Sun and Moon's Plan

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(I'll explain the slowness in the comments.)

Sun was brushing his hair, getting ready to go meet with the cast. It was Christmas day, and Chica was hosting a party at her house! She invited her parents, so she asked for everyone to not and get completely wasted while there. Sun had asked her if Rowan was going to be there, but she seemed hesitant. She explained that she didn't invite Rowan for reasons she would rather not explain. Sun was fine with that.

He also seemed to notice the fact that Chica wasn't the biggest fan of him. Sun brushed his hair, humming merry Christmas tunes. Moon was trying to find his most festive shirt and / or sweater. "Moony! You can borrow my sun sweater! It's Christmas themed!" Moon, who had just pulled out his moon themed ugly sweater, looed at Sun. "Let's exchange." After a bit, they were both ready, wearing one another's ugly sweater. "We look great!" Sun said with pride.

Moon chuckled. He seemed glad that Sun was happy again. It was like he forgot he stabbed someone. "Oh! I have one more thing!" He then ran off to find something. Moon leaned against the wall, confused. Sun then came back and put something on Moon's head. A part of star shaped sun glasses. Moon couldn't help but laugh a bit since they were the same pair Monty always wears.

"Sun, you're too good for this world." Sun smiled happily. "Let's go, Moony!" He took his brothers hand and lead him outside. As soon as they stepped out, they both slipped on the ice and fell, sliding towards the car. Moon managed to stop, but Sun slid right into the car. "Oh stars! Sun, are you okay?!" Sun was just laughing and laughing as he got up. Moon sighed and smiled. Sun was always goofy and cheerful on Christmas.

While Sun was driving, Moon was looking out the window, thinking. For the last few days, he was trying to come up with a plan to get Blaze and Evan back into prison, though it could cost him his life. He knew if he told Sun, Sun would tell him no, and try to convince him otherwise. Sun noticed how quiet the car was, which was odd because the song Centuries by Fall Out Boy was playing on the radio. Moon loved this song!

"Hey, Moony? Are you okay?" Moon sighed. "Sun, if I told you I had a plan to take care of Evan and Blaze, would you get mad?" Sun gripped the wheel a bit tighter. "What is your plan, Moon?" The younger twin could hear the nervousness in his voice. "It... involes tracking them down and-" Sun cut in. "But if you track them down, you could get killed!" Moon sighed. "Yeah, I would get killed, that sort of the pla-"

Sun slammed the breaks and pulled over. "YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF OVER THEM!?" Moon grew angry. He knew Sun was worried, but didn't Sun try to kill himself over Blaze? "Don't YOU try to kill yourself over them?! How many damn times did I need to take you down from the ceiling?! You keep letting your anxiety get in the way of what's important, and you keep trying to limit what I do! Knock that shit off because I'm sick of it!!"

Sun was speechless. He now realized that he was trying to limit Moon... he felt like it was his job as the older twin to keep Moon safe. Sun sighed and looked back out the windshield. "I-I'm... sorry... you being my brother means that we should talk to each other about our feelings and... you shouldn't need to get me off the ceiling..." Sun was trying not to cry. Moon looked back out the window and didn't talk, clearly upset.

Sun started to drive again. After a few minutes, Sun felt... dull. Moon looked at him, noticing no waterworks. "You okay, Sun?" Sun nodded. "Just explain your plan, please. I have one request." Moon was quiet, then asked, "What's the request?" Sun took a breath. "Let me help you." "Sun, this is a mission for-" "I'm not letting you do this alone, Milo. I am your older brother, and I want to help you." Moon didn't know where this came from.

Sun was always the shy, 'I don't like conflict' type of guy, but he seemed determined. Moon kinda smiled. "So, the plan. It's a bit complicated, but we somehow get Eclipse and Bloodmoon-" Sun cut in again. "Eclipse and Bloodmoon?" Moon nodded. "That's what they call themselves. Don't ask how I found out. Anyway, we need to lure them somewhere where the police can access and arrest them."

Sun stopped at the stoplight and thought for a minute. "Well, there is that alleyway next to the Pizza Plex..." Moon shook his head. "An alleyway would be great, but it's also really- basic. Plus, it's right next to work." Sun frowned as he went when the light turned green. "An alleyway is 'too basic?' Are you trying to make it spectacular?" Moon chuckled. "No. I don't know why I said an alleyway was basic. I meant it was too obvious."

Sun thought about it. "Makes sense." Moon continued. "I was thinking of the old rundown smoke shop. Eclipse and Bloodmoon both smoked weed heavily before going to prison, and they don't know about that place. Maybe we can lure them there with a promise of weed." Sun thought about that as well. "That also seems a bit obvious. If the weed isn't free, and there is just mentions of a smoke shop, that'd probably work."

Moon nodded. "I'm still thinking of what to do if they have weapons." Sun started to think as well. "Well, if they have a knife, we could get through, but if they have a gun, we'd probably be a bit screwed. We don't own any guns, but... you said Monty did, right?" Moon looked at Sun. "Sun, we don't have a gun license." Sun chuckled. "You don't know if I have one or not." Moon shrugged and looked out the window, thinking again.

Sun started to speak. "Well, if we do lead them to the smoke shop, the issue is Evan, or, Eclipse? I'm just gonna go with Evan. He'd probably be the smart one and not want to go. Since Bloodmoon is kind of stupid, if we made it believable enough, he'll drag Eclipse there. U-Unless... Bloodmoon isn't alive from the stab..." Moon seemed a bit tense now. He knew Bloodmoon was alive, but he didn't know what Sun would say if he said he knew.

"Wanna make a plan for if it's just Eclipse?" Sun shook his head. "We'll do that after the party. We're almost there, anyway. This road is really long and doesn't have a lot of stops. After this one, it's just straightforward." He stopped at the stoplight and sighed. He looked over at Moon with a smile. "We can think more on this plan when the party is over. We should just enjoy it while it lasts..." Moon noticed the smile turn a bit sad. "Sun, please don't be sad."

Sun shook his head. "No, I just remembered Rowan won't be there. Ms. Chica didn't tell me why she didn't invite him, but that's her business, and I wall not ask!" Moon nodded. "Let's just look forward to the party." Sun nodded with a smile, and drove on after the light turned green.

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