Twenty One.

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"Looking for me?" His voice was behind me. I spun quickly. Loosing my footing as I did. 

I have never been so grateful for a strong pair of arms wrapping themselves around me in a heartbeat. He chuckled as my feet stood back up straight. 

"Falling already? You move quickly Ana." I laughed and hit his arm, pulling myself from him. 

"You really shouldn't come up behind people. You don't know what they're carrying and you might end up on the wrong end of a sword." 

"I don't doubt that from you beautiful." 

There's that word again. I hear this regularly. Don't get me wrong. I've heard it too many times to count, but from him? From his tongue it didn't sound bitter or overpowering. It was sweet, endearing. Pair that with his smile and the way he was holding his arm out for me to take again. Like butter wouldn't melt. 

"You're staring into thin air again Ana." I focused back in on him. "Why do you do that?" 

"Do what?" I took my arm in his and we started walking. I was glad for it. I can't get lost in his eyes again if I can't see them whilst we're walking. 

His laugh was loud. And short. I have to make him laugh again. I like the way it ripples through his chest. I could feel the vibrations of it in my arm against his. 

"You're in a bizarre mood tonight Anastasia." I looked up at him, turning my attention back to the path in front of us after catching his eye for just a second. "Did you have fun dancing with Percy?" 

"I did. Thank you for asking." I held my head high. "I couldn't focus very well on our conversation though when someone's eyes were burning into me." 

"Everyone's eyes were on you Ana. Not just mine. Every room you walk in lights up at your smile. Everyone loves to watch you. You make them all smile." I scrunched my face up. "Either that or they're waiting for you to screw up." 

"Yeah that is definitely what they're doing. Waiting for gossip." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled lightly. 

"What would they have to gossip about?" 


"What about us?" 

"I'm boy mad. Didn't you know? And now I keep running away with you. I've already heard rumours about what we are doing out here." I sat down on a bench and he stayed stood. "I'd be surprised if people didn't 'accidentally' take this path to see if they can sneak a peak at the whore princess with her latest conquest." He sat down opposite me. 

"And how do you feel about that?" 

"I'd happily stab you again." I shrugged and he laughed, clapping his hands a single time as his whole body jolted backwards. 

"You're funny." He sat up, still chuckling at me. "Was stabbing me twice not enough?" 

"No." I smirked at him, pushing the hair accessories into my head and pulling some hair over my shoulders. "I could do it daily and it still not be enough." 

"You really want to do it again?" I smirked at the wide grin on his face. 

"What are you grinning at now?" I rested my hands in my lap and he looked down towards the path we had just walked down. I followed his gaze and sure enough, 3 ladies all tiptoeing, trying to sneak around. 

"How did it feel killing all those men in the invasion in February?" I turned back to him quickly, raising an eyebrow. He made a face. I couldn't explain it. But it said let's give them something productive to whisper about.  

"Great. I can't believe how weak some of them were." 

"Yeah they weren't great swordsmen to be honest. I can still see Prince Louis' face as you made him get to his knees and beg for forgiveness." I tilted my head. "I do like a strong woman."

"In your deepest fantasies Christopher." I smirked, knowing they were getting closer. 

"I've told you I'm sorry haven't I?" 

"For what."

"For kissing you when we were young and telling everyone it was you." I looked deep into his eyes, only the handful of feet made it difficult to get lost in them again. "You weren't expecting it and you were only a child. I should have kept my hands to myself. You just- I couldn't help myself."

We remained in silence. He'd apologised for it. Multiple times. But he'd never given me a reason as to why he did it. Knowing it was a spur of the moment thing really made me connect with that day. Like it was all flashing back to me. 

The smell of the stables. The horse I was brushing down, how dusty it was from the autumn grass. 

It had been a long hot summer. I remember not being able to sleep most nights with it. I was exhausted. But the weather was easing up that day. And I could feel my bed calling me in the sunset. 

Then suddenly Chris was beside me. I hit him for scaring me and he picked up a brush, helping me with the horse like he usually did. 

"What are you thinking about?" I lifted my head and looked at Chris as he pulled me from my thoughts. "They're gone too. I think they got enough gossip." I looked behind me as the 3 women went back inside, leaving us alone. 

"Oh. Good." I nodded and let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding in. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" He moved now, sitting on the bench beside me, his legs in the gap between the two as he faced me.

"I'm just thinking about that day, in the stables." 

"Why?" I shrugged. "You must know why you're thinking about it." 

"I don't." 

"I think you do. You just don't want to say it out loud. Right?" He put his hand on my cheek and I leaned into him ever so slightly, letting him take some of my weight as he ran his thumb in very slight movements across my skin. "I've missed you these past 5 weeks." 

"I miss watching you bleed." He chuckled again, leaning forward and planting a kiss on my lips. 

This one was only short. But it tasted just as sweet and my heart was racing just the same.

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