(Message from the Writer!)

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(Art up top is actually mine today!)


I would like to start with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone who reads this message!

I just wanna say thank all of you for the support. My mental health hasn't been the greatest, but seeing the silly comment and knowing I'm making you guys laugh and invest in the story brings me joy every time I open this app. Y'all are the absolute best, and I'm so happy "The Five Brothers" made it this far.

I remember the day I opened the app and saw 1k reads. My mind was fucking blown. I showed my parents and they were so proud of me! Now, this story is almost at 2k. To me, that's insane!

If you want more of anything from me, I have a Tik Tok and a Twitter, where I hardly ever post, but I try to post art or little animations for people to enjoy.

Twitter - Silvia The Nutcase (@SilvzTheWolf)
Tik Tok - Silvia Wants To Animate (also @SilvzTheWolf)

I really just wanted to say thank you for everything on this app. Even if you think you're doing something small, to me, you're doing something big.

I hope that today, your faces have a smile plastered onto them. You're spending time with your loved ones, family, or even pets. Maybe you got some cool gifts that you're super happy about! Feel free to say!

Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of my readers! Have a wonderful day! ♡

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