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As much as Sun loved working with the kiddos, they always drained his energy in the first hour. Sun's job was to be happy and energetic, almost 24/7. He felt Moon got the easy job, but he'd be half right. The kids either threw fits or just refused to nap during naptime. Both of them felt rather drained. Moon more physically while Sun felt it more emotionally. He always took on more work than needed.

Finally, when the day was over and the kids were gone, Sun and Moon started cleaning up. Sun seemed overly stressed. "Sun, you should go and sit down. You seem really stressed," Moon said, going over to his brother. "I'll be fine, brother!" Sun said happily. Moon decided not to push him to do anything he didn't want to do. Sun's hands were shaky, and he couldn't stack the barrels properly. Moon stacked them for him. Screw being kind, Sun need to rest.

"Seth, sit the fuck down. I got the daycare, just rest. You're stressing yourself out again," Moon said to his brother. "Fine, I'll sit down," Sun replied, going over to a beanbag and collapsing onto it. "Knock knock, you two still in here?" Moon looked up and over at the daycare door to see Monty. "Yea we're still here, why?" He called out to him. "Just checking," Monty replied. Moon looked away from him and continued to clean.

"Need assistance?" Monty asked, picking up one of the barrels. "I guess you could help, just don't bother Sun. He's stressed enough as is," Moon told him. The two cleaned up the daycare as Sun slept on one of the beanbag chairs. "So Moony, have any love interests?" Monty asked. Moon stopped to think about it. He didn't want to tell Monty that his love interest was him.

"No," Moon said. "Bummer," Monty replied. "How about I be your love interest, Milo.~" "Screw off," Moon replied, flipping him off. The shorter male just laughed. "You're cute when you're flustered," Monty said. "I like the whole jester thing you have going on, by the way," he said. "You're fucking with me," Moon said, crossing his arms. "No, I'm not, I really dig the moon theme. It suits you. It matches your eyes as well."

That's when he took Moon's hat. "HEY!!" Moon shouted. "Huh, you're a blonde. Cool," he said. "So what if I dye my hair?" Moon growled. "I don't have a problem with it, I dye mine too," the shorter male said. He gave moon back his hat. "Huh, you're even cuter when you're mad. Eh, fuck it, you're cute overall," Monty told him. "You're really bad at this Montgomery," Moon said. "Call me Monty, love," he said back.

Just then, Sun woke up. "Huh?- What did I miss...? Oh hello Monty!" Sun had just noticed Monty was here. "Hey Sun, how was your nap?" He asked. "It was actually really good! These beanbags are comfortable! No wonder the kids like them," Sunny replied. "Welp, I might as well head out," Monty said to both of them. "I'll talk to you boys later." Like that, he left. Sun got up and stretched.

"What was Monty here for?" He asked his brother. "No clue," Moon replied. Sun nodded. "We might as well go home. I have a wonderful idea of what dinner should be!" Sunny then skipped away out the door. Moon took a moment to process Monty's flirting or, attempt of flirting, then followed Sun out the door.

The Five BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora