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Slow and steady. 

Focus now. 


Time slows as the arrow glides past my fingers, flying through the air and slicing straight through me previous ones. 


Perfection every time.  

The smile on my face wasn't faltering. Until, a snap. A twig, or a branch. Did they really believe I hadn't heard it. I slowly pulled another arrow out, arming it in my bow calmly. 

I could hear their gently steps getting closer. Silent. Almost. Barely audible. But I could hear it. I always could. 

I spun as they got closer, pointing the arrow in the middle of their forehead. I held position as they stood, staring at me. 

"Princess." I rolled my eyes but stayed still. "Your father is looking for you." 

"Of course he is." I relaxed, putting my arms down. "What does he want now Sebastian?"


"You're a man of very few words. I've told you before, no?" I turned, pulling the arrow back and moving my position slightly. 

"Well you don't exactly hold the conversation do you Ana?" I chuckled slightly before steadying myself and letting the arrow glide. 

"There we go." I smiled, turning back around and handing him my bow. "I like you better when you talk to me like I'm normal." I lifted my dress ever so slightly, walking back to Romeo, who was preoccupied munching on the patch of forest gras I'd found for him. 

"You're not normal Ana. Don't let your father hear you say that." I rolled my eyes and looked at him. 

"Help me up please." He gave me a half smile, cupping his hands together so I could step into it and pull myself onto the horse. "Thank you." I nodded and patted Romeo's neck, moving his mane to the side and combing my fingers through it. "It's not like he'd do anything other than scold me." I shrugged as his own horse got closer, huffing as it's head lifted and I scratched it's cheek. 

He tapped into it, urging it forward so he was beside me. 

"I know he wouldn't do anything to you. He'd have me explaining why you felt that way." 

"And you know too damn well I wouldn't do that to you Bash." I smiled, tilting my head before tapping Romeo and getting him to walk on. I wasn't rushing back for anyone. Especially if it was who I thought it was. "Who's coming?" I looked at him as we followed the trail these horses knew too well. He bowed his head slightly and mine went back. "Again?" 

"I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"You didn't. I guessed. I mean it's not hard to guess. If people know they're coming, they always look for my reaction. I can't help it. He fucks me right off." Bash shook his head at my language. "Tell me to mind my language and I'll push you off the horse." 

"I wasn't going to say a word." A small laugh escaped his lips. "I don't know why you guys don't get on. He's like a double of you." I rolled my eyes and scrunched my face, pulling Romeo's attention away from the grass he was turning towards. 

"He's a coward. Weak, Isn't a gentleman, treats me like a lower class citizen, he's rude, can barely dance, can't play any instrument, doesn't know any books, doesn't think I do anything productive, just run around painting and reading and twirling my hair. He used to think I was a damsel in distress." 

"And then you stabbed him." 

"HE HAD IT COMING." I snapped and Bash laughed. "He blocked me in a corner and refused to let me leave. I told him, shouted you and you didn't get there quick enough." I shrugged. God I was getting in a bad mood just at the thought of him being around. "How long are they here for this time?"

"Just 3 days." 

"Thank god." I sighed at the relief it wasn't a long stay this time. "Why?" 

"I'm not 100% sure. I heard something about a quarrel over land up north between 2 farmers. I think they just want to sort it before it blows out of proportion." I nodded, watching as the castle gates came into view up ahead. "So what's the story today?" 

"I was reading." I smiled and patted the bag over my shoulder. "And picking flowers, making daisy chains if you want to say that you're more than welcome to." 

"Ah, Anastasia does love a good daisy chain at the moment doesn't she?" He smirked, looking back ahead. 

"She does indeed. Especially when daisy chains split straight through the middle of another daisy chain. She strives for perfection." He chuckled at me as the gates opened and we slowly moved into the court yard, moving around to the stables at the side. 

I waited. If father was looking for me, he could not see me get myself off this horse. He'd go ballistic anyway that I was out alone. Truth is I'm never truly alone. 

Bash is always close by, an eye on me no matter where I am. Even inside. He's close by. Between him and the girls, it's days like this when I have a few free moments when I can escape into the woods. 

The peace and serenity I'm surrounded with out there is blissful. This place is so loud. Constantly. Always people talking and laughing and music playing, glasses clinking together, footsteps on the stone floors. 

Out there there was nothing. Just the sound of my bow, the birds and, depending on where I was, the slow trickle of the stream. Oh and Romeo. Him huffing as I'd speak my mind to him like he would ever answer. At least I hope he never did. Then I'd know I'd lost it. 

I watched as Bash walked around to my side. His hands grabbed my waist, gripping tight and pulling me down carefully. Once my feet were on the floor he took his hands from me and bowed, taking a step back. 

"Thanks Bash." I whispered and he smiled as he stood up. 

"Come on I'll take you up to your father." He held his hand in the direction of the doors as the stableboy grabbed Romeo's reins, taking control of him. 

"Oh." I tapped his shoulder. "He's starting with the pulling off to the grass thing again. Can you have Edward take him out and see if he does it again. I don't like that habit." The stable boy nodded and I smiled gently as father's words and disapproving face flashed through my face. 

'You're too polite to the help Anastasia. They're working for you. You will never have respect with polite smiles.'

Ugh. Such a masculine way of thinking. So head strong. Only power. He didn't see how I had more respect from the staff here than he did. What he held was power. And power could be dangerous. It taints you. Turns something golden, like my father before he was crowned, and turns it a dirty brown. Like mud. 


People don't like mud. 

"What's on your mind princess?" I turned my head to Bash and smiled ever so slightly. "Oh." 

"See, you don't even need to ask me." I smiled as we reached the doors. Dropping it as they opened and pushing my shoulders back. Confidence. Strength. Power. 

That's all I had. Right? 

Did I even hold the power if it was all for them and not myself? 

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now