Thirty Six.

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It felt like forever. The movements in this first dance. The first one where it was just me and Percy on the dancefloor so we both knew everyone's eyes were on the king and his little sister. Specifically 2 pairs. Either side of the room. I couldn't escape either of them. It was making me so tense. 

"Relax Ana." I looked back at Percy who gave me a small smile. "It's going to be okay." 

"This is the first time they've been in the room together and I'm right in the middle of their daggers." I looked at the both of them as he spun me. "They both want to pull the other's spine out. I can see it in their faces. How do I even get Theo away from here without Chris seeing. He'd be right behind us and I can't stop them killing each other alone." He shook his head slightly, smiling. 

"You're over thinking it. You're going to be fine. I'll distract Chris. But I think you should play for everyone first." 

"What why?" 

"They both like watching you play right? It might ease the tension. I'll sing with you. We can do Exile."  I bowed my head as the song finished, but he didn't drop my hand. "Now or never." He pulled me towards the piano, grabbing a glass from a tray as he did. 

"Exile's a bit on the nose no?" 

"Exactly." He smirked, holding me out and ushering me to sit. He spoke to the audience as they gathered around, closing off the dance floor. We did this every few months so it wasn't anything special. It didn't look suspicious. People knew me and Percy sung together. I don't know where he got his voice from, he hadn't taken classes like I had. It was amazing none the less. 

I didn't take my eyes off the keys the whole time. I didn't want to see their faces as they heard the lyrics which could be about either one of them, whichever one I was going to choose, they knew this could be for them. That's why Percy made me do this one, to make them think about loosing me rather than the competition. I could feel the energy between them die off quickly as soon as I started singing the second verse. 

"I can see you staring, honey
Like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me

Second, third, and hundredth chancesBalancing on breaking branchesThose eyes add insult to injury

I think I've seen this film beforeAnd I didn't like the endingI'm not your problem anymoreSo who am I offending now?You were my crownNow I'm in exile, seeing you outI think I've seen this film beforeSo I'm leaving out the side door." 

I lifted my head up, but kept my eyes closed, tight. I didn't want to look at them. I did. But I didn't. It would make it harder either way.  The crowd applauded as I finished, demanding another. I looked up at Percy who shrugged. He knew I was calming down here. 

"Do Turning Tables. You like that one." He whispered and I furrowed my brows. "They do too." I turned my head back to Chris where Percy was looking, snapping back to Percy in a second. 

"Is that an order?" 


"Fine." I huffed, but he could see the tiny smile on my face at the thought of playing more. Especially with the full band as well, the music always felt better this way. Deeper, more like a performance than just me entertaining. And they knew these songs well so all it took was a nod from Percy for them to play the music which set me off. 

This song had memories attached at every curve. For Chris, this was the first song I'd heard that made me think of him. I was probably 15 or 16 at some theatre in some big city in his kingdom. We were sat together despite all of our complaining. And we had to sit there smiling. Turning tables played and I was awestruck. At the end I turned to my father and said I'd like the music sheets for it. He had them on my piano the next morning. I'd been playing it ever since. 

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