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Today's weather was a lot nicer. Clear skies and sunshine. It was breezy but that was manageable. Under the layers of petticoats and undergarments, I could barely feel it. 

"So then you stabbed him. Again?" Georgina was struggling to understand the concept. 

"I didn't stab him. I cut him. A stab is sinking the knife in. I barely grazed him." I rolled my eyes as we all strolled across the grass. 

"But you drew blood?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"A little. It was a scratch. I've bled more from paper cuts." They giggled. "He deserved it." We reached the fountain and benches, sitting down amongst the statues. "He tried hinting that I was going to marry him. I wouldn't marry him if he was the only choice. I'd rather kill myself thank you."

"Killing yourself is a sin." We all looked at Celeste and burst into laughter. 

"Yeah because we're all going to heaven anyway." Flo giggled. "We lust over every prince that walks in here. Except Christopher. Obviously." 

"No but who was that last week. Tall, dark long hair, stunning green eyes?" Georgina looked at me and I smirked remembering. 

"Prince Louis?" I sat back in my chair. "Now he is someone I would walk to hell for and greet Hades with a hug." I crossed my arms tight. "He best be speaking to my father because oh my-" I sighed, smiling brightly. 

"Oh I would too." Florence nodded quickly. "He was a whole other level of prince charming." 

"If he wanted me to play damsel in distress." I looked up at the sky, loosing myself in the clouds. "I would set the castle on fire myself." We all laughed at the thought of me burning my dresses to start a fire. 

This was a lot of our time now, talking about boys and men, princes and dukes, even the odd king that walked through the doors. We'd know they were coming. My mother would burst into my room early that morning and would shake her head before pulling a better dress out for me to wear. To make sure the first impression really stuck with them. 

Whatever dress she chose, it always brought out the purple in the center of my eyes. For some reason, men seemed to fall in love with that look. 

There was one we got close with. He was deep into the whole marriage conversation, Percy admitted after. But he was pushing for too much. Too much land, too many titles. Percy didn't like the vibe. It was giving power hungry by the end. So they ended all conversations about it. This was one thing I was very lucky about. I knew for a fact that whoever I would eventually be married off to, they were to be a good man. I would be safe with them. Percy would make sure of it. 

"What ever happened to that Duke anyway Ana?" I looked down at them, not hearing a word of the conversation for the past 10 minutes. 

"Hm?" My face must have been blank because they started laughing again. "Sorry, head was in the clouds thinking about-" 

"Oh we know what you were thinking about." Florence raised her eyebrows suggestively. 

"Ew. No-" I laughed. "I mean sure, but no not that specifically. Although. Now you mention it-" 

"Oh my god stop." Celeste put her hands over her eyes and we laughed loudly, throwing our heads back as we did. "Can we have one conversation that isn't about marriage or men, or being physical?" 

"Being physical?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "You're hilarious Cel." We all smiled at her as she sat up, face flushed. "You really need to read some of my books and get over the hump. It's a part of life. Natural urge." 


"It's primitive." She sat back in the bench, smoothing her dress out as she did. 

Celeste wasn't exactly as sex positive as we all were. I mean we weren't going around and sleeping with anyone. Good god no. Not a chance any of us were sleeping with anyone until we were married. We'd be killed. But Celeste didn't really like the topic at all. She tolerated it at best. But since Prince Louis' visit earlier this week, it's all any of us could really talk about. Well, that and Christopher. And I was done talking about him right now. Especially since he was still wondering around somewhere. 

"Oop." Georgina looked at me. "She's thinking about slicing someone's throat open again." I shook my head, bringing myself back into the real world again. 

"I can tell who as well. I'd recognise that snarl anywhere." Flo shook her head slowly. 

"Why do you want to kill him now?" I looked between the three of them. 

"Okay. Right." I sighed. "I just really fucking hate him." They laughed. "His cocky little face when he smiles at me when we're alone. I literally feel like I'm going to be sick when I see it. Just the thought of his face now." I gagged dramatically and they all laughed and I stood up. "I can't sit here and let him ruin our day though. How about some music today?" 

"Are you going to play piano?" Georgina stood up. Her eyes were a slightly different shade to the other girls. Hers were a lot darker. The contrast against her blonde hair was stunning. I always thought she looked like a ghost. I had been happy other people could see her too. 

"Of course." I nodded and the other two girls stood up too. I turned and started walking with a purpose now. Everyone always said I played Beethoven beautifully. It had taken me years of practice to get it right and when I did, now I was asked to play it any chance my parents got. I knew it was just a matter of showing me off. I didn't care. I enjoyed it. I had fun sat there, tickling the ivories as they say. 

I don't know who says that.

I stopped walking as we got to the doors and the 2 visitors popped out of them before I could reach them. 

"Oh. Sorry ladies. Let me get the door for you." Stephen bowed at me before pulling the door open. His brother was still stood in the way though, refusing to back away. 

"What's the matter Christopher? Forgotten how to bow to a princess?" I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I don't bow to people below me." 

"My palace, charming. Hierarchy dictates I'm above right now." I smirked at him as the girls struggled to hold back their giggles.  His eyes grew darker and he took the most pathetic bow I've ever seen. "Oh, come on now. You can do better than that." I looked around. "You know what. I'll let you off this time. Only because it looks like you cut yourself shaving."  He snarled at me which just fuelled me more. 

I looked back into the hall where Percy was now stood with his arms crossed, my smile dropping immediately. He had the smallest smile on his face which made me smile in return. I brought my eyes back to Christopher. 

"If you'll excuse me, my brother requires my attention. And I don't want to spend another second near you. But let's pretend Percival is why I'm leaving. For your own ego." I tapped his arm, moving around him and into the hall, holding back my own laughter as Percy and I started walking. 

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now