Lying Low

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Eclipse and Bloodmoon stayed in an alleyway, a small fire illuminating their surroundings. Eclipse was sharpening a stick out of boredom while his brother paced around, mumbling to himself. Something was wrong in Bloodmoon's head that Eclipse had never understood, but it was becoming rather useful nowadays. "We have to lay low. We can't kill anyone else until we get to Seth and Milo. So don't plan anything."

Bloodmoon stopped. "Yes I agree other me, our brother is a cunt." Eclipse rolled his eyes and finished sharpening his stick. They still had the guns, and Bloodmoon found a knife in the car that he had tried to stab Eclipse with. "We also have to use our aimo sparingly." Bloodmoon nodded and continued to pace. "Uh- hello?-" They both looked over at the person who spoke. Some random man with a trashcan over his head.

"Uh- is anyone there?- I heard someone speak. I'm kind of lost, and can't really see anything." Eclipse looked at Bloodmoon, who was staring at the man with blood hunger in his eyes. "Go wild, brother, but be quiet," Eclipse said. Bloodmoon, instead of killing the man, just wanted to beat the loving shit out of him. Kicking the trashcan on his head, biting, punching, and scratching. The man was screaming.

Eclipse then pulled Bloodmoon off the man. The man got up slowly, shaking and scared, but was completely fine? They both were a bit stunned. "Y-You're not so kind." Eclipse made a growl like sound. "We aren't trying to be kind, idiot." "I like you two. You seem kind." Both Bloodmoon and Eclipse were in confusion. All of a sudden, red and blue lights appeared. Eclipse and Bloodmoon grabbed their stuff quickly and ran. "See you later!" Trashcan man said after them, facing the wrong way.

Once they were safe in another area away from the police, Eclipse slapped Bloodmoon. "Are you stupid?! You were so loud! We have to lay low, remember?" Bloodmoon bit his arm. After a small war, Bloodmoon started a small fire while Eclipse wrapped his bleeding arm with the bandages they had. They needed a plan to find Sun and Moon, but where would they start? The two moved out shortly after Lunar's death, so they weren't even in the original house.

"Where could the two idiots have gone?" Eclipse asked himself. Bloodmoon continued to talk to himself, ignoring Eclipse. "You aren't gonna find them." Eclipse looked over and saw someone standing deeper in the alleyway. "Lunar?" The figure of the youngest brother stood there, staring unhappily at him. "You know, I really looked up to you, and you killed me like I was nothing." Eclipse turned away from him.

Bloodmoon noticed his uneasiness. "You seem uneasy." Eclipse looked back at Lunar, but he was gone. "I'm fine. I was just thinking of something. You should probably sleep." Eclipse just realized how tired he was. He hadn't slept since they broke out a week ago. His head was pounding, and he felt nauseous, but for a week, he kept that hidden from his brother.

"You should sleep too. You haven't in a week." Eclipse shook his head. "One more night won't kill me. Someone has to look out for the cops anyway." Bloodmoon didn't take that as an answer. He dragged Eclipse over to one of the sleeping bags and forced him to lay on it. "The people looking out will be us. Now go to sleep." Eclipse almost immediately passed out. "That was strange. He was looking at nothing in the alleyway. Yes, other me, that was strange."

They look deeper into the alleyway to find nothing. "He said something about Lunar, but Lunar is dead. Is he regretting the murder?"

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