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I held my hands delicately as the double doors pulled open, keeping my face neutral. 

"Good luck." I looked at Bash and scowled. Thanks. I guess?

"Anastasia." I eyed my parents, sat in their usual seats up the stairs. Mine and Percy's chairs on either side. Percy's chair was beside my father's obviously. As the older brother he was second in line.  I mean, it didn't matter that he was older. He'd be next in line if he was born yesterday. 

"Father." I smiled sweetly, bowing ever so slightly before walking into the room. The doors closed behind me abruptly, leaving us alone. No guards. No prying eyes. Great. Lecture incoming. 



"Where have you been?" One. 

"In the forest. Reading. As always." I put my hands behind my back, swaying back and forth. 

"What were you reading?" Here come the questions trying to trip me up. I did it once. I wasn't making that mistake again.


"You read that last month." 

"I wanted to read it again." I wasn't lying. I was reading Evelina. Just not out there. "It's a lovely story mummy." I walked over, pulling the book from my bag and handing it to her. "Its about a young ladies entrance into the world. She was brought up on a farm and-" 

"Enough Ana." She pushed the book back and I took a step backwards, not showing the hurt. Always the same with them. "What were you actually doing?" 

"I told you I was reading. I picked some flowers but I didn't bring them back. I couldn't manage them on Romeo. I made some daisy chains again. Nearly as long as me this time." I smiled sweetly, turning to my father. "I promise. I wasn't doing anything unladylike. Sebastian was there watching me. You both know he wouldn't allow me to do anything without reporting it straight to you." They both stared at me, neither of them speaking. Don't react Ana. 

If you react to their silence, they'll know you're lying. You lost one guard over that. Don't loose Bash too. He's actually decent for once. And what if the next guard doesn't sway as easy. What if he's not trustworthy and he stays under father's thumb? No. You need Bash. 

"Fine." Father finally sighed and I smiled sweetly. Well done. "Now we are expecting company in one hour. Go change. You are not welcoming them in the mud stained gown." 

"Yes father." I nodded and curtseyed before walking away quickly, book in hand. The doors opened and I stepped back into the hall. 

My feet carried me right past Sebastian who fell to walking behind me in silence. He knew by the sly smile on my face as I pushed my shoulders back that it had been successful. Just as we had planned over and over again. 

The halls were busy today. People scurrying from one room to another making preparations.

"Where are the girls?" I asked Sebastian. He hurriedly stepped forwards so he was walking beside me. 

"Already in your room ma'am." I gave him a single nod. "Is there anything you need?" 

"I could do with a drink. I haven't had anything to eat either." 

"I'll send someone to the kitchen for you."  The silence returned as we walked down my hallway. "You're bow's in it's normal place too." His voice was low and I smiled, turning to look at him. Another nod as we reached my doors. 

"Okay I'm good here. I'll shout if I need you." 

"And I will knock when we need to leave." I looked down the hallways for anyone watching us. 

"Thanks for today Bash. I appreciate you keeping quite about it. You know that right?" 

"I do." He nodded before bowing. I opened the door and stepped back inside. I smiled at my girls who were all reading on the seats around my table. 

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in."  I smiled at Celeste, pulling my bag off my shoulder. 

"Did you have fun?" Georgina now who closed her book and sat up.

"Look at her. Of course she did. And her father doesn't have a clue either." Florence tilted her head, letting her ginger hair cascade down into the air. 

"Yes, I had fun. 8 arrows, all bang through the middle, splitting them each time. It was a sight. Now more important things." I lifted my dress onto the table so they could see the mud. "I need to change." 

All three of them put their heads back and sighed as I giggled. 

"How long?" 

"About 45 minutes before I'm dragged from here." 

"You're a mess. You know that right?" I narrowed my eyes at Celeste as she put her book on the table and shook her head. "Like you're hair. I mean mentally too but-" 

"CEL-" Georgia threw her book at her and I laughed. 

"Okay okay. Time crunch ladies." I moved over to my closet, pulling the double doors open into the secondary room that was actually bigger than my bedroom.  

"Who's coming?" Georgia asked as the three of them started flicking through the racks of dresses. I didn't answer. I wasn't even letting his name leave my lips. And they knew too damn well, it wasn't allowed in these quarters. Not unless they wanted throwing out the door. They didn't risk it. 

I crossed my arms and scowled. I hated the thought of him being around. Spinning on my heel, I marched back into my room, getting on my knees and pulling a box from under my bed, unlocking it and staring at the weapons. 

I looked for a good few minutes before pulling out a knife small and dainty enough to slid into my hair. I wasn't risking it again. If he caught me in the corner and I didn't have anything he'd never leave. He liked pushing my buttons. Making me cause a scene so he could make out I was insane. He didn't if I had a knife. He knew I would use it again. The box closed and went back under the bed as I stood up and turned to see all three of them staring at me. 

"What?" Their blue eyes went to the knife then back to me. It was like they were all marionettes. All moving in sync. "Okay. I'm not going to use it unless I have to." 

"You've done it before." 

"Oh my god. He fucking deserved it then and if I have to stab him again, he will deserve that too." 

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