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"This is my favourite dress on you." Mother looked over me as I reached the 3 of them outside the ballroom. She'd set it out. I knew Louis was here if this was being pulled out. This was my best dress. According to them anyway. Personally, I thought blue or pink always looked better on me than the darker colours. It seemed to really highlight my features. Where as the darkness just made me look pale. 

"Thank you." I smiled and took up my position between Percy and Father, resting my hands gently on my dress. Delicate and soft. That's what people liked to see. What father liked to see. 

The doors opened and all eyes turned to the four of us. An image of strength. Commanding the attention of the court. Our parents stepped forward, father taking mothers hand and helping her down the stairs whilst we waited for our go ahead. 

"Mother's right. That dress looks good on you Ana." I smiled at Percy, not moving my eyes. "Mother said she wanted you to feel pretty tonight. Prince Louis isn't here." I turned my head slightly as Percy held his hand out. 

I put my hand out and he took it quickly, holding my fingers gently and walking forward in time together. Feet in sync like we were copies of each other.  We approached the stairs slowly stepping down them so I didn't trip. This was the thing with balls. I couldn't lift the dress up to see my feet and it was terrifying walking down stairs in these.  

Percy knew this. His grip on me always tightened whilst we descended. He'd hold my fingers tight to show me I was safe with him, that he'd catch me. I knew he would. Him and Bash were the only 2 people in the world I'd trust my life with. 

As my feet reached the normal floor I looked at him, a soft smile as his grip eased. We continued walking to the dance floor as the music started. The first dance was always my parents and ours. About half way through the rest of the room would join. But it was nice to dance with Percy. Just like it was nice fighting or riding with Bash. I felt comfortable with them. I knew no one could trap me. 

"How are the marriage talks going?" I kept my voice quiet as we danced, moving around the room quickly. 

"Not terribly. We've got 2 good options right now. I need to go see them soon." I nodded slightly as he bowed and stood back up, lifting me up and spinning us both in a circle. 


"A month or so. They're coming with me so you'll be alone for about 2 weeks." I smiled. "Don't make it obvious." He chuckled as others joined the dance floor. 

"Sorry. I shouldn't be excited about it, but I am." 

"I can tell." He was smiling too. "I don't see you smile so much anymore." I sighed, keeping a small smile forced on my face. "You're not yourself lately." 

"I feel like I'm trapped." Another lift and spin. "Not just by the walls, but by people's eyes and expectations to be someone I'm not."  He nodded, lowering his brow ever so slightly. "I want to be able to protect myself, but-" I glanced over at my parents then back to him. "That's not very ladylike is it?" 

The laugh that escaped his mouth was a sound I hadn't heard in a while. He'd been away constantly the past few months, coming home for a handful of days before running off to some distant land again, always coming home with cuts and wounds. They never said what he was off doing. No one ever confirmed it, but I could tell there was something serious going on somewhere. 

This was the longest Percy had been home in almost a year. A week. That's all I'd had. And even then he was busy. Constantly. I missed my brother. I missed us sparring in the forest with wooden swords, discussing my latest book, or his latest conquest. 

"It's not very ladylike. But it is very Anastasia like." He smiled as his hand returned to the middle of my back. 

"I miss you." 

"I'm right here Ana."

"I miss spending time with you. You're here but I've not seen you and in a few days you'll be off again and I'll be alone." 

"You're never alone here." He chuckled and I sighed, rolling my eyes and making him giggle. 

"You know what I mean Percy." 

"Tomorrow morning. Lets go for a wander. Take the horses out, some lunch. Like we used to." The music came to a slow stop and he bowed. I curtseyed and nodded, smiling at him. 

"That would be great."

"Excuse me Percival. Princess-" I turned my head remaining polite. "Can I have this next dance?" I looked back at Percy who slowly backed away, raising his eyebrows and smirking. I'd kill him tomorrow. Forget the wooden sword. I'll sink a real one straight through is chest.  I looked at Christopher's out reached hand and scowled as I put mine in it. "You could act a little happier that I asked you to dance." 

"Why? I'm not happy about it." His free hand moved to the middle of my back, pulling me closer to him with one abrupt pull. 

"I think you are. Secretly." I looked up at him, locking our eyes and placing a small fake smile on my lips as the music began. "See. You're smiling." 

"This smile is for everyone else. Just like the reason you're not currently dead on the floor." He pulled me closer still, the smirk on his face growing.

"You got such an attitude in that nunnery you know princess. They're supposed to do the opposite. Maybe you should take another visit. I don't think it did what it was supposed to." My smile was gone now. I wasn't faking being happy. Not when he was being so ignorant. 

"You're the reason I was there in the first place. Don't like the attitude? That's on you Charming." I hissed, hoping the venom would take him down.  He'd always hated when I called him charming. Now I made a point of it. 

"You're eyes are more purple now." I lowered my brow as he spun us, my dress flying from the bottom. I could feel the breeze on my ankles. "Than they were back then. It was just a slither when I kissed you. A tiny ring around your pupil that disappeared with the shock." He lifted me up and I felt my eyes widen with how easy he did it. 

My hands sat on his shoulders, looking down at him and the floor spinning below him. Eventually, after what felt like a lifetime, my feet were back on the floor. 

"I shouldn't have told everyone. I didn't know you'd get in so much trouble. If I had, I wouldn't have told a soul." The music stopped and he dropped his hands from me, stepping back and bowing and standing back up. "I'm sorry."

And with those words, he turned and left me standing on the floor. I blinked and quickly left in the opposite direction. I need some air. 

Crowns and Daggers- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now