A Solar Christmas

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Christmas has arrived. Eclipse was in his room, alone, laying in bed with his face buried in his pillow. He hated not hearing Sun and Lunar kick open his bedroom door to wake him up to open presents with him watching. He gripped his pillow tighter as he cried again for the 3rd time that morning. He heard his door open and looked up. He found his brother Bloodmoon walking in, using his crutches.

"Were you crying?" He asked, looking at Eclipse's tear stained face and red eyes. Eclipse sat up and wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "N-No. No, I wasn't. It's okay. What do you want?" He asked Bloodmoon. The more chaotic brother looked out of the room and back. "The mortal got us gifts. He wants up to open them." He then made his way out of Eclipse's room. Eclipse got up and looked into the full boy mirror in his room. He looked like a disaster.

He looked in the dresser provided to him and found clothes that fit him. He left the room and looked around. The house was nicely decorated, and the tree was shining brightly. Bloodmoon looked rather clean, as if he had taken a shower just an hour ago. He drank a thing of coco and talked to the trashcan idiot. Eclipse approached them. "Hey, mind if I use the shower? I feel absolutely disgusting."

Trashcan Man smiled. "Oh, I don't mind! Go ahead! You look like absolute shit so I think you need a shower too!" Eclipse's face flushed with embarrassment as Bloodmoon laughed. Eclipse quickly rushed to the bathroom. Trashcan Man called after him, "If you wish to bathe, I have many different types of bubbles!" Eclipse took note and slammed the bathroom door behind him. He sighed. He looked in the bathroom mirror at the gross looking turtle neck he's been wearing for the last 4 days.

Eclipse pulled it off of his body. He stared at himself again. His body was still relatively nice looking, but he was covered in scars from getting into fights and self inflicting onto himself. He also looked a bit skinner than usual. Eclipse chuckled. "Damn. I look like a monster." He looked over at the tub. "...I might take a bath. I don't deserve it, but it'll still be a great feeling." He started up the tub and sighed. He was so hungry. Maybe he'll ask to make himself something small later.

With Bloodmoon, he was talking with Trashcan Man. The man then decided to take the trashcan off his head. "This thing can get hot sometimes!" His hair was a brown bushy mess with some of it in a low pony tail. His hair covered his eyes until he moved it away to show his diamond blue eyes. Bloodmoon stopped talking and stared, his face slowly turning red.

He then shook away the thought, his other half telling him that he was a straight man and wouldn't fall for a trashy but kinda cute looking man. "Do you want to open your gift now, or when your brother arrives?" Trashcan Man asked, taking his hair down and brushing it. Bloomoon, being the greedy man he was, took the gift and started to rip it open. He was faced with a box.

He opened the box to find an ugly Christmas sweater and a blood pouch. Bloodmoon immediately started ripping at the blood pouch, trying to get the blood inside. Trashcan Man smiled as he watched Bloomoon drink the blood. "Mmmm, O- blood!~" He said with a crazed type of smile. "Oh, I thought you'd enjoy it! O- is probably the best blood around! It can be used for any person!" Bloodmoon shrugs. "I have AB+ blood." "Oh! A rare blood I see!" Trashcan Man said back.

Bloodmoon shrugged. "I used to wanna donate blood. But I'm pretty sure my blood is useless." Trashcan Man shrugged. "Isn't everyone useless?" Bloodmoon chuckled. "Yeah. Sometimes. But not everyone. Doctors and teachers, lawyers, and scientists are on the list of people who aren't useless. Eclipse and I originally had 6 years in jail because of all the things we did besides kill Lunar. I would have rather waited our time because now we probably have life." Bloodmoon then stopped and listened to his own words back again. He never thought he'd call people useful.

Trashcan Man then got up. "I shall go make breakfast." He then walked off. Bloodmoon continued to suck on his pack of blood. "I very much so enjoy that man's company. I agree, other me. He is very nice to be around, and he's crazy that's fun too!" Bloodmoon started to bite the pack to try and get more of the blood out so he could drink it. Sometimes, I think Bloodmoon might be a vampire.

Later, when breakfast was done and Eclipse finished his bath, they were all seated at the table. Bloodmoon was trying to build a house with his pancakes while Eclipse just poked at his with his fork. He seemed rather upset. Trashcan Man looked over and noticed the tears running down his face. Eclipse pushed his food away and said, "I'm not hungry, sorry..." He went to get up, but Trashcan Man dragged him back down.

"Now now Clipsy! You must eat something so you can have energy!" Eclipse then slapped him across the face and shoved him away. "NEVER CALL ME CLIPSY!!" Bloodmoon looked up as Trashcan Man got back up. "You seem a bit sensitive," he said with a frown. Eclipse flipped him off and walked off. Bloodmoon seems sad. He got up, leaving his pancake house behind and grabbed Eclipse's food. "He needs this..."

Bloodmoon then went over to Eclipse's room door and knocked. "Open up, Evan. I know you're in there." Bloodmoon shook the handle and found it wasn't locked. He opened the door and found Eclipse lying on his bed. "Come on, you need to eat. You never eat. Stop being so stubborn and eat something. I've never seen you reject food like this before." Eclipse looked at Bloodmoon and sat up.

He gently grabbed the plate and fork and began to eat. "Now you remember the plan for getting our last two 'brothers' right?" Eclipse nodded and swallowed his portion of food. "We jump them when they get out of work." "Are we sure they get out at the same time? I would rather not be as dumb as them." Bloodmoon nodded. "They get our the same time, I promise. Now, can we just enjoy Christmas? I got you a gift." Eclispe looked at his brother. "A gift?" Bloodmoon nodded.

"Let's go to the tree." They both got up, Eclipse assisting Bloodmoon. "Do you not need the crutched?" Eclipse asked. "Whatever that trash man used for us really healed us quick. Now come on idiot!!" He limped his way over to the Christmas tree and grabbed something out from underneath it. He shoved into Eclipse's arms and waited. Eclipse opened it. It was a photo album. The same one their mom had.

He opened it to see the photos that she had collected over the years. "We've gone too deep now, Evans, but I'll give you this to keep part of your sanity. I myself have lost all of mine." Evan turned the pages. "We really are sick fucks, aren't we?" Bloodmoon nodded. Eclipse put the photo album down. "This is probably the worst Christmas of my life. At least I have you two by my side." Bloodmoon smiled since Eclipse addressed them as 2 people and not 1.

"I didn't get you a gift," Eclipse said. Bloodmoon shrugged. "Let's just go find the trashcan guy. We can play Christmas games or something if we ask him, or FORCE him." Eclipse swallowed thickly. "Give me a minute...?" Bloodmoon nodded and walked off. He looked into the photo album to find the last Christmas they spent as a family. Lunar was so happy, Eclipse looked annoyed, Sun and Moon were eating gingerbread, and Bloodmoon was making a dumb face.

Mom and Dad looked very happy as well. Eclipse knew that there was no turning back. He closed the book and thought to himself,

"The dirty work must be finished. After that? I guess whatever the future holds."

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