Rowan's help

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While at the daycare, Moon and the kids seemed to have noticed Sun's odd behavior. He seemed less active and more nervous. "Mr. Sun? Are you okay? You don't seem okay..." Sun smiled at the young kid. "I'm fine, Sunshine! Just having a bit of an off day, but I'll be okay!" When it came around to be naptime, Sun was relieved. He collapsed onto the bed Fazbear Entertainment provided and fell asleep almost immediately.

At the end of the day, when the daycare was closed, Sun and Moon started cleaning up. "So Moony! What do you think we should do for dinner tonight?" Sun asked. Moon didn't reply. "Moony?" He snapped back into reality. "Oh, sorry, Sun, I zoned out. You're going to need to figure dinner out by yourself. I got the night shift tonight." Sun was confused. When did Moon get the night guard position? He decided not to question his brother.

"Okay," Sun said in an obviously nervous tone. Moon sighed. "Let's finish cleaning up, alright?" Sun nodded. After cleaning up, Sun went out to the car by himself. Moon said he'd hitch a ride with Monty after his night shift. Sun's heart was beating painfully in his chest. His anxiety had never gotten this high before. He looked at his hands. They were shaking. Sun took a deep breath. He needed to focus on getting home.

He couldn't. His mind was set on Evan and Blaze. They're out there somewhere. They're out to get himself and Moony. It started to rain outside, but Sun could hardly hear it. He could hear his heart beat in his ears. It was loud, too loud. He wanted the sound to stop. Hot tears started running down his face as he gripped the steering wheel of the parked car. His breathing was heavy and quick. Every breath was painful.

Sun closed his eyes and started to cry, his grip of the wheel increasing once more. He was going to die. He and Moon were going to die. He could hear a muffled tapping and someone calling his name. Sun was shaking like a leaf. That's when the passenger's side door opened and someone got in, shutting the door when they got in. "Sun? SUN! Can you hear me? You need to calm down... take deep breaths, focus on your breathing..."

The voice was so faint, so muffled. He felt a hand on his shoulder. The person besides him was attempting to talk to him. "Sun... come on, look at me..." He looked over to see the face of Rowan next to him. Sound started to come back to Sun. His breathing was still heavy and quick, but he could hear his voice better. "That's it, Sun... breath... think about anything else right now... think about the rain outside, or dinner when you get home."

Sun closed his eyes again and took some deep breaths. He felt DJMM grasp his hand in his own. Tears still ran down Sun's face, but the other male took his pocket handkerchief and wiped Sun's tears. After a little while longer, Sun had finally calmed down, not fully, but enough to understand what was going on and to act reasonable. "Sunny? Can you hear me better now?" DJMM asked. Sun nodded. "What happened? It looked like you were having a panic attack of some kind."

Sun didn't respond. "I get it. You don't want to talk about it. Do you want me to drive for you? I normally walk home since I live close by, but I can drive you home." Sun nodded. They switched sides so that DJMM was on the driver's side and Sun was on the passenger's side. "Have some water, Sun." DJMM gave Sun his unopened water bottle. "Thanks..." Sun said to him, opening it and taking a few sips.

On the drive home, Sun looked out the window and started to think. He felt like a fool, having a breakdown in front of someone, especially Rowan. "Is this your house?" DJMM asked after a while. Sun looked at the house and nodded. DJMM made sure to park the car in the driveway. The rain had become a small drizzle for now. They both got out, and Sun immediately went to rush inside.

"Sun, your keys." DJMM then handed Sun his keys. "T-Thanks... Mr. Music Man..." DJMM chuckled. "You can just call me Rowan, Sun. He nodded as he opened the door. Just then, it started to downpour. "Ah- you can come inside," Sun said nervously. DJMM nodded, and they both headed inside. "You and Moon have a nice place," he said, looking around. A lot of the stuff seemed Sun and Moon themed, occasionally Lunar Eclipse themed.

"Yea... I guess..." Sun said, still relatively upset. "Sun, do you need someone to talk to?" DJMM asked. Sun went silent. He then slowly nodded his head. They both sat down as Sun started to spill his heart and soul out to DJMM. He told him everything. Lunar's death, the depression he fell into, the scars on his arms, how he thought he'd be so much more happier working with the kids, Blaze and Evan's escape and how they were his brothers...

DJMM listened until Sun stopped talking. "Sun, do you ever try talking with your brother about this?" He asked. Sun shook his head. "I-I don't want the stress of my life o-on him..." Sun replied. DJMM moved closer to Sun and hugged him with all four arms. It took him by surprise, but he hugged him back. "I'm sorry, Rowan..." Sun said quietly, tears running down his face again.

"You're fine, Sunny... also telling Moon wouldn't be pushing your stress onto him. He's your brother. You should feel safe telling him these things. If you ever need help but can't tell Moon, I'm always available, okay...?"  Sun didn't reply but hugged DJMM tighter. After a few more minutes, Sun had finally calmed down. It was still raining outside. "I should probably make dinner," Sun said, just realizing his own hunger.

"Let me help," DJMM said. Sun nodded. They both headed to the kitchen. Sun felt a lot better after talking to DJMM. His heart fluttered, just being around him. Did he have a crush on him...?

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