Twenty Four.

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The wind was hitting my face with such a force as I tried to stay ahead of him. I don't know how we'd ended up racing through the trails on the horses but we had. And I hadn't stopped smiling. 

Romeo was getting tired now. Luckily there was a field coming up that has a stream in, we could stop there. I pushed him harder, rising from the saddle slightly to help with keeping the speed going. 

Looking backwards, he wasn't far away. He was grinning brightly though, making me laugh as I turned back to the front. 

Once we reached the field, it's like Romeo knew. He slowed down quickly, almost coming from a full canter to an immediate stop. I had been expecting it. He'd thrown me off once doing that. I wasn't handling those bruises again. I was in pain for weeks whilst I healed.  I patted his shoulder, rubbing hard to show him he'd done a good job. 

Just as quickly as he pulled himself to a stop, I pulled my leg over, slipping down until I was on the floor. I moved around to Romeo's head, him breathing fast and heavy. He raised his head to me and I planted my forehead on his, scratching both his cheeks. 

"You did so well there Romeo. Very good boy." He huffed in between breathes. "Have a break." I pulled his bit from his mouth so he could eat and drink easier. "Better?" I looked into his eyes, him blinking slowly. 

"He's a lot faster than he looks." I turned, looking up at Theo, still sat on his horse. He slowly climbed off, standing in front of me and looking down. "You're very competitive aren't you?"

"I don't like loosing if that's what you mean." I smiled. 

"I can see that. You really had me working for it." 

"And you still lost." 

"I think that's a little unfair. You know the tracks around here. I didn't have a clue where we were going. I'll beat you in our activity later." 

"Archery right?" 

"How did you know?" 

"Sebastian is very loyal." I smirked and he shook his head, smiling. 

"It was supposed to be a surprise." 

"It was." I nodded. "No one has wanted to teach me something like that before." 

"So you've never done it?" 

"I didn't say that. I said no one has wanted to show me how to do it before. Are you any good?" 

"I'd like to think so but something tells me you're going to prove me wrong." 

"I've been told I'm not allowed to embarrass you." My smile turned softer as we started walking through the grass. 

"Why would anything you do embarrass me?" 

"Men don't like to loose Anastasia, play nice. Play sweet. Act sweet." 

"You don't follow instructions very well do you?" He chuckled as I sat down on a fallen tree. 

"I do not." I smiled up at him and he laughed. 

"Good." I furrowed my brows in confusion as he sat. "I like that you have your own mind. That you're not an identical copy of all the other princesses. Your individual, thoughts and feelings that you're not worried about speaking your mind." 

"Oh I am. You should see me around my parents. I can't tell you the number of times I've hidden my thoughts and feelings from them." 


"Let's just say I don't exactly have the hobbies they used to believe I did." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Well that would be telling Theo. I'm not giving up my secrets that easily." He smirked at me. "Besides you'll find out soon enough anyway." I shrugged, watching as our horses started grooming each other. Such a sweet gesture. 

"You're very intriguing Ana. Every time I think I have an idea of who you are, you pull something out of the bag that throws me off my tracks." 

"And that bag goes a lot deeper than you've seen so far too." I turned my head. "Do you have any secrets then, since you keep trying to unveil mine." 

"I have one. But I can't tell you it just yet." 

"Now who's being mysterious." I smiled, showing a few teeth as he looked at me. 

"You really want to know?" 

"I'm always down for gossip." He shook his head slightly, knowing I was joking. 

"You can't tell anyone I told you though. My reputation would be destroyed." 

"Oh well now you can't not tell me." I crossed my arms loosely, turning my body to face him. He smirked at me, looking down at the space between us. He moved so there wasn't any remaining, gently pulling my hand out from under one arm and holding it carefully. Almost as if I would crack with any further pressure.

"I'd heard things about you. Before I came I didn't think they could be true. People said one look in your eyes and men fall weak at the knees. That they crumbled and no one could work out why. But I looked into your eyes and as much as they do make me weak at the knees, they also somehow make me feel undefeatable, weak and strong at the same time. I don't feel like you need me to be safe. That if we were to marry, that it would be purely for us, not a marriage of convenience like everyone else is looking for with you. I know we have only been speaking for a short period of time. But my biggest secret is that you have me wrapped around your sweet fingers already and I just want to pull it tighter." 

 I could feel my face turning a dark red as his eyes came back up to meet mine. He chuckled when he saw how red I was, putting his hand on my cheek. 

"I'm going to pretend your so red from the riding and not from me. Don't worry." My heart rate was racing. I don't think it was healthy how fast it was beating right now. 

Oh boy. 

A love triangle. 

And I'm right at the Apex. 

"Has he kissed you? This other man?"  I blinked quickly, bringing his eyes into focus. 

"What?" My voice cracked as I spoke. 

"I just want to know." He smiled softly. "I don't care either way. I'm just curious." 


"He has right?" 

"Yes." He nodded. 

"How long did it take him to kiss you?" 

"10 Years." I laughed. 

"So it is the childhood friend?" I nodded and he smiled, but his brows were furrowed. "I thought you were friends. Why is he talking marriage with your father if your friends?" 

"A marriage of convenience. I also stabbed him a few times so I couldn't really say no." 

"You stabbed him?" His face dropped, mouth opening wide. 

"He deserved it the first time. The second time he demanded, put the knife in my hand and everything." 

"He asked you to- Is he okay?" I laughed loudly. 

"Clearly not." I giggled, bringing my voice back to normal. "He says he's the only person allowed to hurt me. But that he'd never hurt me. That's his whole thing. The kisses we've had I think they were just us trying to -" 

I couldn't finish my sentence before his lips were pressed firmly against mine. 

His lips were soft. Smooth even. Not a single wrinkle in them. How was that possible? 

The kiss had caught me completely off guard. I wasn't expecting it. Much like I hadn't been expecting my first kiss, both times, with Chris. 

But this one felt different. It wasn't hot like my kisses with him had been. This was deeper. Emotionally deeper. It was a kiss based on adoration. We had a good connection and I could feel that between us as his lips moved against mine. 

Eventually he pulled away, taking his hand from my cheek as I flushed red again. 

"There. Now every time he kisses you, you'll be thinking of me."

Holy. Fuck. 

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