- Chapter 40 -

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It was torture yesterday, they couldn't bring him up here yesterday. We didn't get to go home until the early hours of this morning. It's now eleven and we're supposed to be at the police station in half an hour. Carter is already there, they want to go over everything before we get there.

I'm not ready to this today, I've been told that I need to talk to him. Alone, without Jax there. That idea sounds so perfect, I'm so, so excited to do that.

"I don't want to do this, not without you." I tell him, he turns around to face me and frowns slightly, "I know, I'm dreading seeing him. Especially now. It was fine before, but now it's bad, really bad."

That puts it lightly.

I get up from the chair and walk over to him, standing up in front of him. "We'll be okay." That however is the only thing I'm saying to myself. "I know we will, love." He says, caressing my cheek with his hand.

"Come on, we need to go." I pull him to his feet, easier said then done. He just stood up on his own. "I'll be there if you need me, always."

"I know." I smile slightly, I wouldn't say I've smiled at all since he told me yesterday. "I've missed that." 

"Me too."


"Follow me this way." It's the same officer from yesterday, the one that pulled me to the side. Except today he seems more pissed, I can't tell who he's pissed with though, either me, Jax, Carter. Or I'm overthinking this and he's just tired.

I don't respond to him like I did yesterday, I just follow him, reluctantly. Obviously I don't want to do this anymore then the next person would. But he's angry, like really angry. Especially since he got his ass beat by my husband who he's so keen to get rid of.

"Just in here, keep it simple. He's not in a good mood today." I nod before I push the door open, revealing Carter in a prison uniform. I like that sight a lot more then I thought I would. His face is scarring from the fight.

"I've been waiting for you." His voice makes me cringe, and honestly a little bit sick. "Why? Why'd you do it, what was to gain from this?"

"A few things, gorgeous." Gross, gross, gross. "Let's start at the beginning, shall we?" He lets out a slight sigh, almost of relief. "When we met, you were practising, weren't you? I guess that's not hard to believe, huh. When he left you had nothing, that's all you had. But you gave it up? Why." 

"You do not get to ask me questions. Not today, that has nothing to do with you."

"It's a pity, about your baby. Such a shame, such a shame." I'm going to fucking murder him, "How the fuck did you know. How fucking crazy do you have to be? That's my child, you're talking about."

"I have to say, your mother is a lovely friend of mine. I've been watching you for one and a half years. You've never known, funny that, isn't it?" He laughs as he ends that sentence, "There's two in your house, one in the living room and one in your room, which you didn't know until yesterday. So I'm aware, at least."

"You're sick."

"No? Not at all, I'm in love with you."

"You fucking liar!" I shout.

"You don't love him, not anymore. You may have once, not now. I've seen everything, you never seem to check the handles on your skate bag. Why don't you skate anymore, same reason?" My breath hitches in my throat, "Seems like the dream come true, huh? Baby daddy is back and you have another baby on the way."

"Don't be crazy, I am not pregnant."

"Seems like it. You're extra cautious, around everything, skating, him, me."

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