- Chapter 11 -

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Dating Jax is weird, like not bad weird. Just odd. Like I've travelled back in time, not that I wouldn't in a heartbeat. I'd love to experience that again. Going to hockey games as his girlfriend is weird too, I'm meeting players again but differently. I knew a lot of them before but it's different now. We've been hesitant to tell Carter, well, I have anyways.

Jax doesn't care about what he thinks, I do. I don't care about his opinions about our relationship, but it does back-up Ophelia's claim about me being 'easy'. It still pisses me off, we haven't been friends for nearly two months.

I'm getting off point, I forgot to mention that we have been together for a month now. Which is where I'm stuck, do I get him something or do I not? I feel like it would be awkward if I didn't and he got me something, but when we dated before we never got anniversary presents. Except for like a year, is that different? I don't know.

Like what do I even get a man? Money? No he has plenty. Clothes? Absolutely not, I'd fuck up somewhere. So..? What the hell do I get him. Do I write him a long-ass soppy card? I don't even know, that would be a last resort but it's sounding real good right now.

I'm definitely getting the soppy-ass card, will I fell bad if he's actually gotten me anything? Yes, 100%. However, the chances of that happening are slim, if not non existant. Sorry Jax, I love you really.


"Baby! Can you come here."

"Coming." I bet I look really flattering right now, y'know wet hair, half dressed. Stuff like that. "You okay?" I ask him, he knew I was getting ready, why would he need me now. 

"I'm fine, just sit." Demanding much? "Okay, here?" I look up at him and he nods.

"I wanted to give you this, y'know for the anniversary." He hands me a small box, and yes it does look like a ring box. "You got me something?"

"Yes? Did you not think I would." He asks, one eyebrow slightly raised in confusion. "I didn't, sorry that sounds rude. We just didn't do anything like this before." I tried to reassure him, did it work? Probably not.

"Open it then." He laughs, really encouraging me to open it. He's literally giving me anxiety now. "I am, I am!" I laugh with him and open it slowly.

When I open it, I'm not greeted with what I was expecting. Which honestly, gives me a sense of relief. If he had given me a fucking ring I would have had to go for a walk. Instead an absolutely beautiful bracelet is in the box. It's stunning, I would have never been able to buy something like this for myself, I'm dreading the price of it though.

"Jax, oh my God." I actually am screaming inside, "You did not have to!"

He doesn't respond and just smiles, "Seriously, how much did this cost you!" 

"I won't tell you. Here, let me help you put it on." He holds out his hand for me to give him the box and my wrist. I do, he carefully takes it out of the box and wraps it around my wrist.

"It's so pretty." I smile at my wrist and then look up at him, still smiling. "I'm happy you like it." He says, smiling back at me. His hand has left my wrist and is now holding onto my hand. I move up closer to him and snuggle into him. 


My parents are visiting this week, as much as I don't want them to this is where we are. I was contemplating not bringing Jax with me, but I really need emotional support right now. "It's going to be fine."

"Is it? I'm stressing out a little." I am really not looking forward to this, luckily I haven't told them where I live or who I live with. So their hotel is an hour away from our house. Should I even call it our house? It's not really mine. I just live there.

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