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I was late. 

So freaking late. 

They're going to kill me. 

I can't help it. I laid down once I was ready and must have fallen back to sleep. It wasn't until Bash came to find me and his knocking woke me up screaming that I woke up. He'd burst into the room and managed to calm me down but It still look me a while to calm down and sort myself out. 

Now we were running through the castle to get to the party. I stood by the doors, panting trying to catch my breath. I calmed myself, nodding for the doors to open and for my name to be announced. God this was going to be a nightmare. I can feel my fathers' eyes the second the doors open. At least I look really good. I could use that as an excuse. I fell asleep and then had to fix myself after. No one can know about the nightmares. 

Percy held his hand out for me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"Where have you-" 

"I fell asleep." I chuckled and he grinned. 

"You better not be lying." 

"Ask Sebastian. Him knocking on my door woke me up." His hand fell from mine. I'd missed the first dances so that was out of question, I was kind of glad for that though. I was too tired. I wanted to sleep for a month after last night.

I was handed a metal challis filled with wine, taking a gentle sip. 

"Now if you'll excuse me. I must go see my friends." I looked at the three girls who were stood watching the dancing. I walked towards them. I didn't get very far as the wine was taken from my hand and I was faced with Chris.

"I like this dress on you. A good choice for tonight. You look pure, angelic even." 

"That was my wine Chris." 

"I know." He smirked. "You can't dance with wine in your hand though." 

"I'm not dancing tonight. And you shouldn't be either. Your leg-" 

"Is fine." He shut me down. "Dance with me? And then take a stroll? Its pretty warm out tonight."  I looked around. My father was watching us both. 

"My father is watching. You know that right?" 

"And?"  He smiled and I looked up at him, furrowing my brow slightly. "I'm your prince charming right? Coming to your rescue last night." I rolled my eyes, pulling my wine from his hand and walking around him slightly as I took a sip. 

"You didn't need to come." 

"I did." He smirked. "What else would I have done?" 

"Literally anything." My eyes were still locked on his as I drunk. "Not getting stabbed in the leg for one." 

"I asked you to do that." 

"I know you did. But you'd be fine if you didn't come last night." 

"And you'd also still hate me." 

"I do still hate you." 

"No you don't." 

"Not this again." I sighed and tilted my head. "You really are full of yourself." 

"Walk with me." 

"What is it with you and demanding things at the moment?" 

"I know I'll get my own way if I tell you to enough so I'm just going to keep going until you agree anyway." 

"I'm not going outside alone with you. Who knows what would happen." 

"We do. That's the point and that's specifically why you want to come with me." I lowered my eyes at him and he smirked. I could swipe that off his face anytime. "Your parents trust me with you now. After last night. They know I'm not going to hurt you." 

"Yeah that's not the issue here." 

"Then what is?" 

"You know what it is." 

"Please. Just walk with me. It will be just us. Not even Sebastian." He stepped closer as I took the final sip of my wine. "And you can't use that drink as an excuse now." He took the empty cup, placing it on the table I was leaning against, replacing it with his hand in mine and pulling me towards the exit.

"Where are you taking me?" 

"Only through the gardens. Are you going to walk if I'm not pulling you?" He stopped walking and I took the 2 steps up to him since I was falling behind. "Because it would be a lot better if you hold my arm rather than me pulling you."

"Fine." I dropped his hand and pushed my hand through his arm, holding onto his bicep lightly. He was so warm against the cold winter air. "It is not warm out here you liar." 

"I know but I had to get you away from prying eyes somehow." I looked up at him and his stupid smile. "They're all watching you tonight and I know you don't like it when too many people are staring." I looked back towards the doors we'd stepped out of. Bash was on them. Stopping people coming out and watching. Good. "You're tired. After last night?" 


"Did you not sleep?"

"Not particularly." 

"Why not?" 

"I just couldn't." 

"You know I was right outside your door right? I could hear you startling awake constantly." I scrunched my face up. "Nightmares are normal. Don't worry. Bash is going to be there from now on and if he can't be then I will be." I looked up at him. "No one's going to hurt you Ana. I told you that." I sighed as we stopped walking. "I have to tell you something but you're not going to like it." 


"Our parents are discussing our marriage again." I stepped back, pulling my arm from him 


"After last night. Your father said I proved myself worthy so he went straight with me back home and whilst I slept apparently that's what they were talking about. I told them that I'd lied about you kissing me back then, that I'd thought it was a joke." 

"What." I sat down onto the bench behind me. There was benches everywhere here. Always somewhere to sit. Maybe it's because we had a lot of these walks where information was dropped quickly. 

"Well, I can't promise no one else can hurt you forever can I? Once your married it's out of my control." 

"Unless it's you right?" I looked up at him, gripping the bench with both hands. I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut. I mean, of all the people in the world. Was he really the worst I could be stuck with? He kisses good. He liked my favourite wine. He's not bad looking either. He's right too. I'd be safe with him. "Fine."

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now