A Date

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Sun had come back after his day of rest. Moon was rather glad about this because with one day, alone with the kids, he wore him out. At the end of the day, when the kiddos went home, Sun was happily eating the slice of cake one of the mothers had brought him for his return. She also kept trying to give Moon a baked treat as well, and in the end, Moon accepted a mini cupcake with homemade frosting. "This mini cupcake is good," Moon said after a bit.

Sun nodded in agreement but for his cake. His face was still bruised, and he had a black eye but was happy either way, it seemed. There was a knock on the daycare door. "I'll get it, Sun," Moon said, considering he had finished his cupcakes already. He got up and went to the door. He opened it to find Monty. "Oh, sup Monty, how are you?" Monty seemed nervous about something. "You good? You look so nervous you might throw up."

Monty then handed him some flowers. Moon flowers. "Oh, well, thanks, Monty. These are actually thoughtful. I heard they are rather romantic flowers," Moon said, accepting the offer. "So, Moony, I was just wondering if, by chance, are you free on Saturday?" Moon shook his head. "I have a doctors appointment that day. My apologies, why?" Monty too a deep breath.

"What day are you free, beautiful?" He asked Moon. The taller male thought about it. "I'm free on Sunday. Does that work for whatever you're asking for?" Monty nodded and smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to that new diner that just opened down the road from the church." Moon chuckled, crossing his arms, still holding the flowers. "Are you asking me on a date, Montgomery?" He teased. "If I was, would you say yes?" Monty asked Moon in return.

"Yep, so, see you at 6?" Moon asked. Monty nodded, and they both went on their ways. Sun, who was now eating his other slice of cake, looked at Moon. "Who was there?" He said with his mouthful of cake. "First, where did you get a second slice of cake? Second, swallow your food, please." Sun swallowed his mouthful of cake and asked again. "Who was there? Also, where did you get those pretty flowers?"

"Monty gave them to me. He's taking me on a date on Sunday," Moon replied. Sun's smile became grand as he almost knocked over his brother in a hug. "Oh, Moony, that's so wonderful! I'm so proud of you!!" Moon had to push Sun off. "Oops, yep! S-Sorry!" Sun said nervously. Moon started to sense something was wrong with his brother but ignored it. "Come on, Sunny, we have to go home. Are you done with your cake?" Sun nodded.

When Sunday came around, Moon was rather nervous. "You look fine, Moony!" Sun kept telling him. "Look, I don't know Seth. I've never actually been on a date. You know my last lover never tried to make things happen. He was always late for everything and always called plans off. What if Monty is the same way?" Sun crossed his arms and started at his brother. "Milo, you worry too much." Moon laughed a bit, knowing Sun was right.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Go answer it, Moon," Sun said. Moon took a deep breath and went to the door. He opened it and saw Monty. Both himself and Monty took the same approach to look nice but not suited. "Nice pink shirt," Moon teased. "Thanks," Monty replied, knowing Moon was teaing him. "Awwww, I want to get a picture!!" Sun said, butting into the conversation. "Sun- you aren't Mom, and I'm not 15. This isn't prom."

Sun looked sad. "Shall we Milo?" Monty asked, holding out his hand for Moon to grab. "Don't call me Milo, Montgomery," he said to the redhead. "Well then, don't call me Montgomery," Monty said. Moon took his hand, and they went off to Monty's car. The drive there was rather nice, and the diner was nicer. When they got in and got seated, they ordered some appetizers. "So, Moon, how have you been recently?" Monty asked.

"Eh, good enough. I'm just making sure Sun doesn't go all depressed again. How about you?" Monty, who had no idea Sun was depressed, said, "Wait, Sun has depression?" Moon nodded. "I don't want to talk about it. Sorry that I brought it up. Can you answer my question?" They chatted for a while until their appetizers came around. They talked and laughed about stupid things. They both also shit talked Roxanne. "Aren't you her friend?" Moon asked.

Monty shrugged. "She's a drama queen. I guess I'm her friend? I don't know. I just don't have the balls to say we aren't because she's fucking scary man." That's when two more people entered the diner. They had their faces hidden but they seemed rather familiar. Moon shrugged and continued to talk with Monty. The two sat down a bit away from Moon and Monty, but they took no mind to one another.

When their meals came, they immediately dug in. The food was actually rather good. They both continued to talk, but while Moon was telling a story, he started to get rather quiet. Monty noticed. "Hey, Moon, you okay? We can leave if you want." He looked back at Monty. "I have an off feeling about those two over there. I can't see their faces but they seem familiar..." Monty looked over too. "I can't really tell either. Look, try not to focus on alright?"

Moon nodded, "Anyway as I was saying, Lunar then shoved Sun out of the way of the soccer ball and he got hit in the face with it." Monty was laughing at this point. Moon was chuckling too. "Yea, Mom was so mad at me and Blaze, considering we went to war over who was going to kick it." Moon looked over at the other table and noticed one of them looking at him. He could see his.... blood red eyes.... Moon's eyes widened.

"Monty, we have to go, now." Monty was confused. Moon slammed money down on the table and got up. He grabbed Monty's hand and dragged him quickly out of the diner. He has no idea what Moon was on about, but he seemed panicked. "Get in the car and DRIVE!!" He shouted. Monty got into the driver's side while Moon got in passenger's. They drove off quickly. "Moon what's going on?-" Monty asked.

"I know why they seemed familiar... that was Evan and Blaze... they found us...." Monty practically slammed his breaks as he pulled over. "Wait they got out?!" He asked. "DO YOU EVER READ A PAPER?!" Moon shouted. He noticed Monty's look and felt bad. "I-Im sorry, I shouldn't yell. But I don't want Sun to have another panic attack over this... what do I even tell him...?" They reminded silent. "We'd need to tell him something," Monty said. "No," Moon stated, "We don't tell him anything, got it? We just talk about how our date went."

Monty nodded as he got back on the road to take Moon home.

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