- Chapter 21 -

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Every one was for you. That was the last thing Jax has said to me since then. The game is about to finish and honestly, that's all I can think about. He has 5 minutes to score again, he wants to. I really want him to.

I'll admit he's had some really good chances, like he had a breakaway but he went wide. He was pissed he missed but he remembered he doesn't have the time to throw a fit. Plus I don't think it would look very good.

I've noticed a few times when he's sitting on the bench he's wanted to say something to me but stops himself. Mainly because he's getting called up for a shift.

Honestly, it makes me nervous. Like it must be important if he wants to say it every time he's sat down.

Times really ticking here, he's got 2 minutes now to get his hat-trick. 

"This is pissing me off." He curses to Matt, since he's got a shutout they switched him for their other goalie to give him a chance. It's working so far.

Jax has at least 3 shifts left. He's desperate to score, it's not like he's even played badly. He's played really well. I guess 3 goals is important to him.

A player on the opposition scores, which does ruin the mood of the team. Last game of the season could have been a shutout.

Less then a minute to go, he's getting more and more agitated.

He scores. Literally 21 seconds left. When he celebrates, he literally has an expression which is a mix of relief and excitement.

I stand up and clap for him, he notices that. I didn't stand up either of the past two times. After he goes to the players and high fives them he comes straight to me.

He picks me up and hugs me, real tight. "I'm so proud of you, baby." I tell him then I kiss him.

"I told you, every goal was for you. Even before today." Then he lets me down, he isn't going back on. So I get to say in his embrace for a little while longer. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, Desi." He kisses me again, before going back to the ice to see who got man of the match. I've noticed who the scouts are too, they make it incredibly obvious. They were watching him, closely.

I've overheard discussions about who's getting the man of the match award, it was between Jax and Matt. If they could give two that's who I'd pick.

However, the team have an award night tomorrow anyways. 

I am rooting for a few players, not just Jax. Like there's a few really good defence that really deserve some recognition. I feel like with hockey fans if you don't score they don't give a shit.

Anyways, we're going out for dinner tonight. Apparently, he wants to take me somewhere first. Celia and Matt we're supposed to come to the dinner. I think they still will, I think Celia has a cold or something and being at a rink won't help her.

Also, I want to go back to the room first. I really, really want to get changed.

I'm not surprised when who the man of the match is, Jax. After he takes the photo with the sponsors for the match he and team make their way around the ice applauding the home and away fans.

Jax steps off the ice first, smiling at me before heading down the tunnel with the team. Who are clearly happy that they won and that this season is over.


Once we got back to the hotel room, I head straight to my suitcase, I couldn't be bothered to unpack. We'll be leaving in a few days anyways.

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