Twenty Two.

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Well, there is officially a second prince in talks with my father again. 

They have done a full, in depth investigation into him now, he's had a spy following him for the past month, nothing concerning. No ex wives, never stepped even a toe out of line. Seems like a good man. 

Maybe I won't have to marry you after all.

His name is Prince Theodore. I thought you might want to know. Maybe you wanted to look into him a little bit. You do get jealous. He's older, 23 I believe which is nice. 

But other than that, not a lot going on here since your last letter. It's been a slow 3 months since your brother's party. 

How is Stephen? I heard he is starting to break into society very well? Attending balls alone and speaking with as many ladies as he can. Tell him to be careful. He doesn't want to set himself up as a ladies man. 

How is wherever you are? Where are you firstly? No one here will tell me where you are. I don't think I should ask anymore. 3 times looks suspicious right? All I know is my letters are getting to you and yours are getting back to me. 

I have Theodore coming over this afternoon. For a walk again. He likes to wonder through the gardens and forest with me. We haven't run out of things to discuss yet. Books, music. We have a lot more in common than you and I do. 

It's a good job you weren't serious about me marrying you because he's a good option. I think you talking about how the rumour you started was false at the ball made a difference. Apparently we've had a good few more letters in regards to being considered the past few months. Some from really big palaces on the continent too.  

Wouldn't that be fun? 

I should probably go get ready for the visit. I hope the weather isn't too hot wherever you are. And you've not found another young lady to cover you in scars. That's my job. 


I reread my words on the paper as they dried. I don't know why I was telling him about Theodore. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Besides, it's not like he was coming around like he was. At least Theodore was pushing for a connection with me that was built on something more than my reputation. 

It wasn't a lie that we had a lot in common. I'd danced with him at a few balls we'd held too and he was fun to dance with. Fun to be around in general. The conversations mainly splayed to our book habits and something he'd read. Sometimes a new science discovery. We'd discuss those in detail and he always wanted to know my opinion on it. He wasn't treating me like I was just a body. He wanted to know my brain too. 

He was sweet. And I didn't have a deep rooted anger towards him like I did with Chris. 

I knew if I was meeting him and he was around here this often that the conversations were getting very serious and they all were ready to see how we got on. Percy would always be watching, whispering with Bash whilst we did. He didn't think I could see it but I could. And I wasn't a massive fan of it. But whatever. I couldn't stop them. 

I closed the envelope, sealing it with my stamp messily in the rush to get out to Theodore who was already here. 

I pulled my door open as a single knock rang on it. 

"Oh-" I smiled at Bash. "That was quick." 

"You knocked just as I was opening, pure coincidence." I held the envelope out to him. "Can you-" 

"Get that to Christopher? Of course. What's in it this time?" 

"Just general chit chat. Nothing of any importance." He took the letter from me. "You were knocking anyway?" 

"Yeah. Theodore is here waiting down in the east gardens for you. Something about he wants to teach you how to shoot an arrow." I laughed, stepping into the hall and closing the door behind me. "I know. I didn't have the heart to tell him." 

"Oh god this is going to be really funny."

"You haven't told him already?" 

"I haven't had the chance. Our conversations never really come around to it. It's always books and art and science and politics. We don't really talk about weapons. Though I guess it's not really something you ask in the early stages of dating right? Oh hi. Nice to meet you. Can you kill people?" We walked slowly, chuckling at the thought of it. 

"Yeah you're right. Although. That should be an important part. Knowing how many people they've killed or had killed. Would have stopped the whole Louis thing." I laughed, grabbing Bash's arm and squeezing. He was too funny. "What? It would have." He was chuckling too as I dropped my hand. 

"I mean yeah okay it would have stopped it getting so deep but I don't think it would have stopped him breaking in. It might have just done it at a better time and been taken down with less casualties."

He wasn't wrong. If we'd have known sooner, he wouldn't have gotten as close to marrying me as he did. Percy would have had that stopped. 

"Right. Well I will leave you in his capable hands. I have a letter to get delivered. I will be around shortly if you need me. Don't embarrass him." I scrunched my eyebrows together a small smile on my lips. 

"Me? Embarrass a man? Never." Bash rolled his eyes and took a few steps away. 

"Just tread lightly. Some men don't like when a woman is stronger than them. Especially when it comes to things like this." 

"Are you one of those men Bash?" I crossed my arms. "How many times have I beaten you with the swords?"

"Too many times for me to rightfully admit." He smiled, taking another step backwards. "But make sure my wife never knows that. She'd have me pinned down in a second." 

"Disgusting." I rolled my eyes and stepped away from him into the gardens. 

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