- Chapter 8 -

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Living at my ex's house is weird, wether we're friends or not. It's still odd. It reminds you of what you were but at a distance. Almost as if there's always an invisible wall between us and neither of us can get around it. That's awful, I'll stop.

Anyways, I have class today. It's weird being here without stopping off at the apartment to get a snack every hour or so. I'm begging I don't run into Ophelia or Bella. She's been spamming my Instagram dm's ever since I left the apartment. I don't know why though, it's not her business.

I'm behind on a lot of my course work, I've missed a week and a half of school. I'll be surprised if I don't fail at the end of the semester. "Here you go, professor. I'm sorry about the extension requests. I just have a lot going on right now." I hand my course work to my Professor who emailed me yesterday about my lack of attention towards work. If only they knew.

"Don't worry about it, as long as you come to lessons more often." He puts my work on his desk and excuses me. I have to stay for a little while longer since Jax hasn't finished training yet. I can't get a car yet and his house isn't exactly in walking distance.

"One latte please?" I decided to go to the snack bar at my University, it's more of a cafe actually. Once I get my coffee I decide to look at something that could help me advance my course work. I do need it. I need motivation to do more and not lay in bed all day. Not to mention how comfortable my bed is at Jax's house.

But other then course work, I desperately want to go to Ikea. I want to get some decorations for my room. Like plants and paintings, y'know cute things. 

My phone starts ringing and I pick it up to look at who's ringing me, it's Jax. "Hey, you nearly done?" He asks.

"Yeah, I finished 10 minutes ago. I'm just in the cafe." I turn off my laptop and close it. "I'm nearly there so do you want to wait out front?"

"I'll start walking over." I respond and start packing my stuff away. "Okay, see you in a minute."

"See you soon." I return the coffee cup to the snack bar and start to walk to the front entrance.


"Can you come to the game, please!" Jax begs me, we've been going back and forth on this literally all day. "Why though." I say again, why is it so important.

"I want to hang out after without having to drive home after, it just seems so pointless."

"Y'know what? Fine, don't complain when you have to make dinner." He smiles at my response and immediately goes on his phone to buy me a ticket.

Most people would hate these conversations, normally I do to honestly. But I find it so entertaining doing this with him, it just reminds me of how we used to be. Before it was tucked away.

"Your sitting in block 8, right in the middle so I know where you are."

"That sounds wrong, like are you a stalker or something?" I snicker at him and he laughs too. "I should go get ready, huh? I can't go in my pyjamas." I stand up to go get ready. "I think you look fine." He is obviously joking, he's literally holding back laughter.

"Okay, whatever you think." Giving him a queue to laugh, which he happily accepts. "Okay, go." He points to the stairs and I happily go up stairs to get ready. Living here is so much more fun then it should be.

I go straight to my en-suite bathroom to shower, I get a towel out of my dresser and lay out my clean clothes on my bed. I think that's a decent outfit anyways, I'm not bothered about how I look. I just want to be warm.

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