The ad in the Paper

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(TW mentions of SH)

Seth lay in bed, the sun slowly creeping up and shining through the blinds. He didn't feel like getting up, but he knew he had to. He and his twin brother Milo were already behind on rent and worked dead-end jobs that they both hated. He rolled himself out of bed and started to get dressed. His little brother Lucy, which they had nicknamed Lunar, would normally be up first and always wanted to pick out Seth and Milo's outfits.

No longer would Lunar's determination be shown. Seth had fallen into a deep depression after Lunar died that was difficult to manage. After he got dressed he looked in the mirror and saw the scars on his arms. Some are old, and some are still healing. He sighed and grabbed a yellow hoodie. He put it on and picked up his Sun and Moon-themed hair brush. As he brushed his hair he heard a knock on his room door.

"Starlight? Are you awake yet? Wake up, I made breakfast." Milo was coming to check on him, as usual, to make sure he was up and out of bed. "Yes, I'm awake brother, just putting my hair up." Seth had called out. Milo had always been interested in the stars and the night, he even started using nicknames for people like Starlight or Moonbeam. Sun finished putting his hair up in a small bun and left his room.

He could smell breakfast in the kitchen. "Good to see you woke up by yourself for once." Milo joked around. "Yea yea," Seth said sitting down. He noticed that the newspaper was already on the table. "Milo did you already-" "Yea, I went and got the paper for you. I didn't think you'd already be up." Seth usually read the paper to keep in touch with Blaze and Evan's activity. He would never call those two brothers ever the fuck again. "Lunar didn't deserve what happened to him..."

Milo sighed. "I know Starlight, but he's gone now. Blaze and Evan have been taken into custody many months ago. All we can do is hope Lunar got into heaven." Seth slammed his hands on the table and got up. "I KNOW HE GOT INTO HEAVEN!! L-Lunar was a good boy..." Milo didn't reply as he continued the dishes. Seth sat back down and continued to read the paper. He then noticed a job advertisement.

It was a job to work at a Pizza Place? But it wasn't just a Pizza place, it had all these attractions and places of entertainment. They were looking for daycare attendants and night guards. "Milo, do you want to work with children?" Seth asked. "I hate children and you know this." Milo retorted rather rudely. "W-Well, this advertisement is looking for daycare attendants and night guards. We could work at the daycare!" Milo sighed. Seth seemed so happy about this.

"Alright fine. But I also want to work as a night guard. Call the number on the ad and get us an interview, but if I do this for you, promise me one thing." Seth looked over at his brother who had turned around. "You'll stop hurting yourself." Milo's statement was stern. Seth said nothing, but he slowly nodded. "Use your words." Milo said. "I promise I'll stop hurting myself." Seth said in a weak but believable tone.

Milo smiled. "Alright, Moonbeam. Now go set up the interview for us." Seth rushed off to call the number. Milo turned back to his dished and sighed. Seth had always loved kids. He loved to see him get his excitement and smile back. Milo didn't like kids much but was good at caring for them. He's cared for Seth and Lucy, despite Seth being a few minutes older. He wanted to see where this job ad took them.

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