Target Found

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"You sure no one will notice us? We think this is a bad idea," Bloodmoon asked Eclipse as they approached the diner. "As long as we keep our heads down and our faces covered, we'll be fine," Eclipse told his brother. When they entered, they noticed it wasn't that busy, so they took a seat away from two people. One seemed rather familiar. "We're going to need to talk quieter, so keep your voice down since you're loud as sin," Eclipse told Bloomoon silently.

Bloodmoon growled softly, made a hand motion, and then nodded in agreement. They started to silently talk to one another. "We really need a plan to find Seth and Milo. We don't know if they have new names to be called or if they moved out of town. You haven't been as helpful as I thought either." Bloomoon got offended by Eclipse's words. "We steal more shit than you for the three of us."

Eclipse growled. "There are only two of us jackass. There is no third." Bloodmoon rolled his eyes. The waiter came over and took their drink orders. Once the waiter walked away, they continued to talk. Bloodmoon was distracted by the person with blue and white hair wearing a beanie, and the red head in the pink shirt. "What are you even looking at?" Eclipse asked. Bloodmoon looked back at him. "Nothing," he lied.

"Did you hear a word of what I said even?" Eclipse asked, highly annoyed now. Bloodmoon didn't answer. The older brother sighed. "Look, we need to find them based on what we know about them. Like Milo likes Moon things while Seth likes sun things. Seth loved working with kids. Maybe he works at a daycare. Milo might have gotten a job as a guard of some sort."

Bloodmoon cut in. "Those types of jobs were open at that Pizza Plex place." Eclipse snapped and smiled. "Right! See now you're getting it, Blaze." When their drinks came, Eclipse enjoyed a nice Pepsi while Bloodmoon enjoyed a Bloody Mary. "What's up with you and blood recently?" Eclipse asked. "Blood looks so pretty and nice. I want it everywhere. I love the red red mess of all the blood all over."

"I can't tell if you have a blood kink or if it's something else," Eclipse said, rather confused. Bloodmoon shrugged. "It does give me a great rush of excitement.~" Then, they both heard Blaze's name get mentioned by someone. "Yea, Mom was so mad at me and Blaze, considering we went to war over who was going to kick it." Bloodmoon looked over at the table he was eyeballing. Unfortunately, one of them looked back. He knew who that was immediately. It was Milo.

Milo then slammed money on the table and rushed out with his date. Bloodmoon's smile became grand. "Well, well, our target was found, now wasn't it?" Eclipse seemed confused. "What? Who was that?" Bloomoon looked back at Eclipse, his smile still as grand as ever. "Milo got himself a boyfriend, how cute. I want to see his boyfriend's heart on the floor." Eclipse knew why he was staring at the table now.

Milo and some random dude were at the table. "I heard his date call him Moon earlier. Maybe I should have paid more attention." Bloodmoon got up. "Fuck the food. Let's follow them.~" Eclipse hesitated. "No. They have a car. Let's get something to eat. I'm starving..." Bloodmoon noticed the hint of nervousness in Eclipse's voice. He sat down. They sat silently until the waiter came over. They placed their food order.

After a bit longer of silence, Bloodmoon was getting uncomfortable. He wasn't good at comforting, but he felt he should try his best. "Why, uh- why are you sad?" Eclipse looked at him like he was stupid. "Are you attempting to cheer me up? Because you already suck at it." Bloodmoon growled. "Well sorry I'm trying to make you feel better. We just want to help." Eclipse looked ill. He then put his head down. "Are you you're okay? You seem- ill." Bloodmoon actually felt worried for his brother.

"I'm fine, just, I need my head down for a few minutes..." To Bloodmoon, it felt as if their were a fourth person at the table with them, even though it was just the three of them. "I think our dear older brother is lying. I agree other me. Something is wrong." Eclipse lifted his head and stares at Bloodmoon. "I'm, fine." All of a sudden, Eclipse covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom.

Bloodmoon felt worried for once. His brother was not okay. He was talking to himself, he stopped eating normally and he rarely slept What the hell has gotten into him?

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