The final Decision

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Eclipse was leaning against the wall, staring at his younger brother tied to the chair. Bloodmoon went out to stalk the others and try to delay them so they'd have enough time to hang Sun. That's what Eclipse was supposed to be setting up, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Staring at Sun made him feel odd, like none of this should have happened.

Rope in hand, he got himself off the wall and went to set up the hanging. He felt a cold, icy chill down his spine, then heard a voice. "Well, well, Eclipse, looks like we're in the finals. You have Sun, and you plan to kill him. Moon might do the same to YOU if you try." Eclipse turned to see none other than his dear brother, Lunar. His smile was inhuman, with sharp pointed teeth, his eye pupils slim and narrow. Eclipse's heart started to beat painfully fast in his chest as he turned away.

"So, are you actually gonna do it or bail again? Wasn't that your goal? To kill everyone, then Bloodmoon? Make yourself the last standing remainder of the family?" Eclipse gripped the rope tighter. "I don't NEED your ass lecturing me right now..." Lunar chuckled coldly. "You don't, huh? Well, that's too bad. Anyway, I'd like to see Sun hang." Eclipse turned back around quickly.

"What..?" Lunar went over to Sun's chair, where he was unconscious. He ran his finger along the chair, then stared at Sun's face. "I never liked him. I think it's good he's getting what he deserves." Eclipse stared in disbelief. Then, it finally hit him, like a kick ball to the gut. This wasn't Lunar. This WASN'T Lunar. Lunar would never say something like this. He'd be crying and begging Eclipse to stop, like he did the night of the murder. "You aren't Lunar, are you?"

The figure of his youngest brother walked closer, hands behind his back with that same, cold smile. "Look at you. Such a smart boy..." A being of Eclipse's horror then arose from the figure that was Lunar. Eclipse kept stepping back as the creature kept stepping towards him. He ended up tripping over a metal pipe and falling back, his arm getting impaled by a large metal railroad spike.

He gasped sharply in pain as the creature loomed over him. Eclipse refused to get up, knowing he'll bleed out if the nail was removed from his arm. He was shaking with tears running down his face. "Go away... go away... please..." The creature laughed. "I don't think I will, Clipsy...~ You see, no one will believe you, and no one can SEE me, so that makes -" "I-I can see you..." The creature looks over to find Sun awake, his chair turned to face them. He smiled sheepishly.

"Y-Yeah. I uh- I see things too. Haven't seen something like this yet, however." Eclipse was still breathing heavily, truly scared of the being in front of him. The creature laughed loudly, both brothers flinching as it echoed off the walls. "You really think that I'll just DISAPPEAR?" Sun shakes his head. "No... you won't... I know that from experience. But Eclipse can always contain you." Eclipse looked at his brother, who made eye contact with him.

"Evan... you aren't the monster you see yourself as. I know you. I did a lot more talking as a kid than I did observing, but... you're my oldest brother. I looked up to you. I saw past your sarcastic, cruel barrier. You were hurting. You were angry. You didn't have a good mind, and Mom and Dad never listened or took you seriously. But... I'm here now! I'm done being afraid of you... I want to help you, brother... let me help you..."

Eclipse swallowed thickly, his breathing heavy and quick, each breath feeling like a sharp pain. His arm was throbbing due to the nail, but Sun's eyes seemed safe and warm. He couldn't help but start to cry. He sobbed loudly, almost screaming. Sun couldn't do much but look at him since he was tied to the chair. The creature, as Sun could see, was fading, trying to scream at Eclipse that he's a monster.

Eventually... the creature was gone. Sun smiled gently. "Just cry, Evan... it's okay... you'll be okay." Eclipse's weeping and sobbing echoed in the warehouse, eventually going silent after a few minutes. Eclipse, with shaky legs, got up. He stumbled towards Sun, falling on his knees behind the chair. With one hand, he untied his brother from his bounds. Sun couldn't stand. His leg was still broken. However, he leaned back and ruffled the eldest brother's hair.

"I still think you're good... Evan..." Eclipse wiped his tears. "Seth... what do I do...? I don't know what to do anymore..." His voice was sore and breaking due to his tears and his heavy sobbing earlier. Sun was silent. He didn't know what Eclipse could do now. "All I could say is to turn yourself in, but... That sounds kinda rude..." Eclipse sighed heavily, knowing that really was the only option.

