Jax and chat shit with Celia. Which at this point is clearly my favourite pass time. Also I know for a fact when we get back to the room tonight we won't be having a nice romantic evening instead we'll be up till late chatting shit about who won what.

Makes us seem a lot less boring then we are, huh?

"We'll have a good time!" I smile at him, mainly because I'm trying to tell myself that. I don't want be be in a room in a posh hotel filled with drunk men for 3 hours yet here we are.

Honestly Jax may play for this team but I don't think he wants to either. He's really tired and he wants this season to be over so badly. Stuff like this doesn't help.

At least we get to pick where we sit, I'd hate it if we got stuck next to some random player and his wife or something that wouldn't even flash a smile our way let alone try to start a conversation. Which is rich coming from me because I probably wouldn't either.

"Yeah, whatever I just want to get this over with. I want to go to Hawaii now." I roll my eyes at him.

"Trust me I do too, but this is your work event and you do need to be there." He returns the favour and rolls his eyes at me, he is still like a 5 year old even after dating me for 6 months.

I cant wait to go to Hawaii, I really can't wait. I want to get away from mainland America for a while. Hopefully Jax will get an offer or something sometime soon.

He's been checking his emails all week, it doesn't matter how many times I've told him that it won't happen straight away he's adamant on checking every morning. Like I said 5 year old.

"Come on, let's fine Matt and Celia." I say and drag him inside.

Let's hope and pray that we have a somewhat fun night, who knows someone might announce something important for once.

And no, it won't be us.



Another chapter today/tonight. I've written quite a lot today. Quite frankly I don't know if I'm done yet.

I want to skip a lil bit of time, mainly to keep it interesting y'know.

They can be lovey-dovey for a while but we all know I'm not having that last forever.

Love you <3


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