The First Day

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Two days had gone by. They both managed to pay their bills once again, and both had quit their shitty as hell jobs. It was finally the first day of their new job. Sun was assigned to care for the kids while the lights were on, and Moon cared for the kids while the lights were off. They both got their own jester-like outfits, Sun's was sun themed and Moon's was moon themed. They ate breakfast, Sun full of excitement.

"Oh, I can't wait for the first day! I want to meet all the kiddos! We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads EXPLODE, and play all day long!" Sun was so excited he accidentally knocked his bowl of cereal to the floor. Moon chuckled as Sun rushed to clean it up. "I guess this won't be all that bad." He said. Sun smiled shyly, still cleaning up the mess he had made. Moon was happy to see Sun this way, goofy and energetic, like in the old days.

On the drive to work, it was still super early in the morning, and Moon was starting to doze off. Sun was wide awake. It was around 5:28 in the morning, so Sun knew Moon had a reason to be tired. "Hey Moony, they gave me some of these Sundrop Candies, want one?" Moon shook his head. "I don't trust those candies one bit. I think they put a drug of some kind in there." Sun shrugged.

When they made it to the Pizza Plex, it was around 5:49, they had about 10 minutes to get to the daycare. "Do you think we have time to look around?" Sun asked. "No," Moon said firmly. He didn't seem excited anymore. Sun said nothing as they made their way to the daycare. It was about 5:58 when they arrived at the daycare. Moon went off somewhere else as Sun stood at the door to greet the parents and children. He was practically jumping up and down with joy.

Once the kids had arrived, Sun was overjoyed. He played with them, did puppet shows, did arts and crafts, played tag, and hide and seek. They were having a blast. Eventually, he noticed one of the kids was off to the side. Sun went over to the little girl. "Heya Sunshine, are you okay?" He asked her. She shook her head. "M-My brother is a meany..." Sun sat down in front of her. "You can tell me what's wrong Sunbeam."

She explained that she recently started liking My Little Pony, and her brother kept calling her stupid and dumb for it. "Well Sunshine, you're brother is wrong! You can enjoy whatever you want! What makes you happy makes you happy and you should never feel ashamed! Also, My Little Pony is an amazing show!" The little girl smiled. "Yea! My older brother is wrong! Wait, can I make a pony puppet?"

Sun smiled. "Of course, you can!" He replied. Sun and the kids played for another few hours until Moon reappeared. "Alright children, it's naptime. I have set up all the mats and pillows so you can rest your little heads." All the kids groaned and one even fell into a full tantrum. Sun went to calm the child down. "Now now Jaimee, we can continue to play after naptime! You'll be rested and full of energy!"

The other kids went off to their mats, annoyed with Jaimee. Moon mumbled to himself about something. After a couple of minutes, Sun had gotten the kid to calm down and go to a mat. Moon turned off the lights as Sun went to the room the Pizza Plex offered for when they switched out. Sun collapsed on the bed and took a nap of his own. Moon walked around and made sure the kids were sleeping. One of the kids tugged gently on his funky pants. "Mr. Moon? Can you read us a story?"

"What story do you want me to read starlight?" Moon asked. "Can you read little red riding hood?" The kid asked. "Oh Starlight, I have that one memorized, well, the Disney version anyway." Moon sat down and started to tell them the story of little red riding hood. The kids who had had trouble falling asleep listened to the story and seemed happy. After Moon finished the story, the kids wanted to be sung lullabies.

Moon sang them many lullabies, getting most of the children to fall asleep in the end. Maybe this job wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Moon had noticed the time and realized naptime was over. "Alright kiddos, time to wake up. Naptime is over." He went around gently woke up the children while Sun went and turned on the lights. The kids seemed happy and well-rested. Moon and Sun then swapped out with each other again. Sun seemed excited to play again.

Finally, when the day had ended, Sun greeted the parents at the doors, he also made sure that the mother/father were actually the child's parent(s). Once all the kids were gone, Sun looked at the daycare. It was a mess. "Good Golly! This place is a mess!" He said. "Never say golly again or I will hit you," Moon stated. They both then got to work on cleaning the daycare.

About an hour and a half into cleaning, someone knocked on the daycare door. "Sorry! The daycare is closed!" Sun called out. "I know Sunny, I just came to tell yall something." It was Chica! Sun put the box he was holding in its proper place, then ran to her and hug her. They hugged for a moment before both let go. "The cast is throwing a welcome party for you two! So I came to collect you guys! If you want to of course," she explained. "Well, normally Moony is very antisocial," Sun started with a nervous smile.

"We'll love to go," Moon interrupted. "Perfect! The location is DJMM's place in the Pizza Plex. The map person will probably give you a map the second you step out. Be careful, he likes to pop up out of nowhere." Both waved Chica goodbye as she left and continued to clean. "Are you sure Moony? I know how you get around crowds," Sun asked. Moon nodded. "You normally don't get to do things you like because of my antisocial ass, so I want to let you do this."

Sun smiled weakly as they realized they've been done cleaning for about 3 minutes. "Did you bring our spare clothes?" Sun asked. "Yep, come on, let's get out of these things. They are so fucking warm."

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