- Chapter 2 -

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"I am never going to another party again." Ophelia groans, I laugh at her as the Mamma Mia sound track blasts through our apartment. "I believe you." I dont.

"Why did I go to the bar, I could have stayed with you." 

"I wish I knew Lia, although would you want to hang out in a random bedroom on your phone all night with me?" she turns her head toward me, "I wouldn't be hung over if I did." She thinks for a moment, "Why were you in a bedroom all night?"

I ponder for a moment, I want to tell her about who I saw but it's not worth getting her concerned over it. "I was called and it was warmer upstairs." 

"That makes sense." She closes her eyes and tries to sleep but covers her ears with her pillow.

She sit up when she realises that the music isn't turning off, "Lets go out, like shopping or something. I swear not to a party." I grab her hand and drag her off her bed. A distraction will be nice right now, Jax is the last person I want to see or think about.


When Ophelia gets out the car she wobbled like she is that hungover, "Don't laugh at me! I just want to spend money." Please me too.

I head straight to Sephora, "I need concealer and eyeliner." 

I in fact did not just get concealer and eyeliner, I spent $100 in Sephora. I may as well start a new make-up routine now. "Why are we here Lia?" Ophelia sighs and looks at me, "What happened at the party Des? I could tell you were lying."

"Jax was there, I think he's moved back here." I mumble. If Carter finds out it'll be endless teasing. "Like move down south for hockey Jax?" I nod. She face immediately drops faster then I've ever seen it before.

"I'm sorry Des, I didn't know they were there. Honest." 

"There was no way for you to know, they had no reason to be at a university frat party." I smile.

"Okay." She smiles slightly and nods.

Then I spent $500 on clothes.


"Go again." I skate back into my starting position, and start my routine again.

And again for at least the 10th time today, I didn't land it. I need a miracle at this point, there is no way this routine will be done by the competition.

"How are you going to compete if you cannot complete the ending move." Elle yells. Startling me and the other skaters in the rink.

"I can't do it, I keep trying and I can't." I say rubbing my thigh since i hurt it when I landed.

"One last time, If you don't land it. Your out." 

"What?" I pause, "You can't just drop me?" 

"I can and I will."

So I go again, the song starts and I start my routine. All the spins all the jumps leads up to the double axel. That I now have to land.

That's when I see him, Jax stood at the glass watching my every move. Then suddenly I feel angry, and I get an adrenaline boost. The one I needed. 

I landed it.

"Well done, Desirae." Elle says, not very happy. But glad I landed it.

So am I.


"What are you doing here?" Jax is stood in front of me in the queue at the cafe. If I'm honest I did think I'd never see him again. But here he is in front of me.

"Can we talk, outside?"

"No?" I scoff, "You left why should I hear you out?"

"Desi, I'm not asking you to hear me out, I want to talk."

"Still no, not happing."

"I play here now, I've moved back. I'm not going anywhere this time." 

"Good for you Jax, I'm glad you've found your home." Then I walk away.


He's everywhere. Everywhere I go. First the frat party, then the rink. And now? The movies! The same movie theatre at the same time. The same movie too! The last thing I want to do is sit in a not so big space near him for 3 hours!

All I wanted to do was watch Avatar 2 with my best friend and not run into my ex. Maybe I'm not glad Jax has found his new home. Or should I say returned.

The only takeaway from today was that Avatar was good, and I was uncomfortable the whole time. I mean I'll happily watch it again. Without him there.

Now I'm being begged by Ophelia and her friend Bella to go to a hockey game, I haven't been to one since Jax left. I don't know if I want to go. I think it would be fun but I'd have to sit far enough away so he wouldn't notice, and it's not like he plays for a NHL team so the arenas aren't huge.

So the likeliness he would either see me or Ophelia is high. I don't want it to seem like I'm following him, I swear I'm not.

"Please Desirae, we can celebrate your competition thats coming up while we're there!" Bella begs. "By what, getting me a shout-out on Twitter?" 

"Yes!" Bella clearly has no clue. "I think it's a great idea, Des!" Lia agrees.

They are both stupid, is that rude? I don't know.

"Fine, no shout-out though." They look at each other and start hugging each other for being successful. Now this, I will definitely regret later.


Getting to the rink it difficult, I forgot how difficult it is to park for free. We are broke university students, especially after my expensive shopping spree.

"Is that a spot?" Bella points out from the back. "No, it's private property." 

Bella shrugs, "Oh well, who cares. They are probably at the game anyways."

I scoff along with my other friends who are sat beside Bella in the back of the car.

"Good enough for me." Lia laughs and parks in the spot.

"We cannot stay here, what if you get fined." She ignores me question and gets out the car, signalling for me to do the same.

"If you get fined your paying for it by yourself." She ignores me again and walks next to Bella.


When we get to the rink we queue up outside the arena, I hope I don't run into anyone familiar. I'm expecting Jax's family to be here since it's his first game. I didn't google it! Carter was talking about it!

"I'm hungry can this queue hurry up!" Ophelia complains. "It'll move in 10 minutes, the doors haven't even opened yet."

And now we wait, I really am dreading this. I do not want to be here right now.  

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