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I stared at my door as the banging got closer. 

Something wasn't right. 

This wasn't normal. 

It was late. Probably 11pm. Even now, the castle wouldn't be silent. Footsteps, the odd clanging of platters being dropped to the floor as people cleaned and tidied as quietly as possible was. But this. This wasn't cleaning. 

I could see the orange glow from under my door getting closer. Knife. Get your Knife Ana. 

I quickly moved back to my bed, pulling the box out and grabbing the first knife I saw, hiding it in my hand, just in case. Its nothing. Right? 

This is nothing. 

I'm being dramatic. 

Three bangs on my door. 


"Not a chance. I'm in my night dress. Who is it and what do you want." 

"Don't fuck with me princess. Open the door. Now. Or we're bringing it down." 

"I've told you, I'm not opening it. I'm not suitable." 

"It doesn't matter. You won't be wearing anything in 5 minutes anyway." There was a collection of cackling outside the door. 

It was. 

This was definitely something.  Shit. 

The doors burst open and 3 men stood before me, gawking at me in the long white dress. 

Breathe Ana. You're fine. You're going to be fine.

"Well Well Well boys. Look who's all ready for us." I looked between the 3 of them I recognised them. From around the palace. Not guards. Definitely not.

"Where's Simon?" I snapped. 

"Who? The guy who let us all in the front door, told us you were all alone in the big castle?" Great. 

"Who sent you?" 

"Now that would be telling Princess." I held the knife out, holding my shoulders back. 

"Look, I'm going to kill you all either way. Just tell me who." They laughed at me, lunging forward. 

Okay I guess we weren't going to be easy. Great. I cut the first ones throat and moved back as he fell to the floor in front of me, bleeding out quickly. The other two didn't even flinch. 

I ducked around their arms as they grabbed for me, cutting them multiple times as I did. My dress was covered in their blood now. My favourite night dress. What the fuck. They pulled me down to the floor. 

I wriggled, grabbing the now dead guys sword and pushing it through the stronger one of the two remaining. 

"ANA." I didn't take my eyes off the other guy who's hands were trying to get up under my dress. I watched as he was pulled off me and I backed away quickly. I lunged forward, holding the knife to his throat. 

"I'll ask you again. Who. Sent. You." 

"Prince Louis. He said if we fuck you no one else will want you-" I ran my knife along his neck, not letting anymore words spill out before quickly closing my bedroom door. 

"Ana. Are you okay-" 

"What are you doing here Christopher."  My knife was at his throat now. I couldn't trust anyone here right now. 

"I heard a rumor this morning. I could see them all piling in as I got here. At least a hundred of them. And I knew your parents weren't here. I thought you and Bash could use some help. Where is he?" 

"With his dying father." I sighed, still holding the knife to his throat as he was pinned up against the wall. "How do I know you're not with them." 

"Because if I was I wouldn't have pulled them off you would I?"  I stood back. No. 

"Okay." I dropped my knife to the floor. "I need to get changed. I can't be running around like this. You shouldn't even be seeing me in this." I turned my back to him so he couldn't see anything untoward. "I need you to do me a favor in the meantime." 

"Go for it." 

"I need you to get up to the roof. And set the flag on fire." 


"Bash will see it and know." I pulled my double doors open, grabbing the only dress I owned that I can lace up myself. "Then come back here because I need to make sure the girls are okay. They should be. No one knows where they are. And their rooms are really out the way. But hurry." 

I reached over grabbing a candle and handing it to him. 

"Down the hall, left and straight up the stairs right?" I nodded and he stared at me. "Push something against the door after me so no one comes back in. I'll knock 3 times." 

"Okay." He rushed out of the room and I pushed an end table against the door, quickly returning to get changed. 

The men were still groaning on the floor, bleeding out over my beautiful cream rugs. What a waste. I walked into my closet, closing the door behind me. I wasn't giving them the benefit of seeing me naked. Not a chance. 

My night dress was on the floor in a heartbeat, I was using it to clean my hand. Black. I'd need to wear black. It wouldn't get ruined with blood. And I need that sword. A bow is probably too much right now anyway. This is hand to hand combat. 

I'm so glad I got some intense practice in. I wasn't going to kill Simon. No. I'd let my brother and Bash deal with him. That would be fun to watch but I know far too gory for me. Maybe some light scratches. 

I pulled on undergarments, petticoats and a corset, tying myself up as best as I could. I needed to maintain the image of that strong family. If there was 100 men here and even one got away with the thought I was weak, this would become common occurrence. No. If any of them were to get away. They will know I'm a fighter and that I do not back down to a fight. Even when I'm out numbered and under prepared. 

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora