A Date with the DJ

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(Mentions of suicide, mentions of self harm)

Blaze's yell of pain ran through Sun's head often. His performance with the kids started to lack a bit. Earlier, he had to go to a meeting with Freddy and the manager about his performance lacking, and the kids often running out of the daycare. Sun was assigned with work on the computer, which he wasn't getting far on because he was unfocused and kept making mistakes. Click click click click click... It was silent since Moon had night guard duty.

Someone then knocked on the daycare door, which startled Sun enough to where he fell out of his chair. "Shit, sorry, Sun." Rowan helped him to his feet. Sun noticed he was holding something in his top right hand. "Uhm, h-hello!" Sun said with a nervous smile. Rowan smiled sheepishly. "So I saw that you've been stressed recently. So, I thought a nice night out could get your mind off of whatever is going on right now." Sun's face lit up like light.

"A-Are you asking me on a date?" He asked. Rowan got flustered and nervous again. "I-I mean, you don't need to! I-It was just a -" Sun cut him off, "I'd love to!" Rowan seemed happy. Two hands went into his pockets, one hand went on his hips, and another hand had Sun a bunch of sunflowers. Sun smiled. "Sunflowers! Because people call me Sun all the time!" The DJ nodded. Sun gave him a small kiss on the hand.

"What time are you picking me up?" Sun asked. "I was thinking 10 tonight?" Rowan suggested. Sun nodded. "That's perfect! See you then!" The DJ then gave Sun a kiss on the cheek and walked out. Sun immediately lost his happy attitude and felt dread. What if Rowan finds out he stabbed someone? What if the date goes wrong? What if Rowan doesn't show up?! What if he doesn't look nice enough?!

Sun was thinking of 150 ways he could mess this up when Moon walked in. Sun almost screamed because he entered unannounced. "Sorry, Sun, I didn't scare you too badly, right?" Moon asked. Sun coughed a bit and ran his fingers through his silky, dirty blonde hair. "N-Nope! I was just... thinking..." Moon sighed. "Sun, I'm not letting you commit suicide if you plan on trying to do that again..."

Sun stayed silent for a moment. It's been a week since he stabbed Bloodmoon. He still can't believe he stabbed his own brother... he tried to attempt the whole week, but Moon stayed up with him for hours until he fell asleep, risking his own sleep. "N-No. That's not what I was thinking about..." Moon then noticed the flowers Sun dropped. "Sun, you dropped something." The older twin immediately scrambled to pick it up. "Who gave that to you?" Moon asked.

"Well, I-I- well, uh-" Sun cleared his throat. "Me and Rowan are going on a date tonight..." Moon's face lit up in surprised. "He asked you out? Sun, that's great!" Sun looked at the smile on Moon's face. He had never seen Moon with that kind of smile before. "Moony, are you actually happy for me?" Moon put a hand on Sun's shoulder. "Well, you never get out, and relationships you said are complicated, so I thought it would never happen."

Moon actually seemed genuinely happy about this. Sun smiled weakly and held the sunflowers closer. "Finish your computer work, and when you go home -" Moon looked at his phone. It was 8:21. "Look in my closet in the very VERY back." Sun nodded. Moon grabbed his soda and went back to doing his night job. Sun swallowed hard. Moon didn't get back until midnight... which would give him enough time to...

No... NO!! He needed to stop thinking of that! He knew stabbing Blaze would do this to him. He knew if he died, his brother would be alone, and he knew if he died... Lunar would hate him... Sun took a few deep breaths and started to work again. This time, it was easier now that he was calm and had something else to focus on for the first time in weeks. Tonight is going to be good! He could just feel it in his bones!

Sun was driving home when he thought about what Moon said. Something about going into his closet? Moon never let's Sun into his room! So when Sun got home, he went inside and put all his stuff away properly, then went to Moon's door and opened it gently. Moon's room was very clean and organized, unlike Sun's, and it was full of moon themed items. Sun went to the closet and opened it. All he saw was Moon's clothes.

