Thirty Two.

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The wine in the glass in my hand wasn't helping with the flush of heat I was feeling. It was so warm in here. I just wanted tonight to be over with. I'd danced and I'd mingled. I'd smiled and played the part. No I was ready to go home. To go back to Percy and Bash and Chris and Theo. To get my head around everything. To really think about it. Evaluate my options properly. 

It was all so muddled in here right now. I needed to see them both. Mainly Chris. I remembered how I felt about Theo. But my thoughts on Chris. I felt like mentally I had moved past him. Past whatever we had been experiencing. And I don't know why, because yesterday it was still Theo. But now I'm doubting it. And I need to be sure.

A gently tap on my shoulder had me turning quickly. 

"Sorry Princess. Someone has requested you go out to the garden?" 


"They wouldn't say but they had a letter from you so I presume you know them. They showed me your signature and the stamp." What a stupid guard. "I'll come with you. If you don't want them there I can get them removed." I nodded and handed my glass to Florence. 

"I don't think I'll be long Flo." She nodded and I moved around the wall of the room, pushing to get to the garden through the double doors. Who the hell had I written to that would have come out here to see me. And wouldn't have wanted to be announced? I write to so many people. From all over. No one is supposed to know I'm out here apart from trusted people. God. As if I don't have enough on my plate. Now I have to deal with-

"Chris?" I stopped and he turned from where he'd been leaning against the wall, looking out over the rest of the gardens. 

"I couldn't wait another day." I ran to him. Letting my feet carry me as fast as I could. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "Long time no see princess." 

"What are you doing out here?" 

"I told you I couldn't wait any longer. I only just managed to get it out of Percy. I've been trying all month. He refused to give it up until like 4 hours ago. So I rode straight up." He held me tightly. "You're glad to see me then?" 

"I'm shocked." I let go of him, turning back to the guards. "We're good. Can you tell the girls I'm okay and make sure no one comes out here?" They nodded and went inside. 

"How are you?" 

"Better now I know I'm going home." I smiled. 

"You're smiling different." 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're smile. It's off. Something's not right. What's on your mind?" 

"Nothing. I'm fine." 

"Don't lie to me Ana. You know I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. It won't take me long to work out what's wrong." 

"Nothing is wrong Chris." 

"Yes there is." He looked around and scowled, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the windows. Out of sight. Maybe he could get my thoughts out in the open if we were completely alone. "Where's your knife tonight." I furrowed my brow. "You're carrying one right?" 

"Of course." 

"So where is it?" 

"I'm not telling you." He stopped, pushing me against a wall in a closed of area of the gardens. "What the fuck Chris." 

"I have missed you beyond belief you know? I didn't think it was possible to miss someone as much as I missed you the past 6 months. But then it only took 2 weeks of no letters for me to start going crazy. I didn't like not knowing if you were okay. Not knowing if you were safe. Percy kept insisting you were but I didn't believe him. I don't believe that you've been okay out here. I saw your face in there Ana. You look blank. Void of emotion. So I'm going to ask you again and I want you to be honest. What's wrong darling? Let me fix it."  I didn't hear a single thing he said. I was too busy staring into his eyes. Shaking like a leaf at the pressure his hands were putting against my waist as he held my against the wall. 

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