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I walked beside Christopher down the hallways, him poking his head around every corner, checking to see if there was anyone there. If he saw someone, his hand would move back and we'd move against the wall. He'd look at me if there was more than a few and if he needed help. 

"Ana-" He leaned back against the wall. "There's like 10 here." 

"Okay. And?" He looked at me, tilting his head. "I'm not staying here. You can forget that." I stood up, pushing my hair off my shoulders.  We were right outside the thrown room as it was. I knew there wasn't going to just be ten of them. There was bound to be more. 

"Anastasia. Please." He put his hand on my cheek, looking deep into my eyes again. "Don't make me do it." 

"Do what?" 

"Get the girls to hold you back. There's too many. You're going to get hurt." 

"No I won't." I shook my head from his hand, holding my voice quiet. "Stop treating me like I don't know what I'm doing." 


"Fuck you Christopher." I stood up, moving around him. I smiled down the hallway. We weren't alone now. "Bash." I sighed watching him smile down at me. 

"He's here?" Christopher moved beside me and Bash looked between us both. I shook my head. It was fine. The guys in between us both were completely oblivious to us all stood right here. I watched as Bash held his hand out. I knew what he wanted me to do. I smirked, nodding.  "What are you doing?" 

"Stay back." I whispered. "Stay hidden until well. You'll see." I remember practicing this with Bash. We had a whole list of 'what ifs' that we had fully prepared for. Situations we never thought would happen but we had plans for each one, where they would happen in the castle, how to communicate with each other. Everything. It was all preplanned. 

"Hi. Um-" I spoke, both my hands behind my back. "I heard Prince Louis was here?" They all looked at me. "He's here for me no? His princess? He's come to take me away? I don't know why he brought so many of you, I'd have come without a fight." I smiled sweetly. 

"He's in there." One of the guys pointed to the door and I smiled at him. 

"Is he... Alone?" I asked seductively. Hinting, suggesting but not giving anything away. 

"No. Do you want him to be?" I nodded and one of the guys stepped inside. It wasn't so bad. Only 4 more guys stepped. out. "Anything else princess?"

"Can you go get my ladies? I'll need them with me for um- Changing." I bit my lip and watched them all quiver. "There's 6 of them on opposite ends of the castle. You'll have to split up." They nodded and split into two groups of 7. One heading towards Bash. The others coming back to me and Christopher. That's right. Away from the door. I smirked as they got to me. 

They walked past and I pulled my sword out, slicing two of their throats in one movement. 

"CHRIS." I shouted as they all turned to me. I had put enough space between us and the other group that I knew we were okay for a few seconds. I wasn't terribly worried. 

Chris joined my side in seconds as the clatter of swords started loudly. They had no chance against the 3 of us. We were slowly backing them back to the middle of the hallway. I moved, letting Chris handle the 3 remaining here and going to help Bash. 

I pushed my sword through one on his side, kicking his body off my sword and taking his from his hand. 2 swords. Awesome. Lets go. 2 guys turned and started with me. Did they really think that was a smart idea?

One move. That's all it took to have them on the floor. 

It was done. I smiled at Bash before turning and dropping the spare sword to the floor and marching to the throne room, throwing the door open. 

"On your knees." He was sat there. In my father's throne. Cocky as hell. 

"Anastasia. How wonderful to see you again." He smirked from the seat he'd claimed as his own. "Such horrible circumstances though." 

"Bash." I stated blankly. A body fell at my feet. I didn't take my eyes off Louis' "There's dozens more where that one came from. At my hand. Now unless you want to be the next. On your fucking knees." 

"Oh. An attitude. That can't stay when we marry." He stood up, slowly walking down the stairs. "If I'd have known you could yield a sword I'd have come more prepared." 

"I can do more than yield a sword. Have you seen the massacre in my bedroom because of you?" 

"Oh they got in then? Good." He smirked. "No one will want you now." 

"Oh no. They were dead before they even got close enough don't worry." His eyes went dark. 

"They were my best men." 

"Seemed pretty weak to me. I only had a little dagger too. It was a sight, I'll give you that."

"You-" He went to grab my neck and I put the sword on him. 

"Try that again. I dare you." He looked down at the blood soaked sword and my hand, dripping with it. "Don't think I won't because I will. I've lost count of how many men had felt the sharpness of my blade." 

"I have!" Chris laughed behind me and I rolled my eyes.


"On. Your. Knees." I put my hand on his shoulder, pushing him down so he didn't have a choice. Bash moved behind him, tying his hands with the rope from the curtain tie backs.  I stood up straight, moving around him. "Bash can you take him down to the dungeon please." He nodded and pulled Louis to his feet. "Have a nice stay Louis. My father will deal with you on his return." He struggled against Bash. "If he's a pain Bash, just kill him. My father will want him dead anyway." He stopped. 

"My father will not stay quiet if I die here tonight." 

"Oh hush Louis. You're country is tiny. Almost no men. Besides, no one said you're dying tonight so long as you behave." I sat down in my father's throne. "If you want to walk out of here alive. You will comply. Understand?" He nodded. "Go Bash." 

"Chris, can you-" 

"Someone is already on route to your parents. I sorted it as I was coming." I nodded and smiled slightly, the girls walked into the room.  

"You girls okay?" They nodded and I stood up from the chair. I was only sat here for Louis. To show him this place was still in our power.  "So turns out Prince Louis is a bit of a prick." We all laughed. That will show us to commit a sin. 

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now