Twenty Three.

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"Good morning Anastasia." He bowed. Standing up and taking my hand, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. I curtseyed ever so slightly, standing up as he released my hand.  His dark green eyes really looking at me intensely today. 

"Good morning Theodore. How are you today?" He rose to his normal height and I had to raise my head to keep the eye contact. 

"I'm very well. I thought we could walk again. Perhaps the forest and then I have an activity being set up for us." 

"Oh an activity?" 

"Yes. I think you'll enjoy it." He smiled, holding out his arm. "You seem like the kind of girl that would anyway. We shall see."  I looped my hand through his

"I'm sure I will." I looked at him, turning my head a small amount and watching his face shine as I spoke. 

"How was your evening? You looked tired when I left you yesterday evening." 

"I was. It had been a long day." I nodded, looking forward, pushing my shoulders back. I don't know why I had become so aware of my slouching, but I had. 

"Did you do much after I left?"

"I just read with the girls. It was nice. We do that often." 

"Reading together?" 


"What was last nights book?" 

"The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." 

"That's a very interesting book. Have you read it before?" 

"Multiple times. I am starting to run out of things to read." I smiled, lifting the bottom of my dress up slightly as we descended some stairs.  I watched as Edward struggled across the way with Romeo. Eating the grass in the gardens again. "I'm sorry Theodore. Please bare with me. That's my horse."  I pulled my arm from his, walking over quickly. "Edward." 

"Oh Princess. Sorry I'd bow but-" 

"No honestly don't worry. Pass him here." I held my hands out for his reins "What is it with you and eating everything in sight recently Romeo." I sighed, tugging on his reins slightly. That earned me a huff. "Don't huff at me. Pick you're head up." I tugged again and he did. Little shit. "Good. See I can't scratch your spot if it's down by the floor can I now? You like that huh?" I smiled as he stretched his neck out, letting me fuss him deeper. 

"You talk to your horse?" 

"Well yes. They understand a lot more than people give them credit for." Romeo huffed and I chuckled. "See?" 

"I do. Sorry- Um what's his name?" 

"Romeo."  I looked at Theodore who walked closer, letting Romeo sniff his hand. 

"I'm sorry Romeo. I did not know." I watched him interacting with the horse. So gentle. Not a single drop of judgement in his body. "How old is he?" 


"You're still a baby huh boy?" Theodore's hands moved around, scratching behind Romeo's ear which he obviously adored. His big black eyes closing as he really tilted into it. I giggled. 

"He really likes you." 

"Good. I'm trying to impress his owner." He looked at me, continuing to scratch. "So I'm guessing you ride?" 

"I do." 

"How often do you go out?" 

"Not as often as I'd like to anymore. Why?" 

"Shall we go?" 


"Well, I don't see why not. Saves us walking  in a giant circle again." I looked at Edward who still had two other horses. 

"I can get them tackled up if you'd like Princess. Just say the word." 

"Sure." I shrugged. "I'll walk him back for you though Edward. You've got your hands full. It's not optional either." Edward sighed, giving in without a fight. He knew better. I was stubborn when it came to Romeo. He walked off in front.  I waited a few seconds before turning back to Theodore. "We don't have to ride if you don't want to Theodore." 

"Call me Theo." He stopped stroking Romeo who huffed at him, making us both giggle like children. "I don't think he likes that." 

"Don't worry he doesn't like other people having my attention as it is. He'll get over it."  I pulled Romeo around, dragging him away from the grass. Theo moved around the back of him, putting a safe amount of space around his legs before coming up beside me. 

"I've heard some rumours I'd like to ask you about."  I looked up at him. 

"Oh god. Here we go. What have you heard?" 

"That there's another man. You two sneak off at parties." 

"That is correct. He's a childhood friend." 

"A friend?" 

"Only." I nodded. 

"He was there at the invasion in February right? That's something else I heard. That he saved you." 

"HA. He didn't save me. I saved myself." I looked at him. "People underestimate me a lot Theo."

"In what sense?" 

"I'm not a damsel in distress. I don't need a strong man to come and save me. I'm more capable of doing that myself. There was 3 men in my room that night. I came out of it without a single scratch and perfectly intact." He raised his eyebrows at me. "What?" 

"Nothing." He shook his head slightly but I could see a smile on his face. "You knew they were coming?" 

"I mean I could hear them down the hall but I wasn't expecting them. I'm just always prepared. It's a dangerous world as a woman, let alone a princess. I'm armed at all times." 

"Even now?" 

"Especially now. Do you know how many men have taken me out on walks and gotten a little handsy?" I glanced up at him. "Let's change the topic. You look uncomfortable." 

"I'm not uncomfortable Anastasia. I just wasn't expecting it." 

"Call me Ana." He stopped walking and looked at me, causing me to stop too. "What? I call you Theo, you call me Ana. Anastasia is such a mouthful anyway." His smile returned. 

"Okay. Ana. Tell me something." 


"Is this other guy the one you kissed as a child?" 

"He kissed me and lied about it." I snapped. "Sorry. Sensitive subject." 

"Noted." He nodded once. 

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