The Interview

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Two people were sitting at a desk. What looked to be a manager and someone in a red suit. He had fake bear ears on. "Milo and Seth?" The manager asked. The brothers nodded. "Have a seat." Milo and Seth too their seats. "I'll leave you two to talk with Freddy, our main person." The manager person got up and left the room, leaving them alone with Freddy.

"Which is which?" Freddy asked. "I'm Seth and this is Milo." Seth said. "Alright, do you two have experience with children?" Freddy asked. "Yes, we both have a lot of babysitting experience." Milo said. The two would babysit other kids often. "If a kid started crying, what would you do?" Freddy asked Seth. "I would go and help the child calm down, help them focus on their breathing so they can become calm enough to tell me what had upset them." Freddy nodded and marked something in his clipboard.

Freddy turned his attention to Moon. "If a child got injured, what would you do?" Milo took a second and said, "I would make sure to clean the injury and insure the child gets the proper bandaging they need." Freddy nodded with a smile, marking something on his clipboard again. "Do you two have a resume?" The brothers nodded and gave Freddy their resumes.

He looked over it. "Are you two by chance related to the murders Evan and Blaze?-" Freddy asked nervously. The two stayed silent. "Y-Yes..." Seth admitted. Freddy nodded and marked something on his clipboard. "Now, why do you want this job?" Freddy asked. "I love kids! They are all so adorable and they all have amazing stories!They are all so sweet!" Seth said happily. "I'm relatively good at settling down kids and putting them down for naps." Milo said.

Freddy marked more things on his clipboard. "Oh, I almost forgot this question. What would you do if a child was being abused?" Seth didn't like thinking of children being hurt by the people who were supposed to protect them. "I'd strangle the parents..." Seth mumbled super quietly to himself. "Can you speak up Seth?" Freddy asked. "I'd protect the child until the proper authorities had arrived." Seth said, ignoring what he said to himself a second ago.

Freddy looked at Milo. "What about you?" He asked. "I would have to say the same thing as Seth." He said. Freddy marked more things on his clipboard. "Have you ever hurt children?" He asked. Seth got up. "Why would I ever lay my hand on a child like that? That would be cruel and uncalled for!" Freddy marked more things down and looked at Milo. "No, I have never hurt any of the kids I have looked over."

Freddy smiled. "You guys seem perfect. I'm sure everyone would love you two. Welcome to the team." He got up and held out his hand. Seth shook Freddy's hand rather roughly with both of his. "Oh thank you thank you thank you Mr. Freddy!!" Seth said excitedly. Milo had to pry Seth's hands off of Freddy's. He rubbed his wrist a little as Sun apologized a lot. "Now, I had a bit of an idea for you two."

Seth and Milo looked at Freddy. "What if we gave you nicknames for the kids to call you?" Milo sighed and smiled. "I had that idea earlier today, we just can't think of anything." Freddy scanned them. Milo was wearing blue with a moon themed pin while Seth was wearing yellow with a sun themed pin. "What if we called you Sun and Moon?" He asked. Sun jumped up and down happily. "I LOVE those names!!" Moon laughed a bit. "Why not?" He said.

"Well Sun, Moon, welcome to the Pizza Plex. Let me show you around and show you to the daycare." Freddy said, leading them out of the room. As he walked by Sun, he noticed the scars on his arm. Was he okay?

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