- Chapter 12 -

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If you were asking me, I think we were stood up. They are all an hour late. Yes, I checked if we were in the right place at the right time and we are.

Maybe this could be a nice night after all, trust me I would love to just have a nice dinner with Jax at home, but having a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant? I would love that. We never get to do anything like that really, we're both normally busy with our respective things. Like skating, hockey and my school.

So it'd be a nice change, but knowing my luck recently we'd end up sitting down and they would turn up. So where are we? Sat on a couch by the bar, literally like we're at home. I know we shouldn't but we're both so tired, it's 10:30pm. We should have been leaving by now.

"Should we just go? They really aren't worth the wait." I sigh, sitting up. "Yeah, whatever. I'm tired." I get up and grab his wrist and pull him up off the couch, we just both want to go to bed.

I return the glasses from our, mostly my drinks to the bar. I would have bought more drinks, but if they had turned up I'd look quite stupid if I was drunk.

"Do you feel better now." Jax laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Yes, the drinks helped."

He rolls his eyes, "You know thats not what I meant."

"If you mean them not turning up? I feel less anxious and angry, I just feel drained and upset." 

"Hey, it's okay." We stop walking and he turns to face me, I had started tearing up. "It's not, it's not okay. They shouldn't abandon me just because I didn't want to go to a country I've never been to before at 18 and adapt to living there. It's never okay." Now I'm sobbing.

"I know, I know." He pulls me in for a hug, I say a hug it's more of an embrace. Honestly though, I feel safest like this and I know I always will.

"Auntie Desirae!"

Fuck me.

"Hey, darling. How are you?" It's my niece, my sister's daughter. "Why are you crying Desirae?" She asks, her name is Ashlyn. "Don't worry about it, I'm okay." She's 4, she doesn't understand a lot of things yet. One thing being why I live over 9 hours away from them.

"I wish I saw you more." She smiles at me and I nod at her. "Hello, Desirae." My sister follows behind her daughter shortly after. I stand back up after being crouched down next to Ashlyn, I walk back towards Jax.

"I thought you two weren't a thing anymore." I roll my eyes, "Can we not have this conversation, in the middle of a parking lot."

"Whatever, let's go inside." When I don't walk with them she gives me a dirty look, "Come on then?"

"Your over an hour late? They would have given our table up by now." I shake my head and start walking to our car, "Why didn't you fucking ask for our table? That was a paid reservation."

"Don't shout at me Isabelle. I am truly not in the mood to have this conversation with you." I sigh, "When mum gets here she's going to be so pissed." Yes, my siblings are British.

"It's not like she's bothered about the money, she has plenty of it." 

"You would have had plenty of it too if you didn't fuck us all off, to only call off your wedding." After she said that I looked straight to Jax, honestly I didn't mean to I just did. "Ignore her baby, please. Let's go." I beg him, he literally looks like he's about to throw hands.

"Desirae, inside now." Speak of the fucking devil, except this time it may as well be the fucking devil. Actually the devil may be better at this rate.

"Mom, we're leaving." I grab Jax's hand and try to walk to the car, for the third time.

"No, inside."

"Mom, please. We want to go home, we've been here for over an hour waiting for you all." I want my bed so bad.

"Desi, go to the car. I'll be there in a second." Jax says, letting go of my hand. "I don't want to leave you." He shakes his head at me, insisting I go. So I do, as much as I don't want to.

You best believe I'm listening to this conversation.

I'm sat in the car, but the door is wide open. I'm trying to pick up on every word of this conversation.

"I don't understand why you all act like this towards her? She didn't do shit to you all?" He's actually fucking shouting, I don't really think I've ever heard him yell. "She's done nothing? She's done everything and more! The least she could have done is told us you were engaged!"

"You were all ghosting her! What the fuck did you expect her to do." I love him, I really do.

"You could have told us."

"Like I was going to fucking do that." He scoffed at her, he scoffed at my mother. I love him so much. "I would never, never go against what she would want me to do. If she wont tell you all neither will I."

"She's brainwashed you." 

"No, you're just fucking delusional. All of you." He pauses, "We are leaving, you wont stop us this time. Don't be shocked when she doesn't want to see her again. You are all pushing her over the edge."

Once I watch him walk to the car, I am honestly filled with a sense of relief. Mainly because they didn't retaliate. Especially because he is clearly pissed off with them. Aren't we all.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, when he sits down. "Never been better."

"I love you." I smile at him, I actually haven't said that to him since we got back together, it's a relief to get it off my chest. He looks at me and kisses me, "I love you too, Desi"


Heyy <3

Sorry the chapter is SO short, I ran out of ideas by the end of the chapter! I've updated twice today and will do one more time then I'm going to bed 


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