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"LIGHTS OUT!!" The lights in the prison had turned off, but Evan wasn't ready to sleep, nor was Blaze. Evan threw a ball at the wall over and over, catching it over and over. Blaze paced around the room. He was talking to himself, which was highly annoying. "Blaze, can you shut the fuck up for 5 GOD DAMN MINUTES?!" Evan snapped, throwing the ball at him. Blaze caught the ball and stared at Evan.

"We don't like your tone, Evan," he said, crushing the ball in his hand, making it go flat then throwing it aside. "There is no 'we' when it comes to you. There is only one of you," Evan said, getting angry. "You don't know that. Other me is just as me as I am myself, and we don't like you speaking to us this way," Blaze said back. Evan scoffed. He grabbed another ball and started to throw it at the wall again. Blaze continued to pace. It was silent for about 7 minutes before Evan spoke up.

"I read the newspaper a while back about a new place that had opened called 'Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex.'" Blaze stopped and stared at him. "You think I give a fuck why?" He asked. "Because the ad mentioned daycare attendants and night guards. I'm betting Seth and Milo went to work there together. Seth probably forced Milo to be a daycare attendant with him." Blaze was already back to pacing, Evan was getting nowhere with him.

"Are you listening?" He asked, sitting up and looking at Blaze. "No, because I don't care," he replied. Evan sighed. "Look, I know you don't like me, you never have, and I've never liked you, but we're in this together, so we might as well learn to work together and get out." Blaze stopped moving and looked at Evan. "Are you saying we escape?" He asked. "No, I'm suggesting we stay, what else am I suggesting retard?" Evan said.

Blaze smiled. "We'd like to get out of here. We'd love to see another bloody mess like we did when we killed Lunar." Evan smiled. "Yes, the death of our younger brother was rather nice. He was always so annoying and loud." Blaze was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "Bloody mess bloody mess, we killed one now we must kill the rest," he said to himself.

"If we do escape, we can't use our real names anywhere. We'll be all over the news and the papers. We need to go under fake names," Evan said. A guard then banged on their cell. "HEY!! Go to sleep!" They shouted inside. "I WILL FEAST ON YOUR BLOOD!!" Blaze shouted back. "Whatever Bloodmoon," the guard said, walking off. Evan smiled. "Bloodmoon is a fantastic name for you. I'll call myself Eclipse in return."

Blaze continued to pace around the room, having a conversation with himself again. "I don't think we should trust Evan other me. He's always been untrustworthy. Now now brother, we must put out trust in this being if we want to escape. OOOHH!! BUT I DON'T WANT TO TRUST HIM!! Just this once, other me." Blaze stopped pacing and looked at Evan. "Fine, we'll help with the escape."

Evan smiled. "Perfect. From now on, I'll call you, uh, 'two' Bloodmoon. I want you to call me Eclipse." Blaze growled and made rude jesters but sighed in the end. "Fine. We'll listen to you, Eclipse." Once again, a guard banged on their cell. "GO. TO. SLEEP!!" They shouted before walking off again. Eclipse smile as he lay down in bed. Bloodmoon went to his bed as well. "Tomorrow night, we start our plan." "Can we take others with us?" Bloodmoon asked. "No," Eclipse said firmly.

"If we tell anyone about this, they may go tell the guards. We don't want that to happen," Eclipse explained. Bloodmoon didn't reply after that. They both lay in their beds, their minds racing on any type of plan to escape and go after the last two they had to call brothers. Seth and Milo were just a weakness and needed to be eliminated.

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