- Chapter 14 -

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Jax didn't manage to get home last night, I hate it when that happens. He's nearly home now though, he just had to pick up the car from the arena.

The team had to stay at a hotel because they would have been driving for at least 7 hours last night, especially when they have a game tonight they couldn't necessarily afford for all their players to be tired from the night before.

I am going to the game today, but I just want to spend time with Jax first. I have no clue what we're doing, we aren't going skating and I have yet to lecture him about my legs. 

I'm going to be happy to see him but my legs definitely aren't.



Once I hear him come shut the door behind me in drop everything, everything being the tv remote.

"Hi, baby!" I run up to him and hug him, "I missed you so much."

"It was one day." He's resting his chin on my head, feeling safe is an understatement. "Too long."

"I love you." He kisses my head and stepped back, even though he had to claw me off him. "I love you too." I smile at him.

"Come on, let's not stay in the doorway all day." I try to take one of his bags, but honestly. It's like he carries weights around for a living. "Fuck me, what do you have in here."

"The usual stuff, I guess?"

"It weighs a ton." I complain, who thought hockey gear was so fucking heavy.

"It's not that heavy, here." He picks it up on his own, easily. Makes me look weak as shit.

"Fucking bullshit. Why is it so light for you." He ignores the question, laughs at me and takes it upstairs. 

I followed him, he has to sort out this gear for tonight anyways so I thought I'd join him to keep him company. Like I'm not that entertaining but I don't want to be lonely downstairs while my boyfriend is literally upstairs.

"Are you hanging out with me?" He asks, "Yeah, I don't want to be downstairs on my own." I sit down on the end of our bed while he's sat on the floor sorting out his stuff.

"I bet this is so entertaining for you to watch." He says, very sarcastically. Little does he know how much I love it, just because he's doing it. "No, I'm enjoying myself." I smile.

"Okay." He smiles back at me, he clearly doesn't believe me.

"Honestly, I just love spending time with you." I say, to rest his suspicions. He takes it and carries on what he's doing.


"So, you wont be sitting where you usually sit today." 

"What do you mean?" I literally always sit in the same place, I like sitting there. "I asked that you got a seat in the family/close friends block."

"Oh really? Thank you." I am grateful, honest. It's just a change.

The block where the players family sit in is a really nice block in a nice section, they clearly get a good view and I will admit at times I do get jealous about where the block is. So am I happy, yes I am. But, sitting with the players, wives, girlfriends and families will be strange. Especially because it seems like they all know each other closely.

It feels like I'm walking into middle school again for the first time. The block isn't that full normally, so hopefully I'll be able to sit on my own in a corner and enjoy watching my boyfriend happily. 

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