Chapter 94

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Author Note: hi! looks like i'm back again! i apologise for any plot holes but it's been a while since I updated this so there may be some small inconsistencies! Hope you enjoy reading this!!

"Tessa?" I hear Connor yell, as I sit on top of one of the counters in his kitchen, something that usually annoys him, although he hasn't noticed it yet. 

"Tessa?" he calls out again, sounding slightly frustrated. I take a sip of my coffee. Still burning hot, I see. 

"What is it?" I shout back, calmly. I don't know why he's so stressed, but this is quite funny to watch. 

"My phone. Have you seen my phone? I've been looking everywhere for it." He sounds breathless, and I have to hold in my laughter so that he doesn't hear. 

"I don't know where it is!" I tell him, a smile on my face as I look straight at his phone, lying on the coffee table, a few metres away from me. 

I could just take the easy route and tell him where it is, but this is better. It's funny, too. I'll wait for him to figure out that it was in an obvious place all along. 

"Are you sure?" he asks, walking into the kitchen, where I am. "You haven't seen it anywhere?" 

"No," I say, trying to keep a straight face. It turns out that I'm surprisingly good at it. I'm sure he'll figure out where the phone is soon.  

"Okay," Connor says, looking around the room. His eyes eventually rest back on me. I can tell that he's noticed where I'm sitting, but he doesn't say anything about it. 

"Try the coffee table?" I suggest, an innocent smile on my face. This is going to be hilarious. I take another sip of my coffee, which has now cooled down. 

"The coffee table? Why would it be on the-" he stops, turning around. "You knew this was here all along, didn't you?" he asks me. 

"What? No! No way!" I gasp, pulling an exaggerated face. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"Tessa," he says, picking up the phone from the coffee table. "You know how much I need this. I'm waiting for an important email." 

"What is it?" I ask, moving along the counter to get a closer look. 

"Just an email," he says, shrugging. "Tessa, don't think that I don't see you sitting there," he adds. 

"You really want me to get down?" I ask, sighing. 

"Yes," Connor tells me, nodding. "Yes, Tessa, that's exactly what I meant by that." 

"Fine," I say, getting down and walking over to him. "What's the important email that you're waiting for?" 

"It doesn't matter," he tells me. "It isn't even that important, don't worry about it." 

"I'm not," I say, shrugging. "I just wondered what caused you to go into such a panic because you lost your phone for...five minutes, was it?" 

"I think it was longer than that," he says, raising an eyebrow. "But you know I need this. I need to be contacted somehow." 

"I know, I know," I say, laughing. "Relax, I'm going to shower." 

I walk past him, and into the bathroom. It's so funny to see Connor get so stressed out about something small like that. It's entertaining. 


I leave the bathroom, my hair still drying out, and walk back out. "I'm done in there," I say, walking over to Connor, who is sat at the table, looking at something on his laptop. 

He doesn't even look up when I come in, still so intently focused on whatever it is on his screen. "Hello?" I repeat, louder this time. "I said I'm done in there!" 

"Tessa," Connor says, a brief expression of surprise crossing his face. Quickly, he shuts the lid of his laptop. "I'm sorry, I didn't even hear you come in." 

"I'm done," I say, for the third time. Hopefully he'll actually understand it this time. "You can go in there now." 

"Great," he says, standing up. He looks strangely uncomfortable. "See, that's my mistake, letting you go in there before me. You'll use up all the hot water." 

"You're like...a millionaire," I laugh. "I really don't think you have to worry about problems like that." 

"You're right," he laughs, nodding. "Okay, I'm going to shower, and I won't take nearly as long as you did." 

"Hey!" I say, pretending to be offended, as Connor starts to walk towards the door. Before he does, he quickly turns around and grabs the laptop, holding it protectively under his arm as he leaves. 

"I didn't know you needed that to shower," I say, trying to make a joke out of it. "You could have just left it out here." 

"I know, but I'm done using it, so I was just going to put it back, that's all," he explains, turning back around and leaving the room. 

I'm about to say something about how it definitely didn't look like he was done with it when I just walked in, but I don't. 

Instead, I sit down on the chair that Connor was just sat on, and rest my head on the table. As I'm doing this, that's when I see it. His phone, back on the coffee table, a favourite place of his to leave it. 

The screen is lit up with a notification, and as I tilt my head, I can see that it's one of many. About ten, probably, and that's only from a first glance. I know he's busy, but he isn't even working today. Why is he getting so many emails all at once, out of the ordinary. 

I can't help but start thinking about it, even though I just want to leave it alone. Maybe this would explain why Connor was so desperate to find his phone, or why he was being so secretive about the laptop. 

Except that's crazy. Those things probably aren't even linked. They're just coincidences, surely? At least, I hope that's what they are. 

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