- Epilogue -

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- 4 years later -

"You're still too fast." 

"Stop complaining and catch up!" I shout across the ice, looking over to where she's stood. She has her hands on her hips, pulling a face. "It's not fair, you skate for a living." 

"So do you!"

"Jax, this is not fair. You won the all-stars for being a fast skater, I pretty much dance on the ice. Plus I'm still teaching Lucille to skate."

"Desi, she skates faster then you." Lucille is stood next to me now, clinging onto my leg. "I'm carrying another person y'know?" She complains again.

"We'll stand still and you can come over." We definitely aren't me and Lucille are moving as soon as she gets to centre ice.

We live in New York now, we're probably going to live here for a while. Especially since I literally bought a rink here, I really bought it for Desirae to teach Lucille to skate. She uses it to practice skating now, which she can't really do now. 

I do feel bad for her at times, she did make a career out of skating. However, she did ask for another baby. I just gave it to her, why would I say no?

"Ready? Go!" I whisper to Lucille and we start skating around the left side of the ice. "Are you kidding? Why don't we do a competition on spinning, let's see who will win then." Now she's got my attention more, I skate over to centre ice to her.

"Don't even think about it. I need to keep you safe, not get you injured."

"That's what I thought." She smiles at me then looks at Lucille who has now joined us. "Hey, Lucy. Now can you stick up for mommy?" Lucy shakes her head at her and I literally starting bursting out with laughter.

"God, I hope your brother sticks up for me." 

"Will he be like daddy?" She tilts her head and crouches down to face her, "What do you mean, baby?"

"Will he play hockey, like daddy does? Like I want to do what you do!" Desirae's face softens immediately, "I hope so." She looks up and smiles at me quickly before turning back to Lucy and hugs her tightly.


I love game day, especially knowing they're watching. They always show them in the box when it's a home game. They look so perfect, sitting there. The fans love it too, I'm definitely a fan favourite now. I may not have been last season or the season before, but I am now.

Me and Jason. We do play together still, we had one season apart but we both got the offer to come here so we took it.

He isn't with Vera anymore, he was upset about it for a while but he moved on. He got married last year, Adora is good for him. Desi could comment on it better then me she's closer to her.

We're in the last period now and we're winning, I haven't scored yet. I definitely plan on doing it though.

I look over to the box they're sat in, I can't see them from here. I know they're there though and that fills me with confidence. They give me motivation.

"Do you want to score?"


"I'll set you up, okay? I'll let you rocket it in." Jason says, resting his hand on my shoulder shaking it slightly. "Thanks, Jason."

I just hope this works, I want to do this for her. 

"One more shift and you're on, make it work." I plan on it.

Sitting and waiting for the shift is nerve-wracking, I haven't ever liked it. But knowing I have to score because I promised Lucy I'd score for her is killing me.

"Go, go, go!" I jump over the barrier and head straight to centre ice where no one is, so I can get an open space for Jason to pass to. I'll be pissed if I get an offside call now.

Jason has a guy up on the boards, I want to get involved in it but it's better to keep my distance. If anyone gets it I'm hoping they'll pass to me, it's an easy goal.

Then the puck is loose and Jason knocks it down to me, I'm not offside and I race down the ice towards the goal, the net minder is expecting me to go low. To be fair, I usually do, so I'll go top shelf. 

Easy goal.

My line skate over to me immediately and we gather before going back to the bench. 

I can't wait to meet up with them after the game. I scored because Lucy asked me too but I scored because I know Desi would want me to and that is all I need.


Desi went into labor the minute I got out the shower. It's early but not too early for there to be any issues. I did drive her here, I did rush getting out. Normally I'll take a minute to take pictures or sign stuff. But this is too important, I'm glad I get to be here again, I got really lucky.

"Can I squeeze your hand again, like I did last time." She did nearly break my hand last time, but I get it she's in pain. "Yes." I smile at her and she tries to smile back but she cant.

"You're okay, Desi." 

"No, I'm not. Fucking hell, why did I ask to do this again." I laugh at her and rest my forehead on our hands. "I don't know, Desirae."

"I love Lucy, but I definitely do not love this part." She smiles at me and lays flat on her back, "a nurse will be coming for you soon." One of the receptionists tell us as she walks past. Desi tries to smile at her but she can't. I mean she can but it's half-assed.

"I need something to kill the pain, please can someone bring me a big needle with the magic stuff in it."

"Magic stuff?" She rolls her eyes at me. "You know what I mean, asshole." 

"What are we naming the baby, we literally never talked about it." She says, she's trying to take her mind off it. I'll happily help her. "I thought you was going to name him, I named Lucy." I tell her, laughing as I say it and she pulls a face.

"I know I said that, but I really can't think."

"Hm, are we going with an L theme are can I drop that." She nods and squeezes my hand again, "Kai?"

"I like Kai." She smiles and turns her had to the side to face me, "I love you, Jax." She says softly, she's tired and wants to sleep or try to so I let her. 

"I love you too, Desirae."

I'm glad we're happy, we have everything we'll never need and this is everything I've ever wanted.

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