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I smiled again as my wooden sword smashed against Bash's, knocking his from his hand and putting mine under his throat. 

My parents had left 2 hours ago on their 2 week trip with Percy. I'd wasted no time in challenging all the guards, defeating all of them so far. And now Bash. He was laughing hard between his deep breathes. The girls too. They very rarely got to see me like this. Free and happy. Content doing what I loved. 

"I let you win." He chuckled and I smiled. 

"Do it again then. Give me your best like you should be doing in the first place." I nodded, moving the sword from his neck. 

"I need a minute." 

"Weak." I laughed, taking some water from Flo's out reached hand. 

"Do Simon now."

"Who's Simon?" I dropped my smile tilting my head at Bash. 

"New guy." He pointed to the far corner of the courtyard as he sat. "He's better than me." 

"I doubt that. Only I'm better than you." I looked up into the corner, "I take it you're Simon?" My voice slightly raised so he could hear me. "If so, you're up." I could see a smirk on his lips. Oh. He thought he was going to win? What a joker. I was going to enjoy taking every inch of that masculinity. Show him who's really in control here. 

He skulked over, shoulder hanging low. I took Bash's sword holding it out to him. 

"Warning you now Simon. She's not an easy win." I smirked as Bash got comfortable and I turned, moving into the middle of the space, pushing my hair behind my ears, out of my way. 

"Oh please. She's a woman. How hard can it be." I could hear the arrogance in his voice. Yes. Please. Go on. Make it even better. "I'm not going easy on you just because you're a princess you know." I crossed my arms and smirked. 

"And I'm not going easy on you for an ego boost." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. 

"You've got quite the attitude princess." 

"Say that again when my swords at your throat. I dare you." I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. 

"Enough flirting!" Georgina started roaring. I didn't take his eyes off him. That would be a mistake. He did though. Looking quickly at the blonde girl who was sat, gawking at him.  

First mistake. I hit his sword out of his hand and he snapped his head back to me. 

"A lot of talk for someone so easily distracted by a lady." I smirked as his face dropped all the attitude. "If you're going to make it the easy-" 

"I wasn't ready." 

"You should always be ready. You're here to stop me getting hurt. You shouldn't be looking anywhere but the person with the sword." I snapped and Bash laughed at my lecture. "If this was anyone else, if the palace was under siege and you did that, you'd be bleeding on the floor outside my room and I'd be getting attacked. Then if you survive, my father will have you hung." 

His eyes grew bigger and I chuckled, looking down at the sword on the floor. 

"Well pick it up then. What are you waiting for? There's men in the princess' bedroom. What are you going to do about it? Just stand there? Waiting for her to scream out? Are you weak? Not strong enough to save her? Not man enough?" He bent down and picked it up, immediately smashing his against mine. He had a good amount of power behind him, I'll give him that. It was slightly unexpected. "Good." I nodded and we continued, my grip tightening on the wood. Bash was right, he was better than him. Stronger, more powerful. 

He had me backing up with his quick moves, spinning to avoid the touches he was trying to catch me out with. My eyes were locked on his dark ones. He'd seen some things. I could see it in him. The darkness looked like it was almost consuming him whole. 

"Come on Simon. I'm a girl and I'm still not on the floor." I snapped and he snarled at me. He pushed forward and I realized I was out of space, backed against the wall. I scrunched my face up, bringing my foot up and quickly connecting it with his stomach, giving me enough space to spin around him, kicking the backs of his knees so he was on them, facing the wall, with my sword pointing at his head. 

"Turn around Simon." My words were void of emotion. Blank. Almost cold. He did, his eyes now staring at the sword. His eyes were light now. A hazel colour. "What did you say about me having an attitude?" 

"Nothing Ma'am." I smiled and took a step back, letting him stand up. 

"Never under estimate a princess Simon. We're not all dresses and fairy tales." He bowed his head and I dropped my sword. "I'm a lot stronger than anyone gives me credit for and trust me, if this palace was ever under siege, I wouldn't need a man to save me." He nodded quickly, dropping his wooden sword to the floor in defeat.  The courtyard filled with applause and I held my hand out, shaking Simon's hand. "That was a tough fight though. You're really good. Just a little too distracted. Focus in and you'll be fine. I am impressed I must say." 

"Well done for lasting so long Simon." Bash joined us, picking up the sword from the floor. "Can you give us a minute please?" Simon nodded and walked away. 

"You okay ?" I turned to Bash. His eyes were deeper right now, a darker colour than normal. He shook his head.

"My father- I -" He sighed and looked up at me. "I got a letter just now. He's not well. Seriously ill. They don't think he will make it the night." 

"Oh I'm so sorry Bash." I put my hand on his arm. "What about your mother and sister?" 

"I need to go home and see to them. But that means-" 

"Leaving me." I crossed my arms. "Bash I'll be fine. You saw Simon. It's not like he's exactly weak. If anything was to happen you're what, 10 minutes away? It's fine. You can see the castle from your parents house right?" 


"So if anything is wrong, I'll set fire to the flag." He nodded in agreement. That was always our emergency sign. If we were out of the castle and we saw the flag alight, it wasn't safe. We were taught that from a very young age. If it was alight you stayed away. In the woods. Hidden out of sight and stayed silent. We had certain places we would go to in those rare occasions. It only happened once.

I was 6, Percy was 13 and Christopher was 8. We were in the woods and we saw it. We ran as fast as we could. Escaping to the stream deep in the forest. We stayed there for 24 hours until we saw one of father's favourite men on a horse to bring us all back. He had been so proud of us when we did. That we'd remembered and kept each other safe. Mainly that the boys had kept me safe. I don't remember much from it really. Just spending the night cuddled up to them as we all shivered. We were lucky it was summer. 

"Go then Bash. I'm fine. I will send for you if I need you. Just bring them back here. Don't make them stay at home without him. We will find them accommodation and work." He grabbed my arm as a thank you, quickly turning and running away. 

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