"Am I a joke to you?"

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Days have gone by. Eclipse and Bloodmoon still haven't made their moves. Bloodmoon was growing angry. "WHY HAVEN'T WE ATTACKED THEM YET?!? WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!! LET'S JUST DO IT!!" Eclipse didn't reply. He still wasn't feeling good. Bloodmoon growled in annoyance and sat back down by the fire. He looked over at his brother, who looked pale. He didn't really care right now. He was too annoyed.

When nightfall arrived, Bloodmoon was already dead asleep, probably dreaming about killing people again. Eclipse was still awake, his head pounding from lack of sleep and his stomach hurting from refusing to eat. He was rather scared to do either, but he didn't want to admit that. He was waiting for a certain someone to come toment him again. He looked over at the bit of bread they had. He thought about it, then grabbed some. He immediately tore into it.

Lunar watched his brother look so desperate for a bit of bread. He smiled a smug smile as he spoke. "Starving yourself, Clipsy?" Eclipse swallowed his portion of bread and flipped Lunar off. "Aww, that's rude. I was just asking." Eclipse sighed a shaky sigh. "What do you want, Lunar?" The youngest brother smiled wider. " I think you know what I'm here to do. Do you really think you'll be able to kill them, Eclipse?"

"Of course I do. I was able to kill your pathetic ass easily. What makes them so much different?" Lunar's face went stern. "Am I a joke to you? Just a little reminder of how you killed me for amusement?" Lunar went up to Eclipse and grabbed his face, making him look at him. "I'm let you know, Evan, I'm not your friend, I'm not your toy, and I'm certain NOT a damn joke." He then let go. "What's your 'plan' anyway?"

Eclipse didn't answer. Yes, he had a plan. He just refused to share it with Lunar. "I'll take your silence as a 'I have no plan because I'm stupid' answer." Eclipse got up. "YOU get no say in this. You're dead. You're in my head. I don't know WHY you're there, but you are. NOW LEAVE!!" Lunar stood his ground. "I'M in your head because YOU regret killing me! Now, guess what I get to do for the rest of your life, Clipsy?"

Eclipse didn't answer. He knew he couldn't hit Lunar because he wasn't real anymore. "Why won't you go away?" Lunar laughed. "I exist because YOU can't get past the guilt and regret of killing me! You can't turn back time, Evan." Eclipse turned away. "Evan, look at me." Eclipse refused. Lunar, unexpectedly, was now in front of Eclipse. It startled him as he walked back a bit to get away from him. "This is all your fault."

Eclipse covered his ears and looked away again, but he could still hear Lunar's voice clearly. "You convinced the second oldest brother to kill me as well. You made him join you. He didn't want to. Me and Blaze were close." Eclipse felt like shouting at him to shut up. "Me and Blaze had our ups and downs, but we got along better than I had ever got along with you. We're you jealous? Lonely? Or just that fucking pathetic?" Eclipse snapped.

"SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" This woke up Bloodmoon. "Eclipse, what the hell are you yelling at...?" This happened almost every night at this point so he was use to it. "I...nothing brother... go back to sleep...." Bloodmoon was tired of this shit. "No, I'm not going to sleep until you do. Every damn night you're awake shouting at shit. We're getting annoyed." Eclipse sat back down against the wall and picked up his bread.

"...Eclipse, are you okay?" He didn't reply to his brother. He sat silently, eating bread. Bloodmoon went over to Eclipse and hugged him. Eclipse tried to get him off at first but then a memory came to his head... "

"Evan! Look! I lost my first tooth!!

"Good job Lunar. Put it under your pillow and you'll get a visit from the tooth fairy."

"I love you Evan!"

"...love you too Lunar..."

Eclipse hugged Bloodmoon back and started to cry a bit. This hug felt the same as Lunar's. Eclipse hugged Bloodmoon tight and started to sob. Bloody knew that Eclipse was starting to regret everything. That fact annoyed him, but he hated watching his brother cry.

"Look, we need to finish what we started, but, afterwards, I promise I'll be by your side all the time. We both promise to be here." Eclipse hugged Bloodmoon tighter as he cried. After a little while longer, Bloodmoon had Eclipse laying against him. Eclipse was asleep while Bloodmoon was wide awake on watch for anyone. He looked around before starting a conversion with himself again.

"Other me, what do you think about this? Should we just give ourselves up to spare brother's feelings? I don't think so. We need to finish this after all! I don't know me, I know we haven't had regrets but dear old brother has. WHO CARES WHAT HE HAS?!? THIS IS OUR FUN!! Go to sleep, we'll talk in the morning." Bloodmoon sat silent as his other personality went to sleep. "Well that's one heck of a conversation with yourself!" Bloodmoon looked over.

It was Trashcan Man again. Bloodmoon couldn't move so he didn't. The man went over to Bloody's other side, ran into the wall, and sat down. He then lay against Bloodmoon as well. Well now this situation just got a lot more uncomfortable for him.

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