Bad Parents

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Moon was happy to see his brother was happy and full of life again. He was a lot more energetic with the kiddos and just so eager. During naptime, Sun even offered to help watch over the kids while they slept. He more or less fell asleep laying against Moon's arm, like some of the other kids would do. Moon smiled as he fixed his brother's hair a bit. "Good to see you found your spark again..."

At the end of the day, when the kiddos were going to get picked up, Sun was at the daycare doors waiting for parents to arrive. One by one, the kids got picked up. "Hmm, where is Lisa?" He looked around and noticed her sitting in the ballpit, looking lost. She was one of the new kids. "Moony, watch the kids real quick?" Moon nodded. Sun made his way over to the little girl. "Lisa! Sweetheart!" She looked around, confused. Sun then started to jingle the bells on his wrists. "I'm over here, sweetie!"

She followed the sound of the bells and made her way over to Sun. He noticed she didn't have one of those sticks that blind people use to help guide them. Did she even have one? Sun though she might need one. When Lisa made it to Sun, she more or less bumped into him and fell back. Sun picked her up. "Hello Lisa!" He said happily. "Hello, Mr. Sunny!" She said back. Sun walked back to the daycare doors with her.

"You got Lisa?" Moon asked. "Yep," Sun replied. "Good, her parents are here," Moon then told him. Sun looked over and saw probably two of the strictest looking parents he had ever seen. It made him nervous, but he had a job to do. "Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Harmony! How are you two this evening?" The father rolled his eyes. "Listen, we're on a schedule. Give us our daughter, and we'll leave. Easy and as simple as that."

"Well, you need to fill out the sign out form before you do. Did you fill out the form?" This time, Lisa's mother spoke up. "We don't have the time to fill out a stupid form." Moon came over. "Well, Ma'am, the 'stupid form' is literally like 3 questions." Sun gave Moon a 'watch your attitude' look as he smiled nervously. "Well, can you go fill out the form quickly? All you need to do is write what your daughter's name is, what time you dropped her off, and the time you picked her up!"

"Look, we're important people. You two aren't. Now let us take our daughter and go." Sun got rather offended at the statement, Mr. Harmony just spoke. "I'm sorry, but it's the rule. You need to fill out the sign out sheet." Moon had gone back to helping other parents get their kids, so it was just him and these parents. "Just give us our daughter. We need to take her to dance practice."

Sun seemed annoyed now. "Do you even know your daughter is blind? I don't think she can do dance practice if she can't even see what she's supposed to do. Also, she's only three! Give her space!" Dispite Sun being 6'2, Lisa's father was taller than he was at a strong 6'5. He was also a more built man. He got close to Sun, standing at full height. Sun stared dead into his face and said, "Fill out the form." At that moment, Mr. Harmony had punched Sun so hard in the face that he knocked him off his feet.

"SUN!!" Moon ran over to his brother. Other parents came over to help Sun as well. Sun had made sure to land on his back because he was holding Lisa. He had the wind knocked out of him and was having difficulty breathing due to his fall. Other parents were lashing out at the bad parents. Moon was now holding Lisa, which one of the parents offered to hold her while he helped his brother.

Sun's face was surely going to swell up and bruise. Moon helped his brother up, and the parent let Moony hold Lisa again. Eventually, after a moment, Security had entered the daycare and dragged out the father. The mother followed her husband, shouting, "Fine! I didn't like my stupid daughter anyway!" A few of the parents turned to Sun. "Oh my God, Sun! Are you okay?" Moon looked back at his brother and noticed how much it swelled already.

It was very purple and bruised. Sun had his hand on his injury, still a bit dazed, his eye unable to open fully due to the swelling. "I'll go get one of the medical staff!" Another parents had said. She picked up her son and went to find a medical staff member. "T-Take your kiddos and go home, please! I-I'll be fine by tomorrow." One of the fathers stepped up. "Sun, you need rest. Take the time off tomorrow, I'm sure Moon will be able to take care of our kids. You need time to take care of yourself. "

"Sun, I agree with him. Stay home tomorrow and rest. I'll take care of the kiddos by myself." One of the mothers noticed that Sun's cheek was bleeding and grabbed out a baby wipe from her bag. She went to Sun and moved his hand from his face. She started to clean the blood. "Moony, Lisa's aunt is in the system. Call her please, so little Lisa can go home..."

After about an hour, the parents had left with their kids. Two of the mothers who happened to be nurses stayed behind to help Sun's face. Moon was infuriated that the medical staff never showed up even though they were informed. There was a knock on the daycare door, which then Lisa's aunt entered. "Uhm- hello?" She called out. "Over here, Moon said. She walked over to Moon, Sun, and the other two mothers.

"Hello, Ms. Kyle," Sun said. "Lord, what happened?!" She asked. "Your brother punched Sun," Moon explained. "They didn't fill out the forms which are required to be filled out before taking your child so we know you aren't trying to kidnap them." Ms. Kyle sighed. "He's always been a hot head like that... luckily, they always text me the time they put her in the daycare and time she needs to be picked up. They are always working working working."

She handed Moon the filled out form, and Moon let her hold Lisa. "Auntie!" The little girl said happily. "Thank you for taking care of her, Moon, and Sun, thank you for not lashing out but keeping your cool. You are very brave." She gave Sun a small kiss on the forehead and left. The other two mothers giggled as Sun blushed lightly. Soon, the other two mothers left as well, Sun giving them both a free T-shirt, which they both loved.

"Lord, today has been eventful, hasn't it, Sun? Sun?" He looked over at his brother, who had passed out on the floor. Moon knew that was probably because he was trying to hold out and keep consciousness. Luckily, Moon cleaned the daycare earlier. He helped Sun up and started to get him out of the daycare. "You get to stay in bed tomorrow, no excuse whatsoever."

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