Meeting the Cast

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Sun was still slightly recovering from the jumpscare that was James the Map Boy jumping out of nowhere to give them a map. Moon kept teasing him about it. "Are we almost there?" Sun asked, slightly paranoid from James. "Yea we're almost there," Moon said, smirking slightly. "Stop smirking at me! He came out of nowhere!" Sun said, shoving Moon as he laughed again. "Chica warned us, not my fault you weren't prepared."

Eventually, after following the map, they made it to a big open room. The room reminded them of a nightclub. There was a DJ up on the stage playing music. That must be, as they all call him, DJ Music Man, or just DJMM for short. They could see Chica, Freddy, and two other people they didn't know. "Chica!" Sun said as they approached, waving to get her attention. "Hey Sunny! Hey Moony!" She replied.

"Everyone, meet Seth and Milo! Their nicknames are Sun and Moon by the way. Sun, Moon, meet Roxanne, Monty, who is over there on that couch, I know you know Freddy, and up on the stage is Rowan, or as we call him, DJMM." Sun waved happily to all of them. Moon was too busy staring at Monty. He had an amazing body and looked rather badass with his black-painted nails and red mohawk hair. He wore star sunglasses.

Sun noticed Moon was eyeing Monty. "Go talked to him," Sun said, shoving Moon towards Monty. He was currently sitting on the couch like Chica said. He was about 2 inches shorter than Moon. "Oh, hey," he said, taking a sip of his beer. "Uh- hi-" Moon said awkwardly. "I-I'm uh- I'm Milo- but- y-you- can uh- just call me Moon." Moon felt like a complete dumbass. Monty smiled. "I'm Montgomery, but you can just call me Monty." He held out a hand. Moon shook it. "So, you and Seth are the new employees?" Monty asked.

"Yea, our first day was today," Moon said, still rather nervous. Monty took a sip of his beer again. "Are you gay by chance?" He asked. Moon started to fumble with his words. He was stuck between saying 'why are you asking' and 'yes why do you ask.' He looked over at Sun for help, but Sun wasn't paying attention to him at all. "Uh- uhm- y-yea- I'm gay- why?-" He asked Monty. "The way you're currently panicking around me, messing up your words and just overall being a nervous wreck."

Now Moon felt truly like an idiot. "I'm sorry," Moon said. "No no, don't be sorry. You're cute when your nervous," Monty said with a wink. Moon's face lit up like a firework. "I'm gonna go grab another beer. You can come with me," Monty said getting up from the couch. Both of them then walked off to go grab a few drinks together.

Sun was talking with Roxanne. "So, do you have a love interest?" Sun asked. "Oh yea, Chica's my girlfriend," she said, giving Chica a small kiss on the cheek. Chica smiled happily. Sun smiled as well. "That's so cool! How long have you been together?" Sun asked. "About 2 years. The best two years of my life if you ask me," Roxanne replied. She looked over and saw Monty talking to Moon. She made a face of disgust.

"What's wrong Ms. Wolf?" Sun asked. "Milo is your brother right?" She asked. "Yep! We're twins!" Sun replied. Roxanne scoffed. "He looks like shit. I'd think he'd make an effort to look a bit nicer," she said. "Roxy! Don't say things like that behind his back and next to his brother!" Chica said. "I'm just saying, he should try harder next time." Just then, Moon walked up to them. "What are you talking about Roxanne?" Moon asked.

She said nothing. "Now now Moony," Sun started, but Moon interrupted. "I know you're talking shit about how I look. Maybe next time you'll have the liberty to not dress like a slut when we have another party." The room fell silent. Even DJMM stopped playing music after hearing the argument. "How dare you, you irritant little fuck," Roxanne growled. Moon sipped his beer with a smile.

"Well at least I'm not related to murders," Roxanne said, crossing her arms. Moon threw his beer bottle aside and lunged at her. Both Sun and Monty held him back as Chica and Freddy held Roxanne back. They had to be forcefully dragged away from each other. They shouted things at one other from across the room for 5 minutes before both eventually shut up. Moon had the last word. DJMM slowly started up the music again. Moon was sitting on the couch, now highly annoyed. "This is why I'm antisocial," he stated.

"Roxanne can be a judgmental bitch sometimes," Monty said. "Should have informed me, I would have been better prepared to deal with her," Moon said annoyed. "Hey, you guys okay down here?" DJMM had stepped down from his stage. He was super tall and had- four arms? "You have four arms? That's cool as fuck," Moon said.

"You think so? People are afraid of me because of it," DJMM told Moon. "Nah, you're fine," Moon reassured. "Well, I'm Rowan, or DJ Music Man because people don't care to learn my name. Who are you two?" "I'm Moon, this is my brother Sun." When Sun was pointed out, he looked away rather quickly. "I'm sorry am I scaring you?" DJMM asked. "N-No! Not at all it's just- uhm-" Sun couldn't stop fumbling his words. Monty smirked at Moon who smirked back at him. "You can come to the stage with me and talk, if you want to," DJMM told Sun.

With that, they both headed off to the stage. "Rowan isn't a bad option either," Monty said as a joke. "Shut up Monty, that's my brother," Moon replied. Freddy then came over. "Hey, so with Roxanne-" "Don't want to hear about her," Moon immediately cut in. "Oh, I was just going to apologize for her actions toward you," Freddy said. "If anyone should be 'apologizing' it should be her."

After a few more hours, the conflict settled down and people were just enjoying themselves. Moon, meanwhile, was completely hammered. Monty kept trying to get him some water, but he'd refuse it. In his drunk mind, considering the conditions his life is in, being drunk is better than being sober, which got Monty slightly worried. What the hell was Moon going through? Also, what did Roxanne mean earlier? That's when Sun came over, who hadn't drunk anything besides the fruit punch.

"Alright Moony, time to leave," he said, supporting his brother so he could stand straight. He was pretty sure Moon had gotten himself so drunk he couldn't think straight at the moment. "Well, it was wonderful to meet you Monty, take care!" Like that, Sun helped get his brother out of the Pizza Plex, only waving goodbye to everyone since he had to make sure Moon didn't try and run off. This wasn't the first time Moon had gotten hammered.

The drive home was uneventful. Moon had fallen asleep on the passenger's side while Sun drove. "You seemed happy Moony..." Sun said to himself. His heart was beating rather painfully in his chest. Lunar would be so proud of them if he could see them now. He gripped the steering wheel rather tight, light tears running down his face.

"I promise Lunar... I'll stop being such a sad sack and try and be happy again... you would have wanted that more," Sun said to himself. His heart ached the rest of the way home.

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