Thirty Three.

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"ANASTASIA." I watched from the tree, holding back my childish giggles. "ANA. WHERE ARE YOU." 

This was the funniest thing in the world. He hated when I vanished. Always sent him into a panic. It was too funny. I couldn't not do it. 


"Alright. Chill Christopher. I'm right here." I looked down at him and his head shot up. 

"What the hell are you doing up there? You're going to fall and get hurt." 

"No I won't." 

"You will. And who's head is going to be on the chopping block then?" 

"My nanny's for letting me climb the tree." He crossed his arms which just made me giggle "You're so dramatic Chris. Your ten, not 30. Calm down. Have some fun. Life isn't that serious."

"Where are your shoes?" 

"Not a clue. Took them off somewhere." I jumped, grabbing ahold of a branch and swinging from it before dropping down into the grass below. He stared at me. Unimpressed. "Oh come on that was impressive." 

"Your covered in scratches Ana." He looked down at my legs which were, low and behold, covered in blood stains and minor cuts. "Your father is going to kill me." 

"No he won't. He loves you almost as much as he loves Percy, which is way more than he loves me. Plus it's not you that ran off into the woods is it?" 


"No. So come on." I grabbed his hand, smiling brightly. "I'm too warm, lets paddle in the river before we have to go back."  He groaned but moved forward, pulling me towards where I wanted to go. I always get my way with Chris. "We don't have to go." 

"No. You want to." 

"Yeah but you don't." I dug my feet into the mud. "We always do what I want Chris." He turned to see me clearer in the bright, but shaded forest. "What do you want to do?" 

"I want to do whatever makes you smile Ana. That's why I'm here. To keep a smile on your stupid little face. So come on." He turned back around, pulling my hand and forcing me to move through the grass. 

"Hey! My face is not stupid!"

"No its not. Now come on jump up on my back. Let me carry you, you're going to get bitten by a grass snake."  He stopped, patting his back and I did as I was told. In all honesty my legs were itching and aching from running around and the scratches. I liked him carrying me. He never told me I was getting heavy like Percy did. 


"Yes Ana." 

"I'm getting blood on your shirt." I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He sighed and grabbed my legs a little tighter. "I don't like when you disappear Ana. It scares me like crazy." 

"That's why I do it." I giggled and he shook his head but I could see the smile on his face. "One day Chris, we're going to be older and we won't be allowed to do this." 

"Do what? Wander through the forest?" 

"No. You won't be allowed to carry me places, or chase me when I disappear. We'll have so many rules and I'll have to act like a princess instead of a kid. I don't want to just yet." 

"Ana, we still have a few years before that." 

"Do we though? I'm already being told I should be spending more time playing harp, reading and sewing and less time running around like a child." 

"You are still a child Ana." 

"I know!" I sighed. "I don't want to grow up and be like them. Have you seen my mother? She's miserable. Stuck behind the same 4 walls doing the same 6 things day in day out. And it's just like all the other ladies I meet. First they answer their letters, then they read before breakfast, then reading in the garden before lunch, then its onto music and sewing, they take it in turns as to who entertains them, then if they're lucky a walk through the gardens or the palace and then the evening meal where they will nod and smile and agree to everything someone says even if its. What's the word you use?" 


"Bullshit." I nodded. "I don't want to be like that Chris. That seems so boring. I want to keep playing, sparring, climbing trees, running away from everyone. Whoever I end up marrying, I want to be like I am with you. Happy, free, myself and not some doll there to just look pretty." He sighed and leaned his head against me as we got closer to the stream. 

"You'll marry someone who does that Ana. Don't worry. I'll make sure you marry someone like me." His words were barely above a whisper but I heard them. 

"MY SHOES." I pointed at the floor. 

"Ana, I don't think those are the ones you came out in." His laugh echoed through the forest as he bent down and I struggled to reach them. 

"Oh no they definitely aren't." I looked inside and screamed, throwing it back to the floor. 



"Shit." We watched as it slithered out and curled into a circle, raising it's head. "Yep. Time to go. Forget your shoes, they belong to the snake now." He took off running and I clung tight. I hated when he ran and I was on his back or he was carrying me. I always felt like I was going to fall off. It's one of the reasons I hated horse riding. He didn't though. I'd ride with him and I'd cling to him tighter than I've ever held anything as we'd canter through the woods. I'd squeeze my eyes shut, praying it would be over soon. 

"I've got you princess. Don't worry." 

And then he'd call me his princess. And I'd remember I was with Chris. I was safe as long as I was with Chris. He'd never do anything to hurt me. I trusted him more than my own brother sometimes. 

"I know Chris. You've always got me."

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