"Yeah... that really is the only option, isn't it?" He chuckled lightly. "I'm such a horrible person. I killed Lunar... our parents... I got Blaze to join me... and I tried to kill you and Milo..." Sun smiled brightly, which caught Evan off guard. "Hey, but at least you're gonna get better, right?" Evan shrugged. Seth managed to turn the chair around again to look at his eldest brother's face. "This is your decision, Evan..."

Seth opened his arm, offering Evan a hug. He then said something that really made the eldest think. "You can either hug me or stab me... either would work for me..." Evan looked at Seth with pure horror. He was letting him kill him? Was he trying to try some reverse logic? Evan was shaky again, his arm still in great pain to the nail he never pulled out. This was it. His final decision. Either he could kill Sun right here and now, or just... be brothers.

Without any hesitation, Evan hugged his brother tight, crying once more in his arms. Seth hugged him back, rubbing his back and comforting him. "Shh... it's okay... it's okay... Evan..." The warehouse doors then burst open. Bloodmoon appeared, and they seemed pissed. "TRAITOR!!" They shouted at Eclipse. He got out of the hug quickly and looked at them. "Blaze, listen to me -" They refused. They were livid.

"WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS TOGETHER!! AND OUR NAME IS BLOODMOON!! Nothing but a NASTY TRAITOR!!" Before they got a chance to lunge at Eclipse, someone hit them hard enough on the side of the head with their gun to knock him out. Monty, Moon, and Rowan finally arrived. "He's fucking annoying," Monty grumbled as Moon ran toward his brother.

He shoved Eclipse out of the way to the floor and hugged Sun, who looked shaky and pale. His wounds must finally be catching up with him. Monty approached Eclipse and pointed the gun at him. "Any last words dirtbag?" Eclipse smiled coldly. "Pull the trigger, bitch boy." Sun panicked. "DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER!!" Moon let go quickly. "Sun, he killed Lunar, kidnapped you, and tried to kill US!!" Sun mumbled his response nervously, feeling himself slipping unconscious.

"I just... I just... don't kill him..." Sun then finally passed out. Moon caught him in his arms. "Shit... he's out cold..." Moon looked back over at Eclipse, who had a cold, stern look on his face. "If it makes you trust me more, Milo, you can tie my hands behind my back while the police arrive." Moon sighed. "Yes, that would make me 'trust you' more. Rowan, can you do that?" Rowan nodded and grabbed some rope.

Monty forced Eclipse up onto his feet and shoved him against the wall. Rowan then tied his hands behind his back and forced him into the chair. Monty, for extra measures, tied Eclipse's ankles as well. Rowan went over to Bloodmoon, lifted them up, and tied them as well. Monty dialed 911 and walked away in order to have a silent call. Moon snarled at Eclipse. "What did you do to my brother, Evan?"

Eclipse rolled his eyes. "I didn't do shit. Okay, maybe I was the one who knocked him out with a damn brick in the parking lot, but I didn't beat him up further. That was Bloodmoon." Moon kicked his knee as hard as he could. Eclipse flinched heavily and sighed. "Yeah, I deserved that. Look, Seth... Sun... is special. I now know that. I know I'm guilty, I know I'm a criminal, I just want to go back and say fuck it, I'm done, you win. Take me away."

Moon growled and kicked him again. Once again, Eclipse flinched. He didn't seem to want to fight anymore. I guess they really did win... Monty came back over, the cops still on the phone. "They're on their way. About 10 minutes away." Rowan went outside so they could flag them down when they come by. Monty gave Rowan his phone so he could describe the area better than he did. He looked over at Eclipse with a nasty glare as he took off his shades and folded them, pocketing them.

"What did you do to Sun you vile fuck?" He asked threateningly. Eclipse rolled his eyes again. "Deaf fucking ginger. I said I didn't DO anything-" Just then, Monty punched Eclipse in the face, knocking a tooth out. "LIAR!!" Eclipse spat his tooth out and chuckled. "Can't wait till the police get here..."

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