He dug around until he got to the back. He then noticed a very nice, not overly fancy, but still nice-looking sun themed shirt. Next to it was the same shirt but moon themed. There was a note on it. "Reminder, when Sun goes on his first date, give this to him."  Sun chuckled. Rowan wouldn't be able to see it with his jacket on, but he still took it out of the closet to wear anyway.

Sun got dressed all nice and handsome for the date. He didn't understand why Rowan chose so late at night, but he didn't mind. He wasn't going to sleep tonight anyway. He was sitting on the couch, waiting. 10:05... maybe he's running a bit late? 10:10.... Sun started to get nervous. 10:15... Sun felt his heart hurting. Maybe this was all a joke... Rowan probably just wanted to mess with him... Sun knew he could never be loving material. 10:20... Sun sighed.

Then, the doorbell rung. He opened the door to find Rowan, out of breath, hands on knees, and holding something. "I'm... so... sorry... I'm 20... minutes late..." Sun felt a little hurt still but decided to laugh it off a bit. "It's no problem... What are you holding?" Rowan looked up and smiled. "You'll see," he said, putting the small box in his pocket. He offered a hand to Sun, and he took it. They started to walk in the dark and snow. Rowan had his top set of hands in his pocket, the bottom left hand holding Sun's, and the bottom right one swinging to his side.

It was a bit uncomfortable between them. "Hey, Sun?" Sun looked at Rowan. "Do you mind me asking something a bit personal?" Sun thought about it. "No, I don't mind." Rowan took a breath. "When... did you start hurting yourself?" Sun sighed, knowing he was the one who let him ask. "I'll- tell you that in the future, okay?" Rowan nodded. "Can I ask you a question?" The DJ nodded. Sun thought of a question.

"How come you have four arms?" Rowan chuckled. "I was born this way. My mom wanted to get the bottom set removed, but since they were full arms and functional, she let me keep them. Let me tell you, sometimes I wish she got rid of them." Sun smiled gently. "Well, I like them! I think they're cool as hell!" He covered his mouth. "S-Sorry for my language." Rowan laughed. "It's fine, Sunny."

They kept walking until they made it to a certain spot. "Why are we stopping here?" Sun noticed the blanket laid out, the spare blanket, and the basket with some wine and snacks. "I was thinking we could have a few drinks tonight. There is a Christmas firework show that's going to go off at around 11. I wanted you to watch them with me..." Sun's eyes glittered. "Of course I'll watch them with you, Rowan!" His smile, Rowan though, could light up the world. How could someone ever hurt him?

They sat down and got some wine. They talked about life, family, and other things. They laughed, Sun at one point cried, and at around 10:59, they were cuddled together under a blanket, drinking some wine. Sun felt happy for the first time in a while. Rowan seemed happy, too. The fireworks then started to go off. One by one, the fireworks popped into the air, giving off beautiful gleaming colors of light. Rowan looked at Sun.

The fireworks lit up his eye, making his beautiful blue eyes look like diamonds. "Rowan... this is beautiful..." Rowan smiled. "Not as beautiful as you, Sun." The shorter male looked at the DJ. They locked eyes for a while before Sun looked back at the fireworks. He felt like a fool. All these attempts... always thinking no one loved him... Rowan gently grabbed Sun's hand as they watched the firework show.

"Hey Rowan?" The DJ looked at him. "...do you think there could be something between us..?" Rowan smiled, then kissed Sun. This took him by surprise, but he kissed back. Kissing under the starry sky while watching the fireworks made this whole thing better for Sun. He felt loved and wanted for once. Rowan pulled him closer. It felt great to feel this way for someone...

Sun then pulled away from the kiss to get air. They looked at one another for a moment before Sun hugged his now boyfriend. Rowan gently played with Sun's hair as they watched the rest of the fireworks. "Hey, what was in that box from earlier?" The DJ then pulled out the small box and opened it to show a promise ring. "I wanted to give this to you..." Sun blushed. The fireworks were getting to the final part of the show. Sun didn't know what to say...

"...I-..." He thought about how happy Lunar would be if he came home and told Moon he had a boyfriend. Sun smiled gently, feeling his love for this DJ spike in his heart. "Rowan... I'd love to accept this ring from you..."

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