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I jumped of his horse, leaving it to walk around the court yard. 

"Edward. Make sure that horse is ready for it's long trip home." 

"Ana?" I locked eyes with Bash. "Oh no. What happened?" 

"When he get's back here. He goes straight into handcuffs. Do you understand?" 

"Wha-. Why?" 

"Treason." I stopped. Staring at the white horses in front of me. He's here. I was going to change and go to his. But he's here. "Chris is here?" 

"Yeah. In your brother's office- Ana. Wait what happened?" Bash grabbed my arm pulling me around. 

"He put his hand up my skirt and unbuttoned my shirt then told me he paid some girl to kiss Christopher so I'd choose him." I shook my arm off him. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have an engagement to call off an replace with the right one."  I didn't even look at Bash, just stormed through the castle. 

These corridors felt longer now. It always felt like a 2 minute walk to where dad used to scream at me about my responsibilities. Now it felt ages away. My legs felt light. 


"Talk to Bash." I pushed past the girls. They'd understand once they knew. They'd probably be just as mad as I was. They were the ones that got called when I woke up crying. They'd gone through this past week with me. They'd seen the change in me, not having Chris. I wasn't myself. I knew it but I didn't want to admit it. I mean I couldn't. Not really. 

I pushed the doors open standing before Chris and Percy. 

"The marriage arrangement. Where is it?" 


"Now Percy." He looked into my eyes. Not answering. I was angry. Beyond angry. He knew too damn well I was not one to be played with when I was like this. Not until I'd calmed down slightly. But he could see it in my face, in how I hadn't acknowledged Chris that this wasn't something stupid. This was big. He slowly pulled it from his desk, holding it out.  I walked over, picking it up  and walking over to the fire, throwing it in. 

"ANASTASIA." He climbed from his seat, trying to grab it from the fire. "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Go talk to Bash." 



"You know I'm the king here right." 

"Percival. Go and speak to Bash. I am not fucking explaining it again and he's not going down to the dungeon in silence." 

"The dung- What the fuck happened out there?" 

"Go. Talk. To. Sebastian." He looked at me then Chris. 

"Don't worry she's fine with me." I looked at Chris as my brother left and I walked around to his desk, sitting down and shuffling through his paperwork. "You haven't said hi Ana." 

"Hi." My voice was short and dull as he moved around and bent down beside the chair. "Where is it. He has to have it somewhere." 

"What happened Ana?" I turned my head to see him. I could only see him in the red smoke. The same red smoke I'd had earlier. I snarled at the thought of how I could have killed Theo right there and then. His voice was slow and calm and I knew what he was doing. He was trying to calm me down. I didn't want to be calm. I needed to find it. 

I turned back to the desk, pulling the drawers open. AHA. I pulled it out and read over it quickly. 

"Read this." I put it on the desk. Standing up and taking my hand off it. I grabbed the pen, dipping it gently in the ink and signing my name at the bottom before he even finished reading it. 

"Ana-" He stood up beside me. One hand resting on the top of his sword.

"No. Don't-" I handed him the pen. "Do you still want to marry me Chris?" 


"He told me. That he paid her. Whilst his hand was under my skirt. Then he instructed me not to come back. I was coming to tell you it was you. That I was choosing you. I didn't fucking want him. I want you." He looked at me and the paper. "So sign it. If you still want me. Sign it and Then kiss me like you have wanted to since you were ten." I was breathing so heavy. 

Please sign it. 

The ink was dripping from his pen onto sheets of paper below. I don't care. All that matters is that one piece. And he was just looking between it and the pen and me. 

Please. Chris. Don't make me have to do all this again. Don't make me have to find someone else I don't want anyone els- 

The pen scribbled on the paper. 

Oh thank god. He dropped the pen to the desk, wrapping his arm around me and smashing his lips into mine. He backed me up, lifting my feet so I could wrap them around him as he moved so my back was against the wall. 

"I'm sorry." He panted between kisses. "I shouldn't have even gone outside with her. She said she'd show me where you were. That you asked for me out there." I pulled his head down to mine, shaking my head and scrunching my face up at the thought of the betrayal. 

"I should have listened to you. Given you a chance to speak, read your letters instead of burning them." He stopped pulling back and looking at my face. His thumb wiped the tears away that I was crying. "I was so angry Chris. I've been so angry and sad. I can't sleep. I keep waking up crying. I just wanted you here. I just wanted you again. I never wanted him." 

"I know Ana. Beautiful. Stop crying. I've got you. I'm right here. I'm not letting you go. I'm going to marry you and you'll be mine forever. I'm never risking you going anywhere else." He held my face with both his hands. "I love you Anastasia." 

"I love you Christopher." 

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