Eclipse's Regret

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Christmas was getting closer and closer. Trashcan Man let Bloodmoon and Eclipse stay with him while Bloodmoon recovered. To discover, he was not homeless. He lived in a very nice house, all alone. He seemed pleased to have someone over for the holidays. "No one ever comes to visit me! Not even my mother! Probably because she's dead!"

Eclipse was grudgingly eating a gingerbread man while Bloomoon rested in the room over. He felt horrible, and he felt as if it was his fault Bloodmoon got stabbed. What if they get killed? What will he do then...? He looked at his gingerbread man, which was missing its head. He felt so overwhelmed with emotion, and he hated it. Why did he feel guilty? Why did he feel... anything? His whole life, all he felt was hate to his family, but now he's feeling something else...

He felt sick to his stomach again. He runs on so little sleep, and he hardly eats... but why is he doing this to himself? He didn't have a reason to. Eclipse then scarfed down his gingerbread man as if he were dying. When he swallowed, someone entered the room. "Your brothers loves you, you know." It was Trashcan Man. Eclipse looked at him. "How the hell would you know? You don't know anything about them! Seth and Milo hate me!"

Trashcan Man crossed his arms. "I meant the two in the other room." Eclipse stared at him. "As stated before, how would you know?" TCM sighed. "Bloodmoon talks to themselves. They said that they were surprised that their older brother cared for them and were going to stay with them during their time of death. They love you, you love him, you three just don't have a way to show your brotherly bond unless it's through violent and yelling." Eclipse remained silent.

"You're silent because you know I'm right. I'll give you time to think about it." He then walked out of the room. Eclipse stared after him, tears in his eyes. He slammed his fists on the table while shouting "GOD DAMN IT!!" He got up, watching his tears drop into the table. There was a chuckle from behind him that turned into a sickening laugh. Eclipse growled and turned to face Lunar.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Lunar smiled gently. "I think you know what I want... you know that he's lying to you. Bloodmoon hates you, both of them. You killed the only one who loved you... and now, every time you feel guilt or regret, guess who comes back." Eclipse was hyperventilating. He looked at his shaking hands, then remembered all of Sun's panic attacks. Is this what he felt when he was drowning in his own panic and fear? He felt so... scared...

"Are you trying to ignore this? I know you want to go back to prison to ROT like the piece of crap you are." Eclipse glared at Lunar. "I don't want to go back. I need to finish the job." Lunar laughed lightly. "Aww, you were never funny. You think I believe you? Care for you? Do you think I even CARE about what's going on? You know I don't because you know this is all in your head... you're going insane, Clipsy..."

Eclipse's legs were shaking now. What if he was going insane? What if he was just completely delusional? He couldn't stop himself from shouting. "FINE!! I REGET KILLING YOU!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR FROM ME LUNAR?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO FUCKING HEAR?!?!?" Lunar smiled as Eclipse fell to his knees. His legs finally gave out. "Brother?" Eclipse looked over to see Bloodmoon. He was using crutches to walk.

Eclipse was hyperventilating, tears running down his face as he was very shaky. He tried to hide his tear covered face from his brothers. Bloodmoon made his way over to his older brother. He managed to sit down on the floor next to him and hug him gently. Eclipse hugged Bloodmoon back and started to sob. Bloodmoon patted his brother's back as he continued to sob. Eclipse had so many things running through his head at once. He just wanted it a to stop.

"Calm down. Breathe. You'll be okay." Eclipse was trying hard to focus on his breathing, but he couldn't. He felt like passing out... "Evan, look at me." He did. "Just take a moment, and breathe. Forget everything around you and just focus on your breathing." Eclipse took a few deep breaths. Bloodmoon kept his look on him stern and unbroken. After a while of flipping through different ways to calm down, Eclipse was calm, or, calm enough to explain what happened. "So," Bloodmoon spoke, "What happened?"

"I can't go through with this... I can't kill Seth and Milo... I just can't..." Bloodmoon looked a bit annoyed. "Wasn't it your idea to kill Lunar, which landed us in prison?" Eclipse swallowed and nodded. "Yes... it was, but... the after guilt is fucking killing me... I'm only going through the plan because you want to do it... I don't know if I can lead anymore." Bloodmoon smiled with a bit of nervousness and pride, his sharp teeth showing.

"Well maybe you can let us lead instead! We came up with a whole plan!" Eclipse nodded. "Sure, go ahead, lead, I don't care..." Bloodmoon smiled a grand smile. "Oh soon.. SOON we shall see the BLOODY MESS that is their red red blood EVERYWHERE!!" There was then a sound from outside that startled both of them, like a boom. Eclipse got up to go see. Bloodmoon frowned and made a 'ehem' sound and Eclipse went back, helped him up, and gave him his crutches.

They looked out the window and noticed fireworks. It was the Christmas Firework show... Eclipse hadn't seen this show since he was 7. He normally went with Mom, Dad, and Lunar. Seth wasn't a fan of loud sounds, while Milo and Bloodmoon just weren't interested. The fireworks lit up the living room through the now open window. Eclipse looked at how Bloodmoon's eyes sparkled.

"Do you hate the show now?" Bloodmoon shook his head. He seemed to love the fireworks going off. Trashcan Man then entered the room silently and stood besides them. "I picked this place because I can see the show perfectly. It's nicer to watch the show with other people than it is alone." They all watched the fireworks go off. Eclipse felt a bit more at ease, though he knew after the fireworks were done... he sighed and decided to worry later and just enjoy the show while it lasted.

(Don't they... remind you of two people...?)

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