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Percy held my hand as I stepped out of the carriage. Stephen's 18th birthday had come around a lot quicker than I had thought. It was early March now. 5 weeks  had passed since I last saw Chris. We wrote whilst he has been away, but it was bizarre. 

A few months ago I was begging for periods like this without him. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. But every time I got a letter from him, my heart picked up a few extra beats per minute. 

It was just Percy and I tonight. And he was only here so I didn't come alone. He didn't want to be here. He'd most likely be with Stephen and his friends all night. Which was fine by me. I was only here for one reason too. Other than keeping up appearances that is. 

"Best behaviour." Percy said in my ear as we walked into the ballroom, handing me a glass of champagne and adjusting my tiara. 

"Please. What else do you expect from me?" 

"You and Chris to be running off together." I looked into his eyes and drunk from my glass. "Are you two friends now?" 

"I wouldn't call it friends." I scoffed slightly. I wouldn't. I don't know if there's an appropriate label for whatever we are right now. Its 3 circles overlapping. Friends, enemies and lovers. And we were there in the middle, not knowing what to do. 

"Then what would you call it?" He smirked at me. "What happened whilst we were away Ana?" 

"Not a single thing." I smiled. "That I'll ever discuss anyway." He chuckled and I brought the glass to my lips, not drinking, just holding it there. Cooling me down. 

"You know he's in talks with father, right?" 

"Yeah. He said." 

"And that doesn't bother you?" 

"Not really. I mean, he kept me safe right? He's always been very clear that I'm safe with him. Abundantly. I didn't believe him but I think I do after the invasion." 

"He kissed you that night right?" I sipped, not taking my eyes of his. "I knew it." He turned, standing beside me, looking up at the doors as the trumpets played, announcing the families arrivals. "How many times has he kissed you now." 

"I'm not going to kiss and tell Percy." I moved the glass down away from my stained red lips. 

"So more than once?" 


"3 times?" 


"I'll keep going up until you stop me." 

"Fine." I huffed as we kept our voice low. "4." 

"4 times. In one night? Lucky you." 

"Not in one night." I looked at him. 

"Over multiple nights? Oh. The ball. You guys went into the gardens right?" 

"Can we change topics. This is making me very uncomfortable." I could feel Chris' eyes on me as he entered the room. He didn't have my attention and he didn't like that. I smiled and Percy laughed. 

"He's staring at you." 

"I know." I didn't take my eyes of Percy for a good few seconds. When I did, watched his face light up. That's right. Try denying you love me now. You can't when I look like this. I dare you to try. 

"I thought you guys hated each other." Percy said smugly amongst a round of applause. 

"I did too." 

"What changed?" I pulled my eyes from his, looking up at Percy who still towered over me, despite the heels. 

"You're guess is as good as mine." I shrugged and drunk the last of my drink, putting the glass on the tray of a waiter walking past. "I asked him to kiss me the second time though. So probably that." I saw him trying to make his way to me and I knew exactly how to piss him off. "Dance with me." 

"He's literally-" 

"I know. Dance with me. Just the one then you can go mingle with all the girls you want to. I just want one dance." 

"Fine." He huffed and took my hand as Chris got a few people away. I smirked at him, turning my attention back to Percy. On the dancefloor I couldn't focus on him. "He's staring at you still." 

"Good." I smiled. "I'm not only doing this for his attention you know. I don't get enough time with you." 

"I know." He sighed as we moved together, his hand on my upper back. 

"Would you be happy?" 


"Married to him." Percy's head nodded backwards, in his direction. 

"That's a hard question."


"Because, how can it be guaranteed? Our lives aren't exactly simple. I could be happy with him. I think it's possible. He doesn't want me to change who I am. He doesn't try to supress my hobbies or anything." I breathed. Talking whilst dancing a waltz was hard work. "I like that. That I don't have to hide anything. We grew up together and he knows me better than anyone. The only reason we hated each other was because of his lie and he's apologised for that. He hasn't told anyone about the 4 other kisses either. I don't trust him 100% yet though." Percy nodded as the song came to an end. "He wants me to go outside with him." 

"Go." Percy dropped my hands. "Tell him if you're not back by the end of the party I'll come looking for him and I won't be going easy." I nodded, trying to keep my face straight and not show how happy I was to see him again. "Ana-" 


"Don't make any mistakes tonight." I looked at him. "If he tries anything-" 

"He wouldn't dare." I smiled. "Don't worry. I told you I don't trust him. I've got a knife hidden somewhere on me. He tries anything that's all it takes." He nodded and let go of my hand. I lifted my dress slightly, moving through the crowd to the doors at the back of the room. 

I'd lost him. 

He was right here.  

I turned my head for a second and he was gone, like a mirage in the desert.  I continued walking down the path before me. He'll be around here somewhere.